
One Gamer, One Life

"So, welcome to our house, everyone! My name is Gina Choi. Just call me Mrs. Choi."

"Hello," everyone else in the room said, all kind of awkward. The five girls who had been decided to live together were finally joined together for the first time.

"How about we introduce ourselves? Qian, you can go first. I know her mom, so I invited her," Mrs. Choi breaks in. She knows it's all awkward, so to break the silence that was starting to settle already she had to say something. If there was one thing she can't stand, it's an awkward atmosphere. "Why don't we go clockwise from her."

"Okay, Mrs. Choi. Hello everyone, my name is Qian Song, but I go with Victoria," an older looking girl says with a slight accent. Her face features, Krystal notices, are graceful and soft, just like her voice. "I'm a freshman in the college next to the high school, majoring in dance, and my native language is Chinese. Also, uh, I like to cook?" Everyone laughs at the cute ending, and looks expectantly at the next person.

"Uh, hi. The name's Josephine Liu, but I prefer Amber," the girl says bluntly. She's obviously a boyish girl, with ripped pants and a t-shirt that has a drawing of a monster on it. "I'm a junior. I can speak both Chinese and English fluently" she acknowledges Victoria and Krystal "and my favorite color is not amber." Again, everyone giggles at the little joke, but is secretly happy because they were wondering that.

"Hello guys! I'm Jinri Choi, and she," she points at her mom "is my mom. I'm a sophomore, and I love acting!" All the girls smile at her cheerful personality, including Krystal.

"Hello, my name is Soojung Jung, but call me Krystal Kim." Since everyone knows about the plan, the former Soojung openly says her real name and real things. "I'm supposed to be from L.A., and am a sophomore, like Jinri." She then turns to the person next to her, since she usually does not like the attention on her.

"Hey everyone! My name's Sunyoung Park, call me Luna. Huh, almost everyone is using a fake name!" Luna, everyone notices, is a very bright girl in terms of personality and appearance. With blonde hair and orange shirt and baby blue jeans, she's practically shining. "We should make one for Jinri. Anyways, I'm a junior also, like Amber, right?" The mentioned nods. "Let's see. I like to sing. There!" Luna smiles triumphantly at her little random fact about herself. Krystal allows herself another small smile; Luna's really talkative, she thinks.

"Okay everyone! Now that we know each other, let's play cards. I've learned from past experiences that the fastest way to grow close to others is to play a game while talking. Gotta keep your hands busy, right?" At Mrs. Choi's words, everyone nods and sits around the table in the kitchen.

"There's no wonder where Jinri got her cheerfulness," Amber says out loud, which makes everyone laugh again. They spread out their cards and start to play Spoons.

Seeing that all the girls were settled, Mrs. Choi slips away into the living room, where the boys are. She expects another awkward silence, but instead she hears excited chatter amongst everyone there.

"Well, boys, did you all introduce yourselves?" she asks, catching everyone's attention.

"Yes," they chorus.

"That's good. Can you guys introduce yourselves to me?"

"Sure," one guy says in an easygoing manner. He has a nice eyesmile and looks genuinely happy. "I'll start. Hello, my name is Jinki Lee. Call me Onew. I'm a senior. My favorite sport is soccer, and my favorite team is the ManchestersUnited." At his last statement, the room fills with noise from others voicing out their opinions on the team.

"Okay, okay, boys," Mrs. Choi laughs. "Let me know you guys first." At that, everyone calms down again. and looks around for the next person.

"Here, I'll go," offers a flashy kind of guy. As in, he's very decorated and is wearing crazily matched clothes and has highlighted hair. "My name is Kibum Kim, like the singer, but call me Key. I'm a junior, and my fave is also Manchester United." This time around, nobody speaks up but just slightly nods because they just want to get the intros over with so they can talk more about sports.

"Hey, the name's Jonghyun Kim, a junior. My team's Manchester United." Everyone grins at the brown-haired guy, but says nothing.

"Hello," a quiet voice speaks up. He has a small, nervous grin on his face. "My name is Taemin Lee. I'm a sophomore. My favorite team is also the MU." They all turn to Minho, waiting.

"Well, my own mother knows me," he says, shrugging. Everyone laughs. "But I'll still introduce myself for the sake of it. I'm Minho Choi. Junior. And, as all of you have been waiting for me to say, I am also a fan of Manchester United." The boys break out into cheers and high fives each other, starting to talk about what happened this season.

Laughing, Mrs. Choi backs away into the kitchen where the girls are. She shakes her head at the silliness of boys, and laughs again at the room with a 180 degrees different atmosphere. Instead of a lively and noisy sound, she hears giggles and warm talking. Talk about the difference between girls and boys.

I'm back! Pretty fast this time, eh? :) It's not that long, but it's still something. So finally all the others makes an appearance here! Did you like it? :P Anyways, I have no idea if everyone in SHINee likes soccer and Manchester United, but I knew Minho kind of did (did he? I'm so unsure about this fact) so I just made them all fans of MU. I'm not even sure if it's called MU either! Sorry, I don't know much of soccer. I tried to make them stereotypical, like boys all crazy and talking about sports and girls all giggly and shy. I don't know if I managed to portray that well. Anyways, thanks for reading! Comment and subscribe, whatever it is, I appreciate it. Bye.

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Chapter 34: Hehehe nice chapter. I like it. Thxxxxx u for the update xD
OMG minstal moment pls author
Chapter 33: It's just a little bit minstal moments here but I still like it. Thxxxxx u for the update xD
lollikpop #4
Chapter 33: Still here :) kekeke
Chapter 32: I like this chapter. Can't wait minstal moments, Please update soon and thxxxxx u for the update xD
minstalLuvers_94 #6
Chapter 32: Yeayy can't wait minstal moment.. Nowadays lack of story about minstal..huhuhu
Chapter 31: More minstal moment please T^T
amiisiltya #8
Thank you. You're vack. I'm happy, minstal fanfic is so rare but you're back with minstal. I live it. Thank you so much:)
Chapter 31: Woot! You're back on track! YES
Chapter 31: It's nice chapter. Thxxxxx u for the update xD