Why don't you know?

If it's you I think I can always smile


Two weeks went by since Himchan cried his heart to Daehyun out. The elder was thinking the whole time about Daehyun and what could be his problem. He felt bad for his dongsae, also was he glad to have finally something what could bring him on other thoughts than just Yongguk. He admited that after a while you'll get tiered. So he was happy to finally do something productiv with his life. He made „finding Daehyuns secret out“ on place number one on his to-do list.

The whole week Himchan was busy watching his Dongsae carefully, so he observe every thing he was doing, EVERY movment. Sadly he failed at it badly. Daehyun's face expression would never change. Like seriously NEVER. It didn't matter what happend around them, Daehyun would just sit their and blankly stare through the room. Their was a day when the cafeteria food really taste bad. While everyone in the room would wrinkle their nose in disguest or ever throw their food up, Daehyun just look at his fork and simply said „Well.. that tastes like .“ Himchan was about going crazy about how someone could keep so calm at everything and show no single expression. He didn't even show some signs that he was sleepy, when he had dark circels around his eyes, he always stayed the same. Himchan was about giving his hopes up and return to his believe that Daehyun really was some kind of an alien, when he finally saw the hurtness in Daehyun's eyes again.

It was Friday and it was the middel of the second break. The four friends sat at some table in the back of the cafeteria. Himchan sat like always next to Youngjae with his back to the rest of the crowed so he couldn't see someone certain. On the other side Daehyun and Byunghyun were sitting like always. Daehyun was eating some piece of a pizza he bought before, while Byunghyun and Youngjae were argumenting like always. It was when Byunghyun asked them something, when Himchan saw something changing in Daehyun's face.

Did you noticed that we didn't party anymore? We should go out drinking like in old times. What do you think guys?“ Himchan body tensed up when he saw how Daehyun's mask slowly broke down. He sat straight and watched the younger closely, so he could observe all of his features. The elder was a bit confuesed why Byunghyun's question made the younger weak for the moment. He panicked when he noticed that Daehyun got aware of that and slowly changed to his old expression. It was what Youngjae said as the blonde's mask broke down for one short moment „Oh god no! I never drink again since the last time I wear drunk. I can't remember a thing what happend back then.“ For one short moment Himchan saw all feelings Daehyun hide so well inside of him. He felt like throwing up, at the sight of the hurt boy infront of him. And when the younger looked up to him, it was more then Himchan actually thought he could handel. This was more then the first time he saw feelings inside of Daehyun's eyes. Normally his eyes looked dead and didn't show some kinds of feelings. This time his eye's were screaming to kill him imidently. Daehyun's face got pale and Himchan swore he saw his lips trembeling when his eyes almost begged him to kill him now and end his pain. Daehyun looked back down again at his plate, it was like he tried to keep his tears to himself. The elders mind went blank, he wished to help but he didn't knew how. Maybe hugging Daehyun would help him, but after all Daehyun wasn't really the type that likes skinship or hugs. And how could Himchan help him, if he didn't even knew what was hurting him. He just knew that something Youngjae hurt his dongsae.

Many thoughts of explenation's were running through his mind to answere his question. But none of them made sense to the elder. „What do you thinkin Daehyun Hyung ?“ the other blonde next to him said as he pinched his side. Himchan was shocked by how fast Daehyun suddenly recoverd. The younger looked up from his plate to Byunghyun with his normal cold expression, maybe even colder and simply said „I don't know. I need to go.“ He then grabed his bag from under the table and walked away as fast as he could. None of them except Himchan was thinking something about his behaivor since Daehyun was always like that. But Himchan who saw his pain before knew something was wrong. He wanted to go after him, when Youngjae interrupted him. „Oh I still got Daehyun's money. I'll go after him. We see us later.“ and with that Youngjae stood up and walked as fast as Daehyun walked. Himchan didn't even noticed his best friend strange face expression since he still was focus on Daehyun.

„So what do you think?“ It was the voice of his other Dongsae Byunghyun who called him back to reality. „What do you mean ?“ „If you want to go drinking tonight?“ Himchan bit his lips. Actually he really like to go drinking. He liked the feeling you have when you're drunk. It made him forget his awful memories and he enjoyed to creat funny memories you made when you're drunk . Of course this was something he would never admit. So he simply shrug his shoulder and said „Meeh I don't know.“ „Oh come on, please Hyung~ You know it's fun. Also I may have someone you will like.“ Byunghyun wiggel his eyebrows at the other who looked confuesed „What do you mean you know someone?“ „Kek, i knew that would caught your attention. Well I have a friend i wanted to interdouce you to. I think he's exactly you're type.“ „What's his name?“ the younger hold his breath for a seconde before he said „Jongup.“ 'Oh god no' „Jongup ? Do you mean Moon Jongup?“ Byunghyun was clearly suprised by that „You know him ?! Since when?!“ „Well.. it's complicated, but yeah i know him.“ Byunghyun looked a moment at Himchan before he slowly smirked at him while he came nearer with his face to him „Do you like him Hyung?“ „WHAT ?! NO!“ Himchan yelled at his dongsae who just chuckeld „You're sure?“ „Of course I am.. well ok he looks good, but I don't like him.“ Himchan felt himself blushing and wished Byunghyun wouldn't notice, but he did. The younger was still staring at his Hyung with his smirk. He slowly got up and looked down at Himchan while he said „We meet at 8pm in the park where we always met in summer.“ He winked at Himchan and walked away. „YA Byunghyun.“ Himchan yelled at his dongsae who just waved his hand.

'Moon Jongup huh ?' He knew Jongup. He knew him good. They met four months ago when Himchan was out with friends from his class Suho and Kris. They were the only people in his class which were somewhat ok. They were begging him to come with him drinking, Kris even promised he would pay back then and since Himchan secretly like drinking he met up with them. Also thought he it would be good to have a fun night, after his depression because his only love left.

They met in a little park near Kris home and sat down on bench, starting drinking. The three of them got drunk in less then a hour. Himchan smiled at his memories of how Suho and Kris did a freestyle dance battle. Oh boy they were pretty bad in dancing and it was more then funny. Himchan almost died of laughter, because of Kris awkwards dance moves. Yes it was a fun evening and it got pretty interesting when suddenly a groupe of four other boys appear. They were all also drunk. Somehow both groups began to talk with eachother and they decided to stick with eachother because they liked eachother. Kris the derp he was began to battle with on of the other groupe, but to his misfortune the one he choose was a b-boy and hell was he a good dancer and good looking too. After kris noticed he had no chance, he  run screaming away pretending he were a dragon, swinging his armas back and fourth as they were his wings. The groupe run after him except Himchan and the b-boy. Himchan was to drunk to move so he sat on the ground next to the bench. The other boy infront of him sat down on the ground next to him.

„Hey what's your name?“ The stranger asked smirking. Even if himchan was drunk he noticed that the boy beside him was pretty hot. He had short brown hair which was style messy, he had small eyes but they had an incredible y stare. Unfortunaly Himchan was to drunk so he just giggled like a girl „Secret“ The other boy raised an eyebrow in the most seductiv way someone could do. „Secret ?“ he ask as he laughed. Himchan just nodded still giggeling „Wh-what's your name?“ The strange boy just chuckeld, clearly he wasn't as drunk as Himchan and could think straight „Secret.“ he imitated Himchan. Himchan didn't agree with the other boys answere. He wanted to know the name of the hot stranger, so he did something he normally wouldn't do – aegyo.

He began to pout and shook the other boy's shoulder as excuse to get closer to him „Ya~ I want to know your name~ !“ The other boy begang to laugh and grabed Himchan's hand which was still on his shoulder. „Aish you so cute.“ He pinched his cheek with his other hand. Himchan just pouted more and gave him his best puppy look, what the brunett couldn't resist so he gave in „I'm Jongup.“ satisfied with himself Himchan smiled at Jongup who still held his hand. He didn't mind it thought. When Jongup replyed his smile with a smirk he felt his heart skip a beat. It didn't help how Jongup looked at him with his y stare. Himchan caught himself staring at the other boys lips. They seemed so sweet and seductive, he looked up to see that Jongup brought his face nearer to hiss, still looking at him with lust in his eyes. Himchan held his breath when he felt his hot breath on his face. They lips were almost touching when suddenly Suho's drunk voice was interupting them „Himchan~ where are you ?“ Himchan imidently turn his head away to look from where Suho's voice came. His brain was to drunk to process what just almost happen. He stood up „Hyung~ I'm here“ he waved like crazy and tried to run to his hyung when he tripped over his own feet. Two strong arms saved him thought from falling. He turn around to see Jongup still smirking at him while holding his waist„Himchan huh? Guess you're name isn't a secret anymore.“ Himchan didn't even noticed that Jongup's face moved closer to his own trying to start there where they just stoped. He simply was to drunk, so he didn't thought about it when he pressed his finger on Jongup's lips trying to shush him. „SSHHH they can't know.“ The brunett let go of Himchan's waist and lookd confuesed at him, when he mumble against his finger „Who ?“ „The matokis. They are everywheeere.“

Yip that was cleary the night when Himchan made himself an idiot infront of one of the hottest guy's he ever saw. To his luck Jongup didn't take it serious though,they managed somehow to exchange numbers, they even stayed in contact a bit. After Yongguk left him he thought Jongup could replace this empty hole inside him. Himchan liked the brunett, but he didn't had a crush on him, he just thought that he was sweet and y. It wasn't love, but it was more then friendship somehow. There was just this tension between them and Himchan couldn't decribe what it was..


It was Byunghyun who found Daehyun and Youngjae infront of the school building. He watched them from afar. Youngjae handel something to Daehyun what seems like money. After he handel it to him he just patted the shoulder of the blonde and went back into the school building. Byunghyun imidently hide behinde one of the trees outside the school. He knew something was fishy about Daehyun. Byunghyun was Daehyun's best friend and he knew more then the others about him. After all he was the one Daehyun trusted the most. When Youngjae enter the building Byunghyun walked towards Daehyun. Daehyun still stood there looking at his hand with the money Yongjae just gave him. Byunghyun knew his best friend to good, so he knew exactly when he is hurt and when not. Sadly Daehyun was hurt like the whole time. He didn't knew why since Daehyun wasn't ready yet to completly trust Byunghyun. "Daehyun hyung ? Hyunnie is here , tell me what is it you thinking of ?" Byunghyun said as the shoulder of his Hyung. Daehyun looked up to him with teary eyes. "Why ?" he simply said with a trembeling voice. "why what?" the younger said worried. "Why does he not remeber?" a tear fell from his eye and ran his cheeks down before it land on his hand with the money. Byunghyung sighed when he pulled the older one in his embrace. "I don't know Hyung. I really don't know.."


Hello my beautiful subbies ^-^ I'm so glad that this fanfic gets so positiv feed back ^-^

kekeke yeeah finally Jongup appears in the story *throws confetti*  ahhaah more Yongguk will appear soon ^-^& what will be Daehyun's secret ?? kekeke 

love uu all <3<3

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i feel like give you a spoiler ._. haha let me tell you .. y yongguki is going to finally take his place in this story ^-^


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Chapter 8: Hello new subbie here, so far your story is great, esp Daehyun's character ! I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 7: poor Daehyun !!!! Jae you jerk lol
Chapter 6: **sniff** no comments (just want to know the suite lol)
Chapter 5: totally loved that chapter with Daehyunnie as the confident
Chapter 2: yeahh love your story very much ^^
thanks for your work
will continue to read
LKyellow #6
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry that your laptop was stolen :(
Chapter 8: Lol!!!! Anw I guess all ur subbies will be waiting for you...
When I saw the update I was like wohhooo but then I was down:(
That _______ that stole ur laptop.... Wanna kill him
Chapter 7: Haha exoonly since I read your comment I'm saying it all the time haha so thank you :D
And omo gyu gyu wuhuuu Jongup is there *throws confetti* haha and omo 'ehat looked somehow like money' what did youngjae give to daehyun D.O ??? Haha let me have hopes for Daejae btw I found a new gif of them its just asdkigodpfk haha I will show it to you tomorrow keke and I look like kakashi haha
Update soon <3 I have a few ideas keke till then taemjongout ~~ sleep well my bottom ____ <3
*sings Yongguks part in coma* whee whe wheeee hahaha awuuuu ~~~
Chapter 7: this story is one of my best; as the comment below, it makes me wanna cry and laugh. I am so curious now about daehyun and yongjae that i almost forgot about banghim kikiki. plz update soon. it's really good. keep it up.
Chapter 7: jonguppiee come to noona you smexy beast hahaha so cute... I can't ... in one min I want to laugh and the next I wanna cry... aish... hahahh \/{°-°}\/ peace