I need to learn for math

If it's you I think I can always smile


Eun-eunji noona , can I call daddy?“



He doesn't want to talk with you.“


He hates you Himchan. You are just a burden for him.“


You should just kill yourself Himchan. You really should.“



He felt empty and his eyes were numb. After what felt like a enternally of crying, there weren't tears left. He had no other choice then just staring at the stall door, still feeling the heat of his eyes and his wet hands from crying. There was a hole inside him which left him feel numb, he wanted to shout his anger out, but there was no more anger or frustrandes just a big empty hole which left him feel dead. How long he sat now on the toillet? He had no idea. After all time just flied away, he wasn't sure if only 20 minutes passed or maybe an hour. Himchan was alone, all on his own and he had no clue how he got himself out. Maybe he didn't even want to. Maybe he just wanted to die or maybe he just wanted to be safed. Just as he heard someone walking in the bathroom he got pulled back to reality. He imidently pulled his knees to his stomache, so no one could see that someone was in the stall. It took him a couple of seconds when he realized that more then one person enter the school bathroom. Their heavy steps came nearer to his stall and he hoped that they just needed to pee. But it wasn't so.


Himchan? Himchan are you there?“ He heard the familiar voice of his bestfriend Youngjae saying. Himchan didn't reply. He hoped that his friends would think that he isn't there, but sadnly „Himchan I know you in there. Come out we're worried about you.“ „Yeah man. I know my face is just so beautiful that you could cry out of jeaoulsy, but come on man. That isn't a reason to hide here. If you want I try to be less hot which would be quite difficult.. I mean come on, I'm pretty hot, but the point is I will try it.“ „Wow Byunghyun, great job in feeling Himchan better. Great job, you really deserve some applause.“ Youngjae's annoyed voice said. A little simle creeped on Himchan's face. He liked it when Youngjae and Byunghyun had their little fights, it made him laughed. He thought about if he should come out, but he was to afraid to see his friends. They shouldn't see his weak side. After all he was the strong and cold hearted Himchan. Only Youngjae saw his weak side one time. When he thought about grabbing all his courage toghter, the third friend spoke. „Himchan.. if you don't come voluntarily out, I'll pull you out.“ 'That's it. My I come out.' he was to afraid to come out now, more was he afraid of Daehyun. The way he said it ,made it hear like he would torture Himchan more, then just pull him out. Apperently the other friends were also afraid of Daehyun now. Himchan could just imagine Byunghyun I--my-pants-because-I'm-that-afraid look. There was an awkward silence before Youngjae broke it „Anyways.. Himchan please come out, let's talk abou- Oh . Uhm uhm .. Come Byunghyun and Daehyun let's go.“ „B-but Himchan-hyu-“ „PSSSSHT“ he heard his bestfriend whispering to them after shushing Byunghyun. 'Strange' Himchan thought. He heard their heavy footsteps walking away before he heard the sound of the door opening and closing.


It seemed like school was over and other pupils were in the bathroom just to check if they looked okay. He was still kinda of confuesed why they suddenly left. Actually they wouldn't give up till Himchan got out of the stall , but Youngjae's stranger behavor confuesed him really. As he thought the bathroom was empty now , he decided to go out. Himchan opened the door and walked to the mirrors. He just wanted to wash any signs of crying away. As he saw himself in the mirror he couldn't believe how pathetic he looked right now. His eyes were red and puffy and you could see the marks on his cheeks where his tears ran along. He sighed. If someone would see him right now, they wouldn't believe their eyes. This was a side nobody knew of Himchan, nobody even could believe he had this side. 'Good that they didn't see me like this' he thought as he think about how his friends just stood here in ther bathroom. Himchan bent down and began to splash his face with water. He rubed his eyes and kind of enjoyed the fresh feeling of water on his face. It kinda felt like he washed all his sadness away he just had a couple of minutes ago. He didn't even cared when he heard one of the stall door opening. As he was still bent over the water trap, he noticed a guy standing behinde him and when he stood up, he saw through the mirror that this guy was Yongguk. Their wide opend eyes met through the reflection of the mirror and Himchan felt himself freezing on the place. He tried to do something, but his body was just frozed. He wasn't prepared for this. Especially after he just cried his heart out in the toillete. It seemed like Yongguk didn't knew what to do either. He just stood their looking with wide opend eyes at Himchan. He tried to say something but the only thing that come out of his throut was a silent cough which shook Himchan back to reality. When Himchan had controll over his body again he turned around to face Yongguk. Just for a split of a seconde he let himself gazing at Yongguks lips and at his outstanding collarbones which were slightly visible under his white shirt before he passed Yongguk by slightly pushing his shoulder out of the way. As he rushed out of the door he could swear he heard a deep voice swearing „“. But Himchan tried not to let his hopes up. 'I need to learn for a math' Himchan thought to distract himself.


'I need to learn for math'

'I need to learn for math'

'I need to learn for math'



Oh god I need to learn for math“

I'm pretty good at it. Let me help you Himchan“

Uhm .. okay“

What is one plus one ?“

Uhm.. two“


What?! Of course it's two.“

Then kiss me if I'm wrong.“


He pressed his sweet full lips on him and Himchan felt himself similing into it.


Hello my lovely subscribers ^-^ ~~ I can't believe I uplode again , after all i'm the queen of procrastination hahahah :D So yeah , I know it's shot but I had the feeling that Yongguk needs to appear once again before all the actions happens ^-^ Thank you for subscribing and please left a comment hahah love u all <3

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i feel like give you a spoiler ._. haha let me tell you .. y yongguki is going to finally take his place in this story ^-^


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Chapter 8: Hello new subbie here, so far your story is great, esp Daehyun's character ! I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 7: poor Daehyun !!!! Jae you jerk lol
Chapter 6: **sniff** no comments (just want to know the suite lol)
Chapter 5: totally loved that chapter with Daehyunnie as the confident
Chapter 2: yeahh love your story very much ^^
thanks for your work
will continue to read
LKyellow #6
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry that your laptop was stolen :(
Chapter 8: Lol!!!! Anw I guess all ur subbies will be waiting for you...
When I saw the update I was like wohhooo but then I was down:(
That _______ that stole ur laptop.... Wanna kill him
Chapter 7: Haha exoonly since I read your comment I'm saying it all the time haha so thank you :D
And omo gyu gyu wuhuuu Jongup is there *throws confetti* haha and omo 'ehat looked somehow like money' what did youngjae give to daehyun D.O ??? Haha let me have hopes for Daejae btw I found a new gif of them its just asdkigodpfk haha I will show it to you tomorrow keke and I look like kakashi haha
Update soon <3 I have a few ideas keke till then taemjongout ~~ sleep well my bottom ____ <3
*sings Yongguks part in coma* whee whe wheeee hahaha awuuuu ~~~
Chapter 7: this story is one of my best; as the comment below, it makes me wanna cry and laugh. I am so curious now about daehyun and yongjae that i almost forgot about banghim kikiki. plz update soon. it's really good. keep it up.
Chapter 7: jonguppiee come to noona you smexy beast hahaha so cute... I can't ... in one min I want to laugh and the next I wanna cry... aish... hahahh \/{°-°}\/ peace