How we met

If it's you I think I can always smile


A loud pang echoed through the little house Himchan and his mother lived as he shut his door. After his little accident with Yongguk in the school bathroom he just ran out of the school. Normally it would take him 30 minutes to walk from Himchan's house to his school, but he ran so fast that he were within ten minutes there. He still felt the adrenaliene pumping through his veins. He didn't even cared that he still had his shoes on, he just let himself fall onto his bed trying to breath normal again. It took him some minutes before he calm down, he was still to exiceted and so was his body too. As he closed his eyes he concentrated on his breath. For a moment he forget all of what just happend. There was a silence in his room. His mother was still at work like all the times. Actually it would kind of bother him since he didn't liked the feeling of lonlieness and he missed his mom. He missed how he and his mother would sit on the sofa and talked about which celebrity got fat or plastic surgery. For his mother only the apperence count, what made Himchan really angry because he thought that everyone was beautiful in his way, but his mother didn't thought the same way. But after all he still loved her, so yeah he missed her a lot. But now he was really happy that she weren't there so he could have his private time. He closed his eyes for a moment and started to space out, he didn't even think he was just there listening to his calm breath, when suddenly he felt something vibrate in his pocket. Himchan let out a sigh as he grab for his cellphone from his pocket. There was a new message on it.


From: CutiepieYoungjae

To: I'msoperfectHimchan


My baaby~~ are you okay ? Did something happen in the bathroom ?? :((


From: I'msoperfectHimchan

To: CutiepieYoungjae


I'm sorry that I made you worried but trust me, I'm fine :) <3


From: CutiepieYoungjae

To: I'msoperfectHimchan


Ur sure ? .. How long did you stay there after we left ?


From: I'msoperfectHimchan

To: CutiepieYoungjae


Long enough to see that Yongguk where there ._.


From: CutiepieYoungjae

To: I'msoperfectHimchan

Oh.. I'm sorry that that happend :( I'll text you later need to learn for English class ._. love you buddie ^-^<3


From: I'msoperfectHimchan

To: CutiepieYoungjae

No problem bro . I call you later ^-^love u too <3



Suddenly the door rang. It was 4pm and it was strange for him that someone rang his door at this time of the day. He suddenly got hopes that maybe Yongguk stood infront of his door. He always had those day dreams that suddenly Yongguk apperead from now where and confessed his undying love to Himchan which never dissappeard. 'Who are you kidding Himchan ?' He thought to himself. As he opend rather annoyed the door, his face expression changed from I'm-annoyed to What-the-. „Daehyun ??“ His blond friend just stood there silently with his typical dead serious face expression „I saw you ran Hyung.“ Himchan frozed, he didn't expected that one of his friend saw him running like crazy and jumping over bushes just to get home. And from all of the people Daehyun saw him which made it more awkwarder for him. „A-and ?“ „I saw you and I called after you, but you ignored me.“ Daehyun's cold eyes got more colder if that even was possible and made him looked more dangerous, especially when his voice changed too to a sharper and dangerous voice „I don't like to be ignored Hyung“ Himchan gulped , he felt how his hands got sweaty. He seriously was about to his pants as Daehyun's face got nearer and his cold eyes stared into his with no emotions 'Oh my god he is going to kill me now' Daehyun's expression just got darken which made himchan more afraid 'Oh my god i'm going to die. I'm going to die as a , damn it.' Before the elder could explain himself to Daehyun suddenly a small smile appeard on the youngers face which let him look more scarier. There were some things which didn't seemed right in this world and Daehyun's smiling face was one of them. It was just to damn scary when the emotinless boy suddenly smiled. The younger smilied wider so Himchan could see his theets 'Is he ..Is he going to eat me now' „And so.. I thought I'm gonna buy you ice cream“ the younger boy said as his eyes twitched into an eyesmile which Himchan never saw before. „Wh-what?“ The older found himself dumbfound 'What the is wrong with this guy' „ I said I'm going to buy you ice cream. So come , I see you have you're shoes already on“ And with that Daehyun grabed the hand of his Hyung and pulled him after him.



One vanilla ice cream cup please“ the blonde boy said smiling. He turned his head to Himchan with raised eyebrows. A clear sign for Himchan to order. The older looked annoyed at the waitress smiled polite at him. „Nothing“ He mumbled. The blond boy glared at him before he returned to his smile and said „two vanilla ice cream cup's please.“ Himchan sung in his seat when Daehyun glared at him again he sat straight again. Daehyun had just this ability with one glare to make your hole body freeze to death.Himchan looked nervous at Daehhyun , his behaivor was really strange to him. He and the young blonde were friends but they never met privat without the groupe. It was the first time that the two of them were completely alone. Also made the young blond Himchan uncomfortable. The way he looked right now was kinda creepy to him. Daehyun was smiling since he stood infront of Himchan's door. It wasn't the way he smiled. Actually the older never saw Daehyun smiling so bright like right now. He indee had a beautiful smile and Himchan wished the younger would smile often, but the thing were his eyes. His eyes didn't change, they were still death and cold. The older wished he could change that but he didn't knew how. After all he didn't knew anything about the blonde. Daehyun's eyes met the older ones, Himchan felt his breath stop for a moment. It was shocking which effect daehyun had on him. Even if the younger smiled he didn't felt the warm you usally feel when someone smiled. They exchanged eyecontact for a moment when the waitdress interrupt them.

Here you go. Two vanilla ice cream cup's. Is there anything elese you might like ?“ The blonde just shook his head, he then return his eyes back on Himchan. „So.. tell me how you met Yongguk.“ Himchan who just took a slip from his water choked on it now. 'WHAT?!' He thought . The older looked in disbelief at the blond. 'Where does he know' „ please, it's obiviously. You should see yourself when he walks by.“ The older couldn't believe his ears ' now he can read my mind, too ?!' „ No i can't.“ Daehyun said casually. The older just noded. He looked at his ice cream cup, it looked good. He took on bite, it really was good. He saw Daehyun smiling more brightly through the corner of his eyes. Himchan looked at him confuesed before he spoke „W-where do you know?“ Daehyun took on bite of his cup „You know Himchan-hyung.. you are a terrible actor.“ he let out laugh before he spoke in a serious tone again „and the reason why people don't see it is cause they are blinded by ther own feelings. How can you expect someone to see your suffer, when they are about to drown in their owns ?“ Himchan let his eyes wander to the ground. Daehyun's words hit him good. He knew that the blonde was right, he felt selfish somehow. „but that's not the point. I see how you face lights up for a moment, whenever he walks by and at the same time and how your expression shows pure hurtness. So don't even try to lie to me cause I'll see it.“ Daehyun said as he looked deep into the olders eyes. For a moment, Himchan could swear that his death eyes changed and showed some kind of emotions, but it disapperd as soon as it come. Daehyun took again one bite of his ice cream again and eat it happly. „So tell me I'm curious. How did you met him? And don't worry about that you may cry. I bought Ice cream , I've heard it heals a broken heart.“ „Daehyun that is something girls do. But thank you anyways. I really apprecatie that.“ The older said with a small smile which Daehyun replied. Himchan looked at his cup in front of him and took on last bite before he looked up to the blonde.
„So, I actually know him since I'm 14. I don't know when but suddenly like out of nowhere I noticed him. Back then he black hair and a bowl cut. Somehow I found it back then adorable. He always stared at me in a strange way and when I say he stared at me, I really mean it. Sometimes it even creeped me out, but it didn't really botherd me. I've ignored it. I know that I'm good looking so I didn't thought about it. But then suddenly after I turned 16.. I don't know what happen back then, but he just stood there and then I slowly began to realize his features. I realize everything about him. The way his lips curved into a smile how he did sometimes some weird jokes with his friends, how deep his voice actually was, that whenever he laughe his eyes turned into an eyesmile. It was like I saw him with new eyes.“ The older stared at the table, he looked up to his friend who happly eat his ice cream „Another one, please!“ the blonde said in a lound tone to the waitdress who just noded. „Contiune“ he said with a movment that told Himchan to move on with his story. „And after that I noticed how my heart stops a beat whenever i saw him. I would walk out his classroom by just to stalk into it, so I could saw him. Well it didn't took me long to understand that I have completely fallen for this idiot.“ The elder smiled to himself as he thought about his past memories,he got lost for a moment till his friend pulled him back „And how did you to know got to knew eachother?“ „Well it was strange.. We knew eachother. We knew how we were but we never talked to eachother, I wanted to know but I didn't knew how. But then there was this day..


why did I forget my umberealla“ Himchan cursed to himself. It was 8 pm and he stood under the bus station now for 2 hour, waiting till the heavy rain stoped. He forgot his umberealla in the dance studio in which he trained. He wanted to go back, but the rain fall were just to heavy so he thought it was good idea to wait till it's over. Well it wasn't. He thought about walking home in the rain but it would take him 20 minutes till he were there and he didn't wanted to get all wet. „You know what, that “ He said to himself as he steped out of the bus station. He felt the rain drops dropping down on his head. Imidently he was soaken wet. It was dark and Himchan didn't even knew if he walked in the right direction, he just followed his instict. He was about to cursed himself again when suddenly he felt no more rain drops. „Huh?“ Himchan turnd to his said, when he saw a tall blonde guy standing besides him with an umbrella. The tall guy tried to avoid eyecontact, he obvisouly was to shy to speak something. Himchan felt how his heart skiped a beat. The guy next to him was the guy he secrently fall for since the last 5 months, Yongguk. And now this Yongguk who always looked so confedent and strong, was all shy and avoid eyecontact with Himchan. It seemed that it took all courage when he finally spoke „Yo- You .. I mean you didn't had an umberealla and I was around .. Aa-a-and I thought I-I I should help you.“ Yongguk knew how retared he sounded right now. He looked at Himchan who still was totally confused „You are wet.“ was the only thing what came out of his mouth. „I know“ Himchan replied. Yongguk sallowed he had no idea how he should acted infront of the smaller boy. „I-I I'm Yongguk“ he held his hand out which Himchan took and shake as said „I'm Himchan and thank you.“ The moment he took Yongguk's hand he could swear he felt an eletric shock. This was the first time he touched the taller guy and he never felt so happy and that just because of one little touch. Yongguk who scracht his neck nervously said „Should I walk you home ? I don't want you to get wet.“ Himchan noticed how the cheeks of the taller got slightly red, Something which made him more adorabler. They started to walk in total silent, it wasn't an awkward silent somehow it felt good. They shoulders brushed against eachother, and everytime it happen Himchan's heart beated faster. All his thoughts went blank, he just smiled. When he felt that Yongguk watched him from the corner of his eyes, he felt himself getting red. He hoped that the taller wouldn't noticed. He heard the deep voice again „You smile. You actually look kinda cute when you do it. You should smile more often“ Himchan felt tousand of butterflys in his tummy. 'Di-did he just call me cute?' He was thankful that it was dark so that Yongguk wouldn't see how red he got at his comment. The smaller slowly turnd his head to Yongguk who just look at him looking lost. It took a few seconds till his eyes suddenly widen and he spoke „Oh my god did I just said that loud??“ Himchan just laughed at the embarressed Yongguk.


A-a-a-and then we stood infront of my door *sniff and he said *sniff that *sniff we see us in school“ Himchan literally cried like a teenager girl while eating his ice cream cup. Daehyun just sat there and patted Himchan's shoulder as he raised his other hand and shouted „Another cup for the baby here , please!“ 


Hello ~ once again <3 First hello new subbies thanks for give me this one chance ( Na what i'm mean ^-^) ahahahaha but seriously the whole time I wrote this I've heard Hyunas Ice cream :D Okay I love all of you kekek and I'm sorry if there are any mistakes :( i'm to lazy to correcte them now :D& omo I'm so happy Jongup is finally appear in the story ^-^kekkekekekekekek  And come n I find Daehyun in this chapter soo cute :))






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i feel like give you a spoiler ._. haha let me tell you .. y yongguki is going to finally take his place in this story ^-^


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Chapter 8: Hello new subbie here, so far your story is great, esp Daehyun's character ! I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 7: poor Daehyun !!!! Jae you jerk lol
Chapter 6: **sniff** no comments (just want to know the suite lol)
Chapter 5: totally loved that chapter with Daehyunnie as the confident
Chapter 2: yeahh love your story very much ^^
thanks for your work
will continue to read
LKyellow #6
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry that your laptop was stolen :(
Chapter 8: Lol!!!! Anw I guess all ur subbies will be waiting for you...
When I saw the update I was like wohhooo but then I was down:(
That _______ that stole ur laptop.... Wanna kill him
Chapter 7: Haha exoonly since I read your comment I'm saying it all the time haha so thank you :D
And omo gyu gyu wuhuuu Jongup is there *throws confetti* haha and omo 'ehat looked somehow like money' what did youngjae give to daehyun D.O ??? Haha let me have hopes for Daejae btw I found a new gif of them its just asdkigodpfk haha I will show it to you tomorrow keke and I look like kakashi haha
Update soon <3 I have a few ideas keke till then taemjongout ~~ sleep well my bottom ____ <3
*sings Yongguks part in coma* whee whe wheeee hahaha awuuuu ~~~
Chapter 7: this story is one of my best; as the comment below, it makes me wanna cry and laugh. I am so curious now about daehyun and yongjae that i almost forgot about banghim kikiki. plz update soon. it's really good. keep it up.
Chapter 7: jonguppiee come to noona you smexy beast hahaha so cute... I can't ... in one min I want to laugh and the next I wanna cry... aish... hahahh \/{°-°}\/ peace