Did time stop again ?

If it's you I think I can always smile


Hey you need to be Himchan, right ? It's nice to finally meet you.”

This is Eunji, Himchan. She is a really nice women and daddy really likes her, please be nice to her”

What's your favorite food Himchan? I'll cook it for you.”


Okay then we'll eat Ddukbokkie tonight. I go in the kitchen honey”

..She is nice , right Himchan ?”

..Daddy.. please let us go home I don't like it here.”

But Himchan..this is my home now.”



Himchan felt a cold breeze as the bus door opend. All the pupils in the bus rushed to the door as their life would depend on it. It always surprised him how the others around him acted like monkeys just to be the first out of the bus. He steped as one of the last out and walked behinde the others slowly. Althought spring was around the corner it was still pretty dark in the mornings. While all the other pupils walked through the school gates he walked past it. Himchans bus were always a bit early and he didn't wanted to wait early infront of his calssroom with the others, so he decided that he could pick him up his bestfriend who just lived like five minutes from school away. He always picked him up.

The other people were used to it that Himchan would walk in the oppisite direction then them. Usally he would crossed the road to the right sidewalk, so that he wouldn't met him on the left one. But his bus weren't there yet and Himchan was just to lazy to crossed the road. So he walked futher on.

Bad decision – when Himchan was just about 10 meters away from the bus station, when suddenly his bus came. He felt his heart dropping on the ground.If it were possible he would try to cross the road on the other side. But it was to late,within five seconds the crowd rushed out of the bus and let Himchan no way to escape. He gulped as he saw a familiar looking figure 'Okay Himchan breath. Just look on the ground or to side and walk past him. You can do it. ' he thought. He look to the ground and began to walk as fast as possible , but  time went slow. With every step he took his breath quickens and one seconden suddenly felt like one minute. Himchan tried to look on the ground , but he couln't stop himself. He needed to see him. He knew that he was about to torture himself when he looked at him, but it didn't matter for him. Because every time he put his eyes on him. His world stoped and for a second he was the happiest man on earth. But after this he felt more lifeless and pathetic then he actually were. So it was no suprise for himself when he looked through th crowd to search him. His eyes wandered around, but he wasn't there. His heart felt on the ground, this moments were more painfuller to him. 'God Himchan , you're so disgusting. How can you be so pathetic?' He clenched his fist at the thought of it. How was it possible that one person could make you so pathetic and desperate, that it was almost a pain for you to live ? Himchan looked up just in time as he saw his bestfriend Youngjae walking to him smiling.

Himchan Hyung~ how are you ?”

Fine and you ?”

You know me haha of course I'm fine. Oh my god Himchan I need to tell you something , so-”

Himchan wasn't listening anymore, he spaced out a bit as he looked at his bestfriend. He loved him, he truly did. Himchan was so thankful to him that he understood him and could bare him like he was. It was hard for them at first since Himchan couldn't really express his feeling and opend up to Youngjae. What let Youngjae thought ,that Himchan would hate him. When in reality Himchan just didn't know how he act around others and how he appeard to them.

Isn't that great Himchan?”

Totally great , I'm so happy for you”

Himchan had no idea what they were talking about , but he saw that whatever it is it made Youngjae happy and that made Himchan also happy, so he tried to smile as sincerely as possible.

So .. what should I get ?”

What do you mean Youngjae ?”

Uhm.. you know what tattoo I should get ?”


Yeeah.. I've just told you Hyung. Weren't you listening to me?”

No, I were . I just forget it for a moment”

We talked like ten secondes ago about it”

Well.. You know me.. sometimes I forget fast”

Yeah.. So anywaays, what should I get?”

Uhm.. I don't know. What do you want?”

Something pretty. I want that people are jealous of it. It need to be unique and special, you know what I mean?”

Oh! I've got it”

Yeeah .. ?”

My face” Himchan said with a proud smile as Youngjae gaved him his typical 'I am judging you' look.

Why would I want to have your face on my body?”

Because I'm a beauty and it would last forever. Also all the people you gonna met in the future gonna see it and ask you 'Oh my god who is this, this is the beautifulst thing I ever saw. Finally my life makes sense and BAAM you got yourself a conversations starter' Youngjae looked in disbelief at Himchan who was clearly enjoying himself to much.

You're ed up Himchan, this is the worst idea you ever had.”

Yeaah you're right.. there would be no one who could capture my beauty in a tattoo.”

Himchan said with a really serious tone to Youngjae who just shook his head said “Why am I even friends with you”the younger said  while he climbed the stairs up to his classroom. “Love you too “ Himchan said while he waved him as he walk towards his classroom. Sadly he and Youngjae weren't in one class. As he enter the classroom he sat down as fast as possible trying to ignoring the others, luckly the teacher came a few seconds later.

Good morning class . Opend your maths books.”

Himchan hated maths and he was to sleepy and lazy to follow the lessons, so he decisided to space out for the rest of the lesson. Mostly he tried to distracted himself by thinking of food, but his thought always went back to him. The fact that he sat in the classroom next to him killed him in the inside, just the thin wall behinde him seperated Himchan from him..


So where are you now Himchan ?”

I'm at my friends house?”

Ah so you two gonna have sleep over ?”

No, I'll take the last train so I get home”

WHAT?! At this late houre?! Don't you know it's dangerous outside?What if something happened to you?”

Keke you're cute , but why do you care so much about it?”

Because I care Himchan. Because I care about you..”


The warm feeling of his old memories past trough his entire body and felt himself smiling and he felt like an idiot for smiling like a high school girl.It was ridicouls to him how one person could change your entire life. How just one person could turn you world upside down and made it enjoyable and how just one person could let you feel more emptier then you ever were. 'Why do you can make me feel like this and I don't? Why am I the one that can't move one like you did? If I just could turn time around.. I would do so much better..' Himchan felt how his eyes got warm. He wanted to cry so badly, but he couldn't. It's not that he cared about what the others would think if he suddenly broke down and I cried his heart out, he literaly gaved a about what the others thought about him. It was just that he needed to. He felt so empty because he didn't even remember the last time he cried. For him it was like he wasn't a human anymore, just an empty body which walked around pointless. If there were a thing that could save him from his suffer then he would pray to god to help him, just he knew that it was hopeless. Himchan knew that this was gonna be a long day .. 'I wonder how you're doing.. Yongguk'




Hello ~~ my beautiful subscriber ^-^ So yeah I uplode faster than I thought & I hope you'll like it . I know I know this is a bit short , but I had nooo idea what I should write in this one xD 

I hope you're enjoying the story ^-^~~

Love all of you guys kekek <3 <3

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i feel like give you a spoiler ._. haha let me tell you .. y yongguki is going to finally take his place in this story ^-^


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Chapter 8: Hello new subbie here, so far your story is great, esp Daehyun's character ! I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 7: poor Daehyun !!!! Jae you jerk lol
Chapter 6: **sniff** no comments (just want to know the suite lol)
Chapter 5: totally loved that chapter with Daehyunnie as the confident
Chapter 2: yeahh love your story very much ^^
thanks for your work
will continue to read
LKyellow #6
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry that your laptop was stolen :(
Chapter 8: Lol!!!! Anw I guess all ur subbies will be waiting for you...
When I saw the update I was like wohhooo but then I was down:(
That _______ that stole ur laptop.... Wanna kill him
Chapter 7: Haha exoonly since I read your comment I'm saying it all the time haha so thank you :D
And omo gyu gyu wuhuuu Jongup is there *throws confetti* haha and omo 'ehat looked somehow like money' what did youngjae give to daehyun D.O ??? Haha let me have hopes for Daejae btw I found a new gif of them its just asdkigodpfk haha I will show it to you tomorrow keke and I look like kakashi haha
Update soon <3 I have a few ideas keke till then taemjongout ~~ sleep well my bottom ____ <3
*sings Yongguks part in coma* whee whe wheeee hahaha awuuuu ~~~
Chapter 7: this story is one of my best; as the comment below, it makes me wanna cry and laugh. I am so curious now about daehyun and yongjae that i almost forgot about banghim kikiki. plz update soon. it's really good. keep it up.
Chapter 7: jonguppiee come to noona you smexy beast hahaha so cute... I can't ... in one min I want to laugh and the next I wanna cry... aish... hahahh \/{°-°}\/ peace