Bad taste of sweet memories

If it's you I think I can always smile


Eunji Noona.. where is daddy ?“

Shut up!“

AUW.. Yo-you h-hit me“

I said shut up,you stupid kid.“

AUW! Wh-why yo-you do th-h-at?“

Didn't you listen to me? I said shut UP!“

AUW .. ple-please st-stop..“


The crowd were pushing Himchan to the side as he got his meal from the lunch lady. There was a smell of fresh Chicken in the air, so all pupils went crazy to got some of it before it was gone.“Thank you“ Himchan said in polite tone to the lady who gaved him his food, but like always the lunch lady just raised her eyebrows and ignored him turning to the others „NEXT.“ He wished he could spit on her face for her bad manners, but instead he just turned around and looked for Youngjae. It was the second break today and his tummy couldn't wait to eat the chicken on his plate. The lessons today just felt like an enternally for him.He was just about to went insane and scream at his teacher, but exactly when he wanted to it the bell ring. All the tables in the cafteria where full even his  table where he and his friends always sat. He looked around as he saw a small blond guy waving like crazy at him.

Himchan-Hyung~ We're here.“

Yeaah I see that Byunghyun. Where is Youngjae?“

Oh he is right behind you Hyung“ the other blond one said next to Byunghyun.Himchan turned to his side as his bestfriend sat next to him and smiled at him. Now their groupe were complete. They were four friends who knew eachother since three years already. Himchan really enjoyed them being around him, they were one of th few people he actually like. On the side there was Byunghyun. Himchan always about his height. Byunghyun was really short actually, but the girls didn't seemd to mind.After all Byunghyun was really actractiv, he had sharp eyes like Himchan only were they a bit smaller and his blonde hair really suits his skin coloure. The funny thing about Byunghyun was when he smirked. All the girls were about to faint when he does it, but for Himchan he rather looked like a creppy old man. He just couldn't take it seriously how he acted sometimes y for the girls or tried to flirt with them. For Himchan, Byunghyun was the derp he actually was when you knew him.

Next to Byunghyun sat Daehyun. He also had blond hair like Byunghyun, but it had more like a brown tone under it. Daehyun was the mysterious one of them, he was really quiet the most of the time, but when you knew him better he really could be sweet and lovely sometimes. The most actrative part of Daehyun were his full lips, but what gaved him his mysterious aura were his eyes. Like Himchan he had cold eyes, but the differnt was that his eyes were complety empty. In Himchan's eyes you could see sometimes feelings, but Daehyun was different. He was completly empty and no one knew why. Actually no one out of their groupe knew anything about Daehyun. He only lived since one year in seoul, they just knew that he moved from Busan to here but none of them knew why. After all Daehyun never told them and they never asked. Somehow they were a bit afraid of Daehyun, you never knew what he was thinking that made him so damn dangerous. 


And then there we had Youngjae. Youngjae was a fun little guy who was absoulty adorable and had this specific charm you couldn't resist. Like the rest of them he was really actractiv, but diffrent from Byunghyun who looked hot and Daehyun who had this mysterious aura what made him irresistible. Youngjae had more of a cute look what made him more then adorable.He was the best of them in ageyo, more like the ageyo queen of them. Because of his cute looks and his kind heart all people wanted to be befriend with him, but the dangerous thing abot Youngjae was he could be extremly hot and y sometime if he wanted to. And when this times where all the girls and guys flied away. 


Byunghyun what the hell are you doing?!“ Youngjae said in an more then disguested tone. Because of that Himchan the oldest of them  looked to Byunghyun who was checking himself out in mirror he had in his hand. Himchan was about to burst into laughter because of how ridicouls Byunghyun was practice his lip biting. „What? This is totally natural Youngjae-hyung, don't act like you never did this before. So tell me Daehyun-hyung , do you think i'll get into Hyosungs with this look?“Byunhyung said to Daehyun as he bit his lips in a really y way. Well to Himchan it was more ridicouls then y. „YA ! Lee Byunghyun don't talk about my sister like that.“ Youngjae said as he throw his pudding on Byunghyun.“Auw ! What the hell man.. but thanks for the putting hyung.“ Byunghyun said as he sticked his toungh out to Youngjae. Daehyun who completely looked uninterested the whole time, suddenly said in serious tone“Byunghyun.. I think you looked extremly hot doing that.“ There was an awkward silence between them four. 'Well .. okay ' That was that odd thing about Daehyun. You never knew if he was joking or if he was serious, he always said things like he was dead serious about them. Byunghyun who didn't know what to do just tahnk him in a rather silent and awkward tone, what Daehyun replied with his creeper smile. 

Himchan felt how Youngjae stared intense at him, so he turned his head to him and said „Why do you look at me like that?“ Youngjae continued staring at him before he spoke „Are you ok?“ Himchan noded. „Are you sure? You know you can tell me.“ The younger one said rather silent . „It's just .. you know the same thing like everyday.“ The older one replied. Youngjae rolled his eyes „So you're still in your Yongguk phase?“ '..Phase?' Himchan thought before he just noded and said yes in a silent tone. „It's gonna be better hyung. After all he wasn't nothing special for you, just like the others you had something with . He just hurt your ego by ignoring you, you'll get over him soon.“ And with that Youngjae turned around to tell Byunghyun something, but Himchan didn't listen anymore. He was more then hurt by Youngjae's words.

'Youngjae.. you don't understand.. he is my everything..' But he wouldn't believe Himchan, who would? After all the whole world knew Himchan as the cold bastard with no feelings. Only his closed friends knew that he has a sweet side if you knew him better. He often thought that he fall in love with someone because he thought they were cute, so he told Youngjae everytime if he thought so. So it was clear that Youngjae didn't really thought that Yongguk could be the one for Himchan. Why should he? There was a time when Himchan had like fives crushed in the same time. There was a time when Himchan really thought he fall in love with someone, but when he met Yongguk he really knew how love felt. It was the best feeling in the whole world and in the same time the worst. „But Himchan..“ the voice of his bestfriend called him back to reallity „If it makes you feel better. Yongguk stares at you the whole time“ 'WHAT?' Himchan look at Youngjae who just turn his head in his direction. „There. You see“ The older followed Youngjae's gaze as he saw that he was right. There was a table only about ten meters form Himchan away where a young boy with an handsome face sat. His dark eyes were staring into Himchan. His eyes widen when he noticed that Himchan met his gaze. They were staring into eachother for a couple of seconds, but it felt like enternally. So many things came into Himchans mind as he met Yongguk's eyes. How he wished he could just walked up to him and pull him into his embrace. Himchan would never ever let him go away. Never he wanted to live with this pain inside him again. His heart stoped for a moment when he though he could swear he saw a hint of sadness in Yongguk's deep eyes. Before Himchan could think straight again , Yongguk stoped the eyecontact and turned his head away. Himchan felt his heart breaking as he continued to stare at Yongguk. His gaze landed on Yongguk's lips, how he loved them so much. Whenever he smiled with those lips , Himchan smiled too. He let his mask down and smiled with all his heart and that just becaus of this one boy and how he missed sweet taste of this full lips on his own. Just as he was to think about more, the bell rang. A clear sign that the break was over. Himchan stood up and walked away from his friends as fast as possible. He needed to be alone know, the feelings of his lost was to overwhelming. „Ya Himchan where you going ? YA !“ he heard his bestfriend yelling behinde him. He wanted to turn around and say that it's okay, but he was afraid that if he speaknow that he is going to break down and that was something he didn't want to. Ecspecially if he was in the same room as himself. The voices of his friends got lower and faded away but still hr felt the strong gaze on his back from Yongguk..


"Hahaha you were right Yongguk. Playground make more fun when it's night. Even if I still feel a bit weird cause we're seventeen and we're on a playground. "

"Age is just number baby. Hahaha when are you going to listen to me more Himchan ?"

"Yeah.. and jail ist just a room. Maybe after you pushed me on the swing."

Himchan ran to one of the swings which hang there quite in the dark. He  sat down an began to swing forword with his feets. A light summer breeze brushed his face as he did so. He never felt so free like he did right now. His eyes were closed so he could enjoy the feeling of  freedome more. He heard the heavy footsteps of Yongguk,but instead of walking behind him, the elder walk around so he stood infront of him. Himchan opend his eyes and saw a Yongguk who trapped Himchan on the seat of the swing so there was no escape possible. Yongguk looked really nervous what made Himchan confuesed. Before the younger boy had a chance to ask him if he was okay, Yongguk cut him of by saying "Himchan.. I want to tell you that I'm always there for you and.. You should never feel alone again. I'll be there for you..Forever" Yongguk gulped, saying this to the younger boy was really hard for him but he felt a warm feeling of happiness after he said it. Himchan looked with big eyes at the older boy, he felt how his cheeks got warm. The word Yongguk just said made him so happy that he was about to cry, never he felt so cared by someone. Yongguk noticed the blush on Himchan's cheeks, what made the younger more cuter then he was." Himchan .. you are beautiful." That was it. The younger felt tears in his eyes, never before someone cold him beautiful. They just talk about how hot he was, but not beautiful. And to hear that from Yongguk made Himchan even more happy. Without thinking, the younger boy graped Yongguk's shirt and made him closed the gap between them, so that Himchan could pressed his lips on the full one of Yongguk. After a seconde he noticed what he was doing. Himchan was about to push Yongguk away before he could do it, but instead he felt the olders lips responding to his and felt how his warm hands softly his neck..


Himchan found himself in the school bathroom locked in a stall. He cried silety his heart out in his hands. But carefull so no one could hear him. No one should hear his pathetic crys. The moment in the cafteria was just to much, it brought so many old memories back. Memories of their first kiss they shared. He was so desperate right now, he wanted to die so badly. What was the meaning of life without Yongguk? The worst thing for Himchan was how Yongguk could live on like nothing ever happend ? Was he so unimportan to him? He wished he could turned back time so he could make everything right, but that wasn't possible. It only made Himchan more depressed, to know that it was all his fault. He let it happen that Yongguk leaved. Just because Himchan was one of little coward that couldn't stop him. It seems like to Yongguk it was just the end of a passing by day when for Himchan it was the start of a pain he couldn't handle.







Hello my lovley subscribers~ So i uploded really faster then I thought xD ahhaha lucky for you I think ^-^ So one thing I wanted to explain is why Byunghyun ( aka L.joe from Teen Top) is starting here as the fourth friend. Well that is because I didn't wanted to add Jongup as the fourth friend. I have other plans for him BWAHAHA . I can tell you That Jongup is gonna have an importan role to the story , but this is going to happen later ^-^ Yeeah and by the way I think L.joe has one of the hottest smirks I ever saw before *^*


Okay this was it for now . heheheh I love you all & some Himchan love for you all ~~


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i feel like give you a spoiler ._. haha let me tell you .. y yongguki is going to finally take his place in this story ^-^


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Chapter 8: Hello new subbie here, so far your story is great, esp Daehyun's character ! I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 7: poor Daehyun !!!! Jae you jerk lol
Chapter 6: **sniff** no comments (just want to know the suite lol)
Chapter 5: totally loved that chapter with Daehyunnie as the confident
Chapter 2: yeahh love your story very much ^^
thanks for your work
will continue to read
LKyellow #6
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry that your laptop was stolen :(
Chapter 8: Lol!!!! Anw I guess all ur subbies will be waiting for you...
When I saw the update I was like wohhooo but then I was down:(
That _______ that stole ur laptop.... Wanna kill him
Chapter 7: Haha exoonly since I read your comment I'm saying it all the time haha so thank you :D
And omo gyu gyu wuhuuu Jongup is there *throws confetti* haha and omo 'ehat looked somehow like money' what did youngjae give to daehyun D.O ??? Haha let me have hopes for Daejae btw I found a new gif of them its just asdkigodpfk haha I will show it to you tomorrow keke and I look like kakashi haha
Update soon <3 I have a few ideas keke till then taemjongout ~~ sleep well my bottom ____ <3
*sings Yongguks part in coma* whee whe wheeee hahaha awuuuu ~~~
Chapter 7: this story is one of my best; as the comment below, it makes me wanna cry and laugh. I am so curious now about daehyun and yongjae that i almost forgot about banghim kikiki. plz update soon. it's really good. keep it up.
Chapter 7: jonguppiee come to noona you smexy beast hahaha so cute... I can't ... in one min I want to laugh and the next I wanna cry... aish... hahahh \/{°-°}\/ peace