How we seperated

If it's you I think I can always smile


It was a clear night when Himchan and Daehyun walked back home.They sat for more two hours in the cafe when they finally decided to walk home. The whole time Himchan was sobbing all over the table and talked about all the things he likes about Yongguk and about what he hated about him. It was obviously that he hated the fact that he couldn't get himself to hate Yongguk. Daehyun who just sat there and ate about six ice cream cups didn't looked interested at all,but he listen the whole time to the older boy who cried his heart out.Himchan was thankful to that. He never knew that Daehyun could be so a good listener. He took a note in his mind to talk more about problems with Daehyun.Even if the blonde wasn't interested at the other's problems, he was more then willing listen to them. 

The both of them walked silently next to eachother, none of them didn't speak a word after they left the cafe. Himchan wasn't feeling to talk more, he said more than enough so he didn't care if he should start to make smalltalk with the younger boy. He knew in the end Daehyun would just answere with a short sentencs. So why should he try the effort ? Suprinsently it was the younger boy who broke the silence.

„Hyung.“ Himchan turned his head to him. Daehyun seemed really thoughtfull as he stare at the ground, many thoughts rushed through his mind. „I'm really confused. You love him so much and it's clear that he loves you too. Then how can it come that you two aren't togheter?“ The older looked at the blonde. He was a bit taken aback by the tone of Daehyun's voice. His voice had a kind of hurtness in it, so he hoped to see it in his eyes too. But it didn't suprised him that they still were the same. Himchan let a sighed out „Daehyunie.. sometimes it's just not meant to be.“ Himchan felt the intens stare from the younger boy on him.

„I don't get it Hyung, what did you do wrong?“ Himchan wanted to avoid this question, but he knew that Daehyun woudn't let him go till he knew their story. He was happy to know that he wouldn't break down crying since he spent all his tears already. „Tell me Hyung. How can two people who are deeply in love with eachother not end up togheter ? I don't get it and it confuesed the hell out of me.“

„..Yes I love him. I love him so damn much that I would die for him.. but I couldn't get myself to show him actually what he meant to me. I never show him my feelings or affection towards him. While he was all nice to me and told me that he loves me and showed me his affection towards me.. I just stood there and said nothing. I never showed him how I felt , I never told him that I need him. I don't know what was wrong with me. I was so lucky to have him, but I couldn't tell him. He must be so frustraded that I never told him that I love him too. It must have hurt him so bad that I always pushed him away. He was always there when I was sad. He always hold me when I cry, he was the one who whiped my tears away and told me that I'm the most prettiest when I smile, he always did his best to made me laugh so I'm happy. He made me feel wanted while I let him feel unwanted. The only thing I ever done  was kissing him. I always let him kiss me, when he just needed to hear that I love him more then he loves me. I've hurt him so much and yet he stayed by my side till he couldn't take it anymore and i did nothing to stop him.“ It suprised him that no tears fell down. There was just a pain aching in his chest as he spoke the words that hurt him the most. He looked up to Daehyun. The blonds face expression frown as he slowly turned his head to Himchan.

„You know Himchan.. I hate people like you.“ 'Wh-what ?' „You have a person that loves you and you love him and still you..“ The blonde bite his lips in uncertainity, he looked at the ground as he searched for answeres „You know there a people who wished.. no they would die for what you have with Yongguk. The key for your happiness is right in front of you and you don't take it.I really hate people like you.“ Daehyun's word hit him good. He was taken back by that, he had no idea what he should reply to that, so he said nothing. Himchan looked at his dongsae. Daehyun was still facing the ground, lost in his thoughts. It was when he looked up what Himchan shocked the most. For the first time in two and a half year he saw sadness in his eyes. For the first time he saw actually feelings in Daehyun's eyes. didn't know what he should do. Should he hug the younger? There was a time when Himchan actually thought that Daehyun was a cold machine or an alien from another planet. When he was about to do something Daehyun's face changed to his old expression and his death eyes were back. „I should go now. We see us tomorrow.“ he didn't even made the effort to look at his Hyung. Himchan looked at the back from his dongsae that walked away, many thoughts were running through his mind. He never thought that Daehyun would show feelings. Particulary when they spoke about that topic. The blond never showed emotionen and by never he meant it. Even if his he  got beat up you couldn't see some kind op pain in his face. Himchan remebered that moment from long ago when Daehyun got beat up badly by a gang. They called themselve 2pm and the leader of them Taecyeon was mad at his dongsae for no particualry reason, so he decided to beat him up . They beat him almost to death. Daehyun had four rips broken and his right leg and more injurys at places Himchan didn't even knew you could get hurt. And while his hole face was red by his blood he didn't even reacted to it. He just lay there on the ground almost death and said with a weak voice „call 911“. Himchan gulped his old memories. He turnd from Daehyun's back aways and continued walking again when it hit him. 'Love.. Daehyun got his heart broken' He turn his head again to Daehyun, but he wasn't there anymore.



Later that evening when Himchan lay in his bed he thought about Daehyun. He felt sad for never noticing that his dangsae must be in pain all along and he never thought about that maybe he just hide it all behinde a mask, like him. He was just better in it then Himchan. He decided to find more about his dongsae out to help him our. After all Daehyun spend his whole day to help Himchan. He felt like he needed to give him that in return. Himchan felt his eyes get heavier, he slowly driftet to sleep with one last thing in his mind Yongguk. He didn't knew that on the other side of the town someone was thinking the same..


Tears were running silently down his cheeks. He his lips when one of them landed on his lips. He swallowed to get rid of the salty taste. He closed his eyes and took one last breath when he drifted to sleep with one last thing on his mind- Himchan...



First sorry for the short chapter :(( But i felt like updating it it ^-^Hope you like it so far and thanks for all the new subscriber <3 Love u all please let me a comment ^-^


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i feel like give you a spoiler ._. haha let me tell you .. y yongguki is going to finally take his place in this story ^-^


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Chapter 8: Hello new subbie here, so far your story is great, esp Daehyun's character ! I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 7: poor Daehyun !!!! Jae you jerk lol
Chapter 6: **sniff** no comments (just want to know the suite lol)
Chapter 5: totally loved that chapter with Daehyunnie as the confident
Chapter 2: yeahh love your story very much ^^
thanks for your work
will continue to read
LKyellow #6
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry that your laptop was stolen :(
Chapter 8: Lol!!!! Anw I guess all ur subbies will be waiting for you...
When I saw the update I was like wohhooo but then I was down:(
That _______ that stole ur laptop.... Wanna kill him
Chapter 7: Haha exoonly since I read your comment I'm saying it all the time haha so thank you :D
And omo gyu gyu wuhuuu Jongup is there *throws confetti* haha and omo 'ehat looked somehow like money' what did youngjae give to daehyun D.O ??? Haha let me have hopes for Daejae btw I found a new gif of them its just asdkigodpfk haha I will show it to you tomorrow keke and I look like kakashi haha
Update soon <3 I have a few ideas keke till then taemjongout ~~ sleep well my bottom ____ <3
*sings Yongguks part in coma* whee whe wheeee hahaha awuuuu ~~~
Chapter 7: this story is one of my best; as the comment below, it makes me wanna cry and laugh. I am so curious now about daehyun and yongjae that i almost forgot about banghim kikiki. plz update soon. it's really good. keep it up.
Chapter 7: jonguppiee come to noona you smexy beast hahaha so cute... I can't ... in one min I want to laugh and the next I wanna cry... aish... hahahh \/{°-°}\/ peace