Getting Ready

Running Man!?

Sorry guys, for not updating in the past 3 weeks! As some as you know, I was on a vacation, so, I had no time to update, for there was no Internet connection. Anyways! Here's the latest chapter :D I hope you enjoy it, and I hope it's not dissappointing to you guys :D



Okay... I'm too lazy to put how Yoochun and Junsu found the stars... But they did.



"Was this all we were supposed to do??" Changmin asked in a mocking tone to the PD.

"Well there's 1 more round." 

Changmin smirked a bit and answered "Piece of cake."


"Are we done?" Yunho asked in a more depressed way.

"Aniya, There are 2 more rounds." PD-nim answered him.

Yunho smiled, as if he were a little kid who were given the permission to eat candy all day long. "ASSA!"


"Well... What's next?" Jae asked the staff.

"Please Check the back of the stars." One of the staff members informed everyone through the intercom.



"Well the back of it says meet the crew member?" Junsu read the letter out loud.

"Just do what it says." PD-nim told him.



"Meet the crew member on the 4th floo?" Yoochun asked.

"What's with you guys and all the questions?"

"Well Sooooory for being nosy." He laughed as a reply


1st Floor - Changmin.

"Woah! I DON'T HAVE TO WALK SO FAR! And, the cafeteria is close there :3"


2nd Floor - Yunho

"ASSA! That's the place with the dancing studio!"


3rd floor - Jaejoong

"ASSA! That's close to the kitchen!"



4th Floor - Yoochun

"Ooooh Yeah, Lots of places to rest there. And sleep."



5th Floor - Junsu

"Okay then." Man my duckbutt hurts.


"Please pick out an outfit." PD-nim asked them.

All answered with a nod, not sure of what was happening.


That outfit looks exactly like my clothing in Mirotic. I'm taking it.

Changmin thought.


That outfit looks exactly like my clothing in O Jung Ban Hap. So I'm wearing that.

Remembered Yunho.


Hmm. I want that one! It looks like my clothing in HUG!

Jaejoong considered.


Well then, this one looks like my clothes in Rising Sun. And I'm too lazy to get anything here sooooo...

Yoochun lazily decided.


"Well, then. I'm taking that one.

Junsu said pointing at the clothing that looked like their clothing in Break out.


"Next up. To the Stage." The PD smirked.


I know this was a bit boring. But, I decided to make this chapter just so that I can let you guys know their feeling about what's happening in the story. HEHEHEHEHE, But I hope you'll like the next chapter better. :3 The last words of the story might give you a hint.

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ichiruki #1
Chapter 9: I wish they could stand on the stage again as 5 ^_^
Chapter 9: I hope they would perform on stage together too!!!!But then SM wouldn't let JYJ on variety shows again
Chapter 9: My dream T_T and I hope someday it will become reality,thanks for the story author-nim

You ignite my TV5Q feels back again..
wow it's my dream to something happen like that ...i mean both of them come to same show .... like this already (^__^)b
Chapter 8: Wooowww , ilovethisss ♥ please update author-nim
FireSpark96 #6
Chapter 8: Such a sweet reunion, I'm excited for what'll happen next.
chunnie_bunnie #7
Chapter 7: Aww that reunion was beyond adorable!!
Chapter 6: Kekekekeke..the reunion was way tooo cute!!!
Chapter 6: that is just soo cute. I love running man and I love dbsk. what a great reunion..

oh changmin.. you will always be lord VoldeMIN. haha