More Distractions?

Running Man!?

As I walked down the stairs, I tried to loook for the stars or just steal the guests' as much as I could.

I went down to the main floor. I decided to just take the star from the guest. Or better, take the tag off the guest.

I saw an Ice cream Parlor at the side and my stomache grumbled. I tried not to notice it, but my tummy grumbled more. I my lips, and bit it to stop myself from being hungry. But my body gave up and it moved closer to parlor, without my control. And I ordered my own.


"Hm. I should start searching! Changmin is probably looking, and I'm not" Yunho said to himself. "I'll beat him to it!"

He looked around and found himself in the theatre, an interesting performance of "Princess Hours" was going on. Then he took a seat in the front row and found himself watching the performance and not searching.


"Well, This is interesting." Jaejoong said looking around on the second floor. There were a lot of  recipes on a table there. He sat down and read them.

"This might be a good thing to cook for tonight's dinner." He said to himmself.

He sat down and read more recipes, He grinned and started giggling.


"Oh...... What time is it?" Yoochun said Yawning.

"Oh just 11:30? Hmmm Jaejoong hyung must be cooking lunch right now. I'll just sleep for a while..."

And after that he dozed off again to his paradise.


"Argh! I must start now." Junsu said slapping his forehead. "Good thing I don't have a forehead as big as Chunnie hyung. It actually hurt."

He ran  down to the second floor and into the main floor. He started to search. He looked under chairs, tables, behind portraits. There were none... He tried to search more but still he had no luck.

A 6 year old suddenly showed up with a soccer ball. He accidentally dropped it and the ball rolled off to Junsu.

"Hey kid. Wanna play soccer?"

And thus, again, one of the members were distracted.


"Nobody's going to take this seriously?" Jae Seok said laughing and fell of his chair.

"True that, there's always something to distract them." Jong Kook said guffawing like crazy.

"Calm down. You guys are like retards." Ji hyo said with a tiny smirk.

"HAHAHAHAHA. Ooh look. It's Changmin again." Gary said pointing at the screen.


"AHHHH That was delicious." Changmin said rubbing his tummy. "I know I've said thi quite a lot, but I should start searching."

He went up to the 3rd floor, and went into the upper part of the theatre. While passing through he noticed Yunho sitting there.

"Aish Jinja, Yunho hyung's not even looking. What is he doing watching a performance? Aish"

He scratched his head and positioned his hand behind his neck then and headed out of the room. He went to the 1st foor of the building and looked around, like what everyone tried to do.

Something shiny reflected to the roof where Changmin's head was looking up to. He then looked down to the terrace and went down to the Main floor.

Something red shone from an area where the tables were. It caught Changmin's eye. He came closer slowly, trying not to be noticed. He doesn't want to lose does he? As he came closer, the light became dimmer and dimmer. Probably because the light wasn't reflecting on it that much anymore from his angle.

"Is that one of the stars?" He peeked while hiding behind a chair this time. It seemed to be sticking on someone's back.

He came closer and closer. He noticed where the light was coming from. A familiar figure sat there, his head on rested on his arms on a table

Was he sleeping?


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ichiruki #1
Chapter 9: I wish they could stand on the stage again as 5 ^_^
Chapter 9: I hope they would perform on stage together too!!!!But then SM wouldn't let JYJ on variety shows again
Chapter 9: My dream T_T and I hope someday it will become reality,thanks for the story author-nim

You ignite my TV5Q feels back again..
wow it's my dream to something happen like that ...i mean both of them come to same show .... like this already (^__^)b
Chapter 8: Wooowww , ilovethisss ♥ please update author-nim
FireSpark96 #6
Chapter 8: Such a sweet reunion, I'm excited for what'll happen next.
chunnie_bunnie #7
Chapter 7: Aww that reunion was beyond adorable!!
Chapter 6: Kekekekeke..the reunion was way tooo cute!!!
Chapter 6: that is just soo cute. I love running man and I love dbsk. what a great reunion..

oh changmin.. you will always be lord VoldeMIN. haha