How does the game start again?

Running Man!?

"But How does the game work?" Yunho asked the PD.

"You have to look for the guests, like how you did last time, you're all going to be wearing masks. But at the same time, you are supposed to look for stars, red ones. You can steal from the guests. One hint about the guests is that they're going to stand out a bit, if you have a good eye, you'll notice it immediately. Oh yeah, and if you find one star, you have to go in the Main theatre of the building." The PD Kindly explained.

"Got it." The two said as they entered the building. It was huge, as always. But to look for red stars in this kind of place is too hard.


"I'm really scared." Jaejoong said looking at the camera. "I look good right?" He joked as well.

"Argh. There wasn't a single hint given to us."


"Doing this and watching it on TV are two total different stories, so Changmin says. How do I look" Yunho joked while looking around the building.

"ARGGHHHHHH Why does it have to be this hard?"


Yoochun skipped around the hallways looking under the chairs and tabled calmly.

"Ah. I can't find anything. Maybe I'll take a short nap on the table."


Junsu was fascinated with all the designs on the building, and forgot about the mission.


"I should open masks as I find the stars." Changmin strategically thought.

"And I should pull capes. There's always a nametag from behind."


"They're doing so well." Jong Kook laughed.

"Yeah right oppa. One's asleep, one's distracted, one is thinking of how pretty he is, and one is worrying if he looks good. I think only Changmin's working." Ji Hyo said as she slapped her forehead.



"This is too scary...." Jaejoong said looking around. "I'm on a mission, and some people are looking for me. I feel like I'm a spy, and they're trying to assasinate me so that I won't succeed this mission.


"Stars.... Red Stars..... Stars......." Yunho said looking around trying to find red stars. Still, there was no luck.




"Ooh Look at that! It's a dolphin! And a DUCK!" Junsu said as he walked aroung looking at the paintings hung up on the wall.


"Where would a red star be hiding? Logically, In the sky, but this is a theatre, so where would it be hiding?"


"HAHAH! Look at Changmin Go!" Gary laughed.

"WOAH! Gary's laughing!" Jong Kook shouted

"He is human, Oppa." Ji hyo giggled.

"haha, true enough."

AN: Haha just a random chapter to talk about how the game goes :D  I know this

Chapter's boring but I hope you continue reading the next chapters! :D

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ichiruki #1
Chapter 9: I wish they could stand on the stage again as 5 ^_^
Chapter 9: I hope they would perform on stage together too!!!!But then SM wouldn't let JYJ on variety shows again
Chapter 9: My dream T_T and I hope someday it will become reality,thanks for the story author-nim

You ignite my TV5Q feels back again..
wow it's my dream to something happen like that ...i mean both of them come to same show .... like this already (^__^)b
Chapter 8: Wooowww , ilovethisss ♥ please update author-nim
FireSpark96 #6
Chapter 8: Such a sweet reunion, I'm excited for what'll happen next.
chunnie_bunnie #7
Chapter 7: Aww that reunion was beyond adorable!!
Chapter 6: Kekekekeke..the reunion was way tooo cute!!!
Chapter 6: that is just soo cute. I love running man and I love dbsk. what a great reunion..

oh changmin.. you will always be lord VoldeMIN. haha