Masks and Real Faces

Running Man!?

Waaaaahhh Sorry for not being able to update for so looooong!!!!!!!!
School has been a real drag! -.-
We had a dance performance, which we were only given 3 days to practice, at least 6 projects, 2 Art work pieces to be passed tomorrow, when it was given last Friday, Today's Tuesday -.-, And more! Hehe, sorry for the long AN. xD I hope you have fun with this chapter though it might look a bit boring... I Apologize :D


All 3 masks fell.

Everyone part of the mission left their gazes on them... Was this the end of the game?


A strong blaze of wind brushed through them, making the 3 maknaes of the group close their eyes and wait for the wind to pass, for it was hurting their eyes. At the same time their masks had flown away, so far, that it was out of their reach.

As they opened their eyes, slowly, everything had looked blurry, they all closed their eyes tightly. Blinking as much as they can, to clear their visions. 

Jaws dropped wide open, so wide that you can fit a whole apple inside of it, Eyes grew so wide that it had hurt their eyeballs.

All three of them rubbed their eyes, trying to make sure they weren't seeing things....



"Junsu hyung? Yoochun hyung?!"

Was all that the 3 of them could say.


"What the hell are you doing here?" Junsu gave Changmin the stink eye. Obviously, behind that evil smirk, is an innocent angel wanting to hug the younger one.

"Obviously, doing what you're doing here." The maknae answered Xiah with the same smirk you would use with someone you hate.

"So you and Yunho hyung are the Chasers??" Yoochun hyung screamed, shocked.

Changmin answered with a reluctant nod. "Mhm."

"Why us?" The troll asked.

"How would I know? I'm just as shocked as you guys are!" Changmin screamed.

"Ah! Right!" Yoochun answered.


The PD Came closer and gave them masks. They forgot about the game. As they put it on, they continued their reunion together, whether if it was going smoothly or not. The PD, Gave all 3 of them the same masks, making all 3 of them stare at it for a long time before wearing it and stared back at each other.


"Junsu hyu-"

"I don't need to talk to a traitor." Junsu said as he pushed the staring magnae away from him.

"Haha. So that's how you looked at both me and Yunho hyung for these past 2 years? Fine then." Changmin said turning around to walk away with a loud hmph sound.


While this was going on, the older one of the three broke into laughter.


"Why are YOU laughing?" The dolphin asked rudely as he looked over to the Mr. Big Forehead.

"This makes me remember the times, when you guys would always fight." Chunnie said wiping the tears that have come down because of all the laughter he had made.


Silence took over the whole area.


Changmin suddenly broke into laughter, as Junsu continued with a giggle. But as soon as they realized they were laughing, they stopped in an instant. 

"Just because I laughed doesn't mean..."

"Doesn't mean you forgive me? Hyung, You do know that Nobody's at fault here right? Neither you guys or us." Changmin said cutting Junsu off.

Junsu kept quiet, as tears dropped from his eyelids.


Both Yoochun and Changmin hugged the Duckbutt man. 

"Yeah... I missed you guys too." The magnae said hugging all three of them.


The Maknae evilly smiled and took Chun's Blue diamond star that stuck on his cape.

"But Just because I love you guys, and that I miss you guys, it wouldn't give me a reason to take this away from you!" He said running away leaving his two hyungs dumbfounded.



Well? How did you like it? I really hope you did! Next UP! YUNJAE MEETING!

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ichiruki #1
Chapter 9: I wish they could stand on the stage again as 5 ^_^
Chapter 9: I hope they would perform on stage together too!!!!But then SM wouldn't let JYJ on variety shows again
Chapter 9: My dream T_T and I hope someday it will become reality,thanks for the story author-nim

You ignite my TV5Q feels back again..
wow it's my dream to something happen like that ...i mean both of them come to same show .... like this already (^__^)b
Chapter 8: Wooowww , ilovethisss ♥ please update author-nim
FireSpark96 #6
Chapter 8: Such a sweet reunion, I'm excited for what'll happen next.
chunnie_bunnie #7
Chapter 7: Aww that reunion was beyond adorable!!
Chapter 6: Kekekekeke..the reunion was way tooo cute!!!
Chapter 6: that is just soo cute. I love running man and I love dbsk. what a great reunion..

oh changmin.. you will always be lord VoldeMIN. haha