First Snow 02




We found a spot by the window. She talked about the most random of things, her pet dog, her favorite flowers, her growing collection of Hello Kitty memorabilia. She talked about her favorite colors, rose, crimson, cyan, periwinkle, and other colors I have honestly never heard of before. She talked about her fascination with stars, and the multitude of jars she had at home, filled with little paper stars that she enjoyed doing on her free time.


The hot chocolate was amazing, she had hers with a lot of marshmallows. I fiddled around with the ear of my mug. I didn’t have much to say, mainly because she didn’t stop talking. But I found myself interested in everything she was saying. The way she talked, the way she moved, it drew me into her.


She went on and on about her childhood memories, her embarrassing stories, how she got a small scar on her forehead because she was convinced that she could fly, and she jumped off the top of the stairs, only to fall on her face.


I laughed at her story. How could I not? She looked at me, straight into my eyes, as if trying to see my soul. My laughter died down. What’s the matter? She shook her head, smiling again.


She shared more stories, and I found myself sharing some of mine as well. My days as a trainee, my relationship with my family, the way I held back tears when Beast won our first award.


You’re too manly to cry. She slapped my hand, much to my surprise. But I wasn’t taken aback. I had a feeling she was filled with surprises.


I told her I liked dancing, and performing on stage gave me a thrill like no other. I told her the hardships I had to go through to be where I am now. I told her about my rebellious stage, and about the criticisms and praise I received from fans. I opened up, and I even shocked myself. It wasn’t like me to talk this much, especially not to someone I just met.


When did you become such a close person to me without me knowing?


I like the snow. She looked out the window, her expression completely changing into a calmer one. It’s just so…




Her eyes went back to me, and she nodded. I don’t know if it was just me, but I felt some sort of connection between us. She said my name. You’re paying for this. She was grinning, holding up her mug. I laughed. I brought out my wallet and left some bills on the table.


We talked for another hour, just sharing thoughts and stories, as if we were friends who reunited again after a long time. I felt very comfortable around her.


I checked my phone. It was late, and I still had an early schedule the next day. I didn’t want to say goodbye. Hesitantly, I asked for her number. I wasn’t the type of person to do that, but I did. She gave it to me, in exchange for mine. She gathered her things and stood up.


She smiled. I smiled back.


I hope to see you again, Mister Jang Hyunseung.She shook my hand again, her playful smile still in place.

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Chapter 7: :'') soo heartfelt and touchingg
lizzylovesyou #2
what a beautiful story !!!
truly heartfelt...^^
rosemary #3
AH THIS IS BEAUTIFUL :''''''<br />
Good job! You successfully made me cry just now huhu:(
Taddy_Taniush #4
so sad...all i can do is to cry reading every single word of this letter....i think you're amazing!!
kaseumi-appa #5
Still going to subscribe to this for the heck of it.<br />
Because it's beautiful.<br />
Every paragraph was just ... filled with sadness. And as I read it, I had this feeling that couldn't shake off.<br />
I must've tweeted to Steph a million times about how I was crying in the end.<br />
And I swear to god I was. Ohmygod. Hyunseung is my bias, this is unhealthy for me OTL.<br />
<br />
But this was a really good fic. And I give you best of luck to any of your on-going or future projects.<br />
<br />
I shall remember you as one of the only two people who have made me cry with their fics.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Do I sound like I'm writing a letter because I'm dying now.<br />
tigger-superman #6
This is beautiful! :) I love it. :) + how your grammer is so much better than most of the stories i've read so far :P
fishcakes #7
that was so sad D: but sweet......:3
I was so happy when i read that she feels the same way but refused to be his girlfriend.<br />
OMO. Why do everyhting i have read today was so sad T^T<br />
It was so touching :(
Ah, I just subscribed and it's over? X(<br />
The ending was so sad, my bias~~ -sniff-<br />
Really enjoyed reading this story, keep up the awesome work!
T.T T.T<br />
this is s0 heartbreaking but<br />
i l0ve it. T.T<br />
T.T i dunno what 2 say aigoo u're really g0od T.T