First Snow, First Kiss




[Author’s Note: I realized I may not be able to get up to the original number of chapters I want. I don’t want the story to be too draggy, so I’ll cut down to fewer chapters. The song I used for this chapter, First Snow, First Kiss, was short, and so the chapter was also a bit short. So this song will only have one chapter. I’m so sorry! :( ]




I love the snow.

The way it makes the atmosphere cool, and how it gives me an excuse to wrap my arms around her, to hold her close, and the way my breath fogs when I tell her I love her.

It was snowing when we kissed.



The person who stole my heart already, I think I can give you my all, you are my first love.




She was grinning. I was confused. Did she say no? Was she kidding? How can she smile like that after saying no?


No. She got up her swing and turned around, facing me. I could only imagine the shock my face portrayed, I probably looked like a deer in headlights. She propped up one knee on the swing seat and threw her arms around me.


She told me that she liked the way things were, and she didn’t want to ruin whatever we had by getting into a relationship. She ignored all my questions. I started talking, going on about how no such thing would happen, I would never hurt her. I tried reasoning out. I wanted her to be mine. She told me she was mine, regardless if she was my girlfriend or not. I kept spewing out reason after reason. She slapped her hand over my lips to silence me.


Yours, for always. What she said was enough to make me stop.


My heart will never change, I promise.


She explained that formalities and labels didn’t matter. She was mine, and I realized the truth in her statement. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. She pulled off my scarf from her neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I pressed my forehead against her, and told her that I had never felt so much for a person ever before.


Without me knowing anything, love comes to me.


I pulled away, but kept my arms around her, and I asked her how she felt about me. She said she felt the same way as I did about her. I told her to elaborate, she said she liked me a lot, and then said no more. I nodded, but I wanted to hear more. She told me that she wasn’t the type of person who talks about their feelings openly, and she had a hard time expressing them. I told her I understood, and it was okay. It didn’t matter to me if she said them or not. She asked me how I felt about her.


On the streets where the first snow falls, meeting eyes with her.


I looked at her again. I love you.


I flew above the skies holding her in my arms. You are my first love.


She pulled away from her embrace and her hands went up to my face, and of all responses, she pinched my cheeks, and then she pulled them apart. She giggled. It wasn’t exactly the reaction I was expecting. She wrapped her arms around my neck again and pressed her forehead against mine. I could feel her breath on my face. Her lips were inches from mine.


On the streets where they exchange love, kissing her on her lips.


I felt snow touch my shoulder the moment I kissed her. Her eyelids fluttered close, and lips froze for a moment, but she soon relaxed and she kissed me back. The kiss lingered, until we had to pull away for breath.


She opened her eyes, and we looked at each other again. We remained unmoving for a few moments, just looking at each other, reading each other’s eyes. She played with the ends of my hair. I love you. I repeated. Her eyes glazed, and she hugged me tight. I buried my face in her hair. You don’t need to say it back, I just want you to know. She nodded.


You are my first love. 

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Chapter 7: :'') soo heartfelt and touchingg
lizzylovesyou #2
what a beautiful story !!!
truly heartfelt...^^
rosemary #3
AH THIS IS BEAUTIFUL :''''''<br />
Good job! You successfully made me cry just now huhu:(
Taddy_Taniush #4
so sad...all i can do is to cry reading every single word of this letter....i think you're amazing!!
kaseumi-appa #5
Still going to subscribe to this for the heck of it.<br />
Because it's beautiful.<br />
Every paragraph was just ... filled with sadness. And as I read it, I had this feeling that couldn't shake off.<br />
I must've tweeted to Steph a million times about how I was crying in the end.<br />
And I swear to god I was. Ohmygod. Hyunseung is my bias, this is unhealthy for me OTL.<br />
<br />
But this was a really good fic. And I give you best of luck to any of your on-going or future projects.<br />
<br />
I shall remember you as one of the only two people who have made me cry with their fics.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
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Do I sound like I'm writing a letter because I'm dying now.<br />
tigger-superman #6
This is beautiful! :) I love it. :) + how your grammer is so much better than most of the stories i've read so far :P
fishcakes #7
that was so sad D: but sweet......:3
I was so happy when i read that she feels the same way but refused to be his girlfriend.<br />
OMO. Why do everyhting i have read today was so sad T^T<br />
It was so touching :(
Ah, I just subscribed and it's over? X(<br />
The ending was so sad, my bias~~ -sniff-<br />
Really enjoyed reading this story, keep up the awesome work!
T.T T.T<br />
this is s0 heartbreaking but<br />
i l0ve it. T.T<br />
T.T i dunno what 2 say aigoo u're really g0od T.T