First Snow 03



[Author’s Note: This will be the last chapter for the first part of Snow. Both the second and the third part will also contain three chapters. Sort of like a trilogy of trilogies.]




Days passed, and then weeks. We exchanged text messages constantly. When I had free time in between schedules, I would call her, and we’d spend hours on the phone. We went out a second time, and a third time, and a fourth time.


We were out for a walk one night, it was still snowing, she grabbed onto my arm to prevent herself from slipping on the ice. She still did occasionally, but I always managed to catch her. Careful. She looked at me and told me she was cold. I took off my scarf and wrapped it around her neck, up to her cheeks. She was looking into my eyes as I did so. I did not dare break eye contact.


The world reflected in your eyes is so beautiful.


I told her she has beautiful eyes, the scarf prevented me to see if she was blushing. She told me I was pretty, and I frowned. I don’t like being called pretty. She insisted, repeating the words Hyunseung and pretty. I laughed as I shook my head, and I told her she was stubborn. She stuck out her tongue at me.


I am thankful that I am able to spend this moment with you.


I asked her what she wanted to do, she shrugged, she was always the indecisive one. I offered to treat her to ice cream, she hit my arm, calling me crazy. It’s way too cold for ice cream, Mister. She never, not once, called me oppa. It was always Mister Jang Hyunseung. We continued walking aimlessly. She found that she wasn’t tripping anymore, so she let go of my arm and walked on her own.


Her hand brushed on mine. Instinctively, I pulled back. I kept my eyes looking straight and slip my hands in the pocket of my jacket. I nearly slipped in my path when I felt her practically shove her hand in my pocket. I looked at her with wide eyes. She pulled out my hand and slid her fingers right between mine. I relaxed and held on to her hand, I looked at her, she wasn’t even looking at me. But she was smiling. She swung our hands as we walked.


This is nice. I said to her, and I told her I’ve never held hands with a girl before. She nodded, but didn’t say anything. We kept walking in silence until we reached the café where we hung out the very first night that we met. Hot chocolate? I offered her. She nodded, and we went in the café. She ordered a cup of hot chocolate, to go, and requested that they add in extra marshmallows.


We left the café after she got her order. We had a little argument as to who would pay. She shoved my money back in my pocket and dragged me outside. She has a thing with dragging me around.Hey mister, I want to go to the park. She told me, taking my hand and lacing our fingers together. It was more of a command, than a request. We were lucky there was a park nearby. Swings, swings! She said while swinging our hands. She was only 2 or 3 years younger than I was, but she acted like such a kid. It was adorable.


You are more precious than anyone.


She quickly released my hand and ran off to the swings the moment we got to the park. She chugged down her hot chocolate in one go and threw the cup to a nearby trash bin. She sat a swing and began rocking back and forth.


Chuckling, I followed her. I stood behind her swing, gently pushing on her shoulders to help her swing higher. She looked back at me and smiled.


My heart skipped a beat.


Yoonmi ah. I didn’t say her name often, but I always liked the way it rolled off my lips. I have something I want to ask you. I was nervous.Do you like me? She told me she did, and she didn’t have any reasons not to like me. I told her that I felt the same way It’s only been a month since we started going out but… I trailed off. She stopped swinging and her back hit my chest.  Would you, maybe, like to be my girlfriend?


She turned her head and looked up at me, her hands gripped the chains of the swings. I looked at her, anticipating her reply. I didn’t want to be too expectant, but to be honest, we were kind of already acting like a couple.


She smiled, and my heart started racing faster. I put my hands over hers. She anchored her feet on the ground and I inched my face closer. The second right before she replied was the longest second of my life.



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Chapter 7: :'') soo heartfelt and touchingg
lizzylovesyou #2
what a beautiful story !!!
truly heartfelt...^^
rosemary #3
AH THIS IS BEAUTIFUL :''''''<br />
Good job! You successfully made me cry just now huhu:(
Taddy_Taniush #4
so sad...all i can do is to cry reading every single word of this letter....i think you're amazing!!
kaseumi-appa #5
Still going to subscribe to this for the heck of it.<br />
Because it's beautiful.<br />
Every paragraph was just ... filled with sadness. And as I read it, I had this feeling that couldn't shake off.<br />
I must've tweeted to Steph a million times about how I was crying in the end.<br />
And I swear to god I was. Ohmygod. Hyunseung is my bias, this is unhealthy for me OTL.<br />
<br />
But this was a really good fic. And I give you best of luck to any of your on-going or future projects.<br />
<br />
I shall remember you as one of the only two people who have made me cry with their fics.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Do I sound like I'm writing a letter because I'm dying now.<br />
tigger-superman #6
This is beautiful! :) I love it. :) + how your grammer is so much better than most of the stories i've read so far :P
fishcakes #7
that was so sad D: but sweet......:3
I was so happy when i read that she feels the same way but refused to be his girlfriend.<br />
OMO. Why do everyhting i have read today was so sad T^T<br />
It was so touching :(
Ah, I just subscribed and it's over? X(<br />
The ending was so sad, my bias~~ -sniff-<br />
Really enjoyed reading this story, keep up the awesome work!
T.T T.T<br />
this is s0 heartbreaking but<br />
i l0ve it. T.T<br />
T.T i dunno what 2 say aigoo u're really g0od T.T