Unexpected Surprise

The Truth


“Sadie” Youngjae says as he pushes my side “you have to get up, you have school today”. My eyes snap open and I shoot up and look him in the eyes “Are you serious? I am going to school today!?” I practically yell into his face. Smiling he nods and goes to leave, as I leap out of bed and run up behind him to hug him “This is the best news I have gotten all week! Thank you Oppa!!!” letting him go I run into my bathroom and rush through my daily school routine, and even put a little more effort into looking good seeing how I haven’t seen Minnie in a week. Walking out of the bathroom I inspect my outfit and rush down the stairs to grab food before leaving bumping into a sleepy Daehyun “watch where you’re going” he mutters sleepily, I grin and mess up his hair “sorry Daehyun oppa! I didn’t mean to” I say as I start running down the stairs. *I can’t believe I'm actually excited to be going to school! This is so crazy* I grab an apple out of the fruit bowl and practically drag Yongguk to the car once I found him. “Let’s get going! No time to slack off! I have places to go and people to see” I say as I flop down into the front of his shiny red convertible. Staring at me he crosses his arms “Excuse me, but what are you doing?” I look up at him and beam a big smile “well I figured that since you love me oh so much you would drive me to school in your car and come on I deserve it! I mean I didn’t sneak out or run away all last week and listened to your rules about the lock down” Chuckling he opens the door and sits down, turning on the engine making the whole car roar to life “Damn, you know oppa, my birthday is this week, and I would love to be able to have a car as nice as this” I say batting my eyes at him, ruffling my hair he laughs telling me it’s not going to happen.
After Yongguk drops me off at school I practically rush through the halls in order to get to my locker, and when I arrive I see a beaming Minnie waiting patiently for me “SADIE!!! You’re alive! I was so worried!” She yells as she wraps her arms around my neck, I laugh as I pry her off of me “I know I missed you too Minnie! I was lock—stuck in bed all week it was terrible I wasn’t allowed to even have my phone because I was told I needed to get better quickly!” I tell her as I being to unload my binders into my arm and close my locker. “So, anything new at scho--” “Sadie?” I turn my head and see one of my guy friends “Ilhoon! Oh hey!” I smile, I have known Ilhoon for about two years now but we haven’t really been hanging out much lately because of his busy schedule “so you're back at school?” he says as he hugs me “Yup, just had a nasty flu bug but I'm all better” I say grinning, “anyways we have to get to class, see you later” I say as Minnie begins to drag me down the hall to our classroom. Minnie proceeds to fill me in on all the latest news about the school, who broke up, who got together, when the next fundraiser is, “wow, I missed so much this past week! I feel as though I must have been gone for like months” I say as we find our seats in our first period class. “I'm telling you, it is insane all the events that happened when you were away” Minnie explains as she hands me the notes I missed for the class, just then the bell rings and our teacher comes in, followed by a student. “Good Morning students, I hope you all enjoyed your weekend, to start off this week I would like to introduce you to our newest student” He directs his hand to the boy that followed him in, my jaw drops, and so does many other girls in the class “annyeonghaseyo, my name in Moon Jongup, please treat me well.” I hear a couple of girls giggle from beside me and I notice Minnie look him up and down “Damn” I hear her whisper under her breath. *You have got to be kidding me! This cannot be happening! THIS was their brilliant plan on how to keep me safe, what’s next is Junhong going to be coming waltzing in?* “Thank you, you may take a seat by the window”.  Jongup makes his way over to his new seat as I whip out my phone and furiously text him
What the hell are you doing here?!

 I look over at him and can feel my anger swell, my phone buzzes in my hand
What do you mean; I'm in this class I have to be here

Don’t be a smart , I mean what are you doing at my school?!

I will explain later, now pay attention this is your worst class :D

** I shove my phone back into my pocket and begin to copy the note off the board.
The bell finally rings and I quickly grab my stuff and march over to Jongups desk only to be cut off by about five girls trying to get a better look at him and trying to get his attention. Sighing I exit the class with Minnie only to be reminded of him once more “Oh my god! Did you see the new boy? I mean he is like perfect” I roll my eyes as she rambles on about how ‘perfect’ Jongup was and how toned he look and blah blah blah… just then I bump into someone… I look up… “! What the hell are you doing here!?” I yell into Junhongs face
I continue through the day in an angry daze, first Jongup is in two of my classes and now Junhong is also attending my school. Once the school day ends I quickly pack my bag and say bye to Minnie. *I need to see someone before I go home* I quickly look around and make sure the boys don’t see me as I sneak off through the side gate of the school. I decide to take the main streets as an extra precaution, and begin to make my way to my old house; I felt the need to tell my ‘mom’ about how my life has been going ever since I left. I quickly stop by the corner store and pick up a small bundle of flowers for her, and continue on my way. When I approach the door I hear a bark coming from inside *they got a dog?* I knock on the door and hear my mom telling the dog to quiet down and her footsteps coming towards the door. As she opens the door she pushes the dog out of the way and looks up at me “Sadie! Oh honey! How are you? Oh come in come in!” she says with a massive grin on her face. I spend the next two hours talking to her and catching her up on my life and asking her how she has been since I left. I felt happy just being able to talk to her again. My phone begins to buzz and I excuse myself to answer the phone

Sadie? Where are you?”
Oh hi Himchan oppa! I'm actually at my old house having tea with my mom, I should be home soon don’t worry too much”
Arraso, be safe”
I end the call and turn to face my mom “I'm sorry, that was one of my guardians, they want me to come home now” I say with a slight frown, “well it was nice to see you darling, be sure to come back again” she says as she hugs me and returns to the kitchen. Just as I am about to leave I hear the door close, *JOE!* I curse as I come face to face with him, “Hello, Joe, pleasure to see you I was just leaving, good day” I say as I move around him and go to grab the door handle “Sadie,” he says grabbing my arm “Listen,” he says turning me to face him “No! You know what Joe, I don’t need to listen, I am actually quite late and the people who actually care about me are worried. You wouldn’t know about that because ever since I lived here you have done nothing but treat me like crap, so I'm sorry if I don’t want to stay and listen to any of your bull right now but I have to be going” I say turning and grab the door handle swinging the door open; he grabs my wrist this time and I don’t know why but I don’t pull away, it was almost as if it was a desperate attempt “Sadie… I’m sorry” I feel his hand release my wrist and I walk out of the door, as I am walking down the street I actually felt sorry for flipping out on Joe *he actually seemed genuinely sorry…*
I don’t pay much attention as I walk down the street until I bump into someone, “oh sorry” I say as I continue walking, “Sadie… you really need to pay attention” Junhong laughs when I turn around and realize who it was. “Junhong, what are you doing here?” “Hey just because I'm assigned to protect you doesn’t mean I don’t go out sometimes” I laugh at his ridiculous cover up, I punch him on the arm “nice lie, anyways I don’t feel like heading home yet, you wanna go out somewhere?” Agreeing we hold hands and walk to the bakery nearby. We talk for a bit and I look up at him smiling at how cheesy and childlike he is acting. “Noona, Look!” he says as he pulls me towards a pond by a park. “Noona! Can we come back and feed the ducks after?” I look up at him and try and resist his aegyo face, “ I don’t know, I think that is just too much effort for your poor noona to handle” I say pinching his cheeks, next thing I know he is throwing me on his back and giving me a piggy back ride. “Here! This way you don’t have to walk to the bakery and save energy to feed the ducks” giggling I wrap my arms around his neck and yell high ho silver as he begins to run with me on his back. We finally arrive at the bakery out of breath and laughing, “that was so much fun,” I attempt to say through my laughter “and since when do you call me noona?!” I say punching his arm. We spend about twenty minutes in the bakery because Junhong couldn’t decide which cake to buy for desert and convinced me to buy two different ones for him. “Pabo, you don’t need two cakes” I say laughing once we left with a bag full of goodies “Oh yes I do! You never can have too many cakes”. We begin to make our way back towards the pond to feed the ducks when my phone starts to ring
“Sadie, hey do you think you can come over?”
“Ilhoon?  Is that you?
“Yeah, so uh do you think you can its important.”
 I look up at Junhong and excuse myself for a minute
Are you okay? You sound off?”
“Yeah I'm fine I was just wondering if you could come over?”
“Arraso I will be there in a few minutes”
I hang up my phone and walk back over to Junhong “hey so my friend just called and he sounded really upset so I'm going to go over and make sure he’s okay, why don’t you head back to the house?” I explain as I begin to walk away “But! Sadie! Yongguk is not going to be happy about this!” he yells as I continue to walk away “tell him it’s an emergency okay! Bye” I say as I being to sprint off to Ilhoon’s house.
I finally make it to Ilhoon’s house when I receive a text from Yongguk

“Hey! What is this that you are going to a boys house!”
“Calm down its just Ilhoon you don’t need to worry lol”
“You have half hour I'm coming to pick you up, it’s still a school night remember”
“Yes DAD” 
I chuckle as I make fun of Yongguk for being so worried. I knock on the door and waited patiently as I hear footsteps come towards the door. Ilhoon opens the door with a nervous expression. “Hey are you okay!” I say walking past him into his house and sitting down on the couch “Yeah…” he says trailing off “Are you sure? You look like you have seen a ghost” I say chuckling “Sadie, will you go on a date with me?” he blurts out. I stare at him with my mouth open, I knew Ilhoon had a small crush on me but I didn’t think he would ever act on it. “Come again?” I manage to spit out. “Well I was just kind of wondering if you know you would maybe go on one date with me?” he says staring at the ground, I have to admit I did have a thing for Ilhoon a while ago but now I'm just confused because of Jongup. It can’t hurt to figure things out though right “Oh, um,” I manage a small smile “of course Ilhoonie” he jumps up with excitement and pulls me into a hug as I chuckle into his chest “calm down you're going to strangle me” I say laughing as he releases me and blushes like mad “sorry”. We talk for a bit after and plan when we are going on our date until Yongguk texts me telling me he was there to pick me up “See you Saturday then” I say smiling as I leave the house, I turn and feel the blush rise up in my cheeks as I get into the silent car. “What’s that look for?” I hear Yongguk ask. 

Hey guys! sorry for such a late update i have been busy with my school play and all my stuff for school. Sorry if this chapter is super bad it was kind of a quick up date. I had to add a little plot twist in im sooo sorry but dont worry it will all make sense later on please dont hate me!!!!  Anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter 



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Chapter 11: KYAAA FINALLY <3
Chapter 11: OMG LOVE U TWO! It's sooooo sweet!
Chapter 6: O: exciting.. XD update!^^