The Boy

The Truth


Looking out the window, I could start to see a large house enter my vision. The house seemed to have an old Victorian framework, with a porch wrapping around to the far side. As the car approached closer, I could start to make out the smaller details on the front. The porch had images of flowers carved into the structure that were just below the roofing, and the bottom floor windows had shutters neighbouring them. It was a white panel house that looked like it had been standing through many generations.

I sat in awe staring at the house as Yongguk drove into the driveway. We all stepped out of the car, and I grab my school bag and sweater. “This….is where you guys live?” was all I could say. Daehyun walked around the car to stand next to me. “Yes we do. But we haven’t been here for very long.” I look at him and give him a questioning look. “What do you mean?” Daehyun returns my gaze and told me, “Before we knew where you were located after you were sent to live with your adoptive parents, we used to live in another town. We’re still getting used to the country life ourselves.” This brought up many questions. “What do you mean by ourselves? Just you and Yongguk? Or are there more of your guys?” this time I am interrupted by Yongguk’s laugh. He puts his car keys in his pocket and continues where Daehyun left off. “Don’t worry, you’ll meet everyone soon enough.”

Daehyun and Yongguk start to head for the house leaving me in the driveway frowning. *why do they have to be so secretive about everything?* I follow close behind and walk up the old wooden stairs to the front of the house. It was even more beautiful up close now that I could see it better. I follow the lines in the wood with my eyes as the front door is opened by Yongguk. Both of them walk inside and I return to reality and trail behind.

As soon as I enter, the room immediately opens up. The foyer was two stories tall and had a master staircase in the center leading up stairs. My eyes don’t know where to look first. The walls were a soft, warm red colour that had a dark wood trim. Few pictures of landscapes where hung up on the walls and one bookcase was off to the side. But the main object in the room that brightened up the whole room (literally) was the crystal chandelier that was placed just above where I was standing. It was a soft light blue crystal that had accents of yellow throughout.  Daehyun and Yongguk were obviously watching me because I could start to hear laughs coming from their direction. “If you’re done staring at everything, why don’t you come this way and we’ll show you to your new room.”  I lower my head to see Daehyun smiling at me, and I nod.

Yongguk leaves us to attend to other matters, leaving me alone with Daehyun. “I hope you’re pleased with your room, it took me and the others a while to make it.” Staring at him questionably, we start to head upstairs to the right side of the house. The stairs creaked as we made our way up. *this just keeps getting weirder and weirder by the minute… I hate it when I become the center of attention.* We turn and enter the hallway and stop in front of the last door.  “Here’s your room, there are fresh sheets in there, and your other possessions are there too. If you want anything just call one of us and we’ll come.” With that Daehyun unlocks the door and holds it open for me. I nod to him in silence and he turns to leave me.

I feel around the wall for the light switch. When I turn on the light, my jaw dropped. The room I was in was exactly like the one I had back home except, this wasn’t my home. Everything was perfect. Everything from the blue walls to even my pillow case I made in elementary school. *oh my god… I don’t know if I should be happy or scared less…* was all I could think of at the time. I drop my bag and sweater beside the door and walk over to sit on the bed. *… this even feels like my own bed…* my hands pick up a pillow and I sit cross-legged on the bed and hug it. *I can’t be in here… it’s creeping me out…* I get up and change out of my uniform. Throwing on my favourite pair of jeans and shirt that they packed for me I open the door and look down the hallway. It was completely empty except for the lone potted plant on the opposite wall.

I listen for any sound and close my door when the cost is clear. I slowly make my way down the hallway and look at the few scattered pictures along the wall. *they don’t have a lot of variety do they?* I finally come to the end of the hallway and reach the main staircase. I look down to make sure no one could see me. The only think that was looking at me was an old 1900’s painting of a lady on the downstairs wall. Walking to the other side of the stairs and to the next hallway, I turn the corner. This hallway was very similar to the one my room was in but had more doors leading to new places. Choosing which one I wanted to enter was hard, so I begin at the one closest to me. Taking a deep breath, I push open the door slowly hoping that no one was inside. It was the washroom. *wow, that’s it?*

I walk over to the next door that was a little bit farther down the hall. I repeat the same process and open the door. Inside the room was dark, suggesting that no one was inside. I step in quickly and quietly close the door. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the dark, but when they did, I could start to make out the shape of a bed and a dresser. It was another bedroom. The feeling of adventure rose up within me and my adrenaline started pumping. *oh my god, someone’s room… I wonder who it belongs too.* I walk over to a bookcase and start to read the titles of the books. None of them were books that I knew of. Just beside the bookcase was a chair. Me, being the book lover, I pick up an interesting title and sit down to start reading.

A few minutes pass when I start to hear voices coming down the hallway. A wave of panic falls over me. Quickly, I jump up and find the spot I found the book, knocking over small figurines. I run over to the door and see if the voices are getting closer. They are. *No,no,no! Not now! If only I left sooner than I wouldn’t have been stuck in here.* I press my ear up against the door to better hear the voices. They were too muffled for me to make out. Footsteps were now just outside my door. Without any other option I run back over to the chair and hide behind it hoping to God that I would somehow not be seen.

The voices cease, and the door opens letting in light. I shut my eyes not used to the light and miss my chance to see who entered the room. The dark figure turns on the light and I notice that his back is turned to face me. I could make out that the figure was a man as he walks over to the dresser. *no! Don’t you dare do what I think you’re about to do!* I turn my head just as he takes off his shirt. Peaking around the corner I could see the outline of his muscles on his shoulder. He opens the drawer, picks up a clean shirt and turns in my direction. I quickly hide my face and occasionally take a look. I take a breath and take a peak from behind the chair once more. His torso was very toned for someone who looked so young. He had a six pack that was just slightly visible with a strip of hair making its way from his belly button down below his pair of jeans. Suddenly I can feel the sensation of eyes on me and I quickly glance up. The boy in front of me was staring in my direction. A gasp escapes my throat and I turn myself behind the chair once again. My heart skipped several beats. *please don’t see me, please don’t see me.* I try my best to settle my breathing and shut my eyes closed. The boy didn’t seemed to notice my presence, and shortly leaves the room.

I wait for a couple minutes to make sure that he was not coming back. Finally, I stand up cautiously and make my way over to the door shaking. *I am never coming back in here…* I open the door quietly and run down the hallway to try and escape the scene.  When I reach the end of the hallway I feel more relaxed and turn the corner bumping into someone for what seemed like the 100 time today. I look up and come face to face with the boy I had seen not too long ago. Flustered I begin to blush and step away trying to avoid eye contact. “Oh sorry, I didn’t see you there.” His voice was as smooth as velvet. “You must be Sadie, right?” I nod not looking at his face, hoping that he would leave soon. “Yep, I’m Sadie…” I said pathetically. “Well it’s nice to meet you finally, even though it was not how I imagined it.”

Forgetting the awkward bubble that was surrounding me, I look into his face and give him a questioning look. “I saw you in my room earlier when I entered.”  Realizing what he said, I felt the blood rush into my cheeks and I desperately look in the opposite direction. He sees my reaction, and lets out a deep laugh. “don’t worry, it’s ok.” He looks down at me, and I summon the courage to look back. “It’s ok as long as you don’t go back in there without me permission because…” he pauses and swiftly leans in towards me. I take an inhale gasp as he places his head right next to my ear. “…because I hide all my secrets in there.” Feeling his breath on my ear sends shivers up and down my spine. He leans away and smiles. I can clearly see his face now. He had light brown hair and soft brown eyes that smiled when he did. His lips curved into one of the sweetest smiles I had ever seen. It showed how perfect and straight his teeth were. I caught myself staring and look away once more. He takes a deep breath and walks away leaving me by myself.

*calm down Sadie! Just calm down… it’s just one boy… he can’t do anything. And why did you let him whisper to you!? Usually you would have pushed the person away!* after a moment or too addressing the situation I make my way back to my room and shut the door and the memories of what just happened.

An hour passes and I have finished unpacking my clothes from the suitcases. As soon as I sit down on my bed to relax a knock is heard from my door. “Sadie? It’s time for dinner, come on out.” I recognize the familiar voice as Yongguks and walk to the door to open it. He stands there with a smile on his face and he gestures me to follow him downstairs.  We walk to the room on the right of the staircase and enter what seems to be the dining room.

“Just wait here while I get the other members.” Said Yongguk in a very calm manner.  I nod, and then take my seat at the table and patiently wait for him to return.

Shortly, I hear footsteps coming from the direction Yongguk left, and I straighten my back and face the doorway. Five men enter the room varying in height. Two of them I already know as Daehyun and Yongguk, and three that follow just steps behind them. One seemed like he could be the same age as Yongguk. He had dark brown hair with a spring to his step. The next member over looked like Daehyun’s age. He was wearing a red beanie and had his brown hair spiked upwards. The final boy at the end was the youngest looking. He had an innocent smile plastered on his face with a determined look in his eye.

They all make their way over and look down at me. I smile and they begin. “Sadie, these are the other members of the agents that worked for your parents. They are here to help you whenever you need it.” Yongguk signals them to take over and the oldest one begins. “Hello, my name is Kim Himchan, and I look forward to getting to know you better.” He bows, and motions to the person on his left with the beanie to follow his way. “Hello Sadie, I’m Yoo Youngjae and it's nice to finally meet you.” He smiles and I smile back feeling the friendly vibes coming off him. The last of them takes his turn. “Hello! I’m glad I get to meet you, and I hope we can become good friends. My name’s Choi Junhong.”

Yongguk nods in approval towards them and then looks puzzled. “Where’s Jongup? He said he would be down here.” Everyone looks around and whispers begin to rise. “I believe I saw him headed back to his room not too long ago.” Daehyun replies. “I’m sure he won’t be too long.” And with that said the door on the other side of the room flies open. All heads turn in that direction.

“I’m so sorry I’m late, but all my figurines in my room had been knocked over and I had to fix them.” I realize that this was because of me and I start to feel my face become hotter. The boy walked over and I saw that it was the same boy who I had bumped into earlier. “Hello, again Sadie! I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself, but my name is Moon Jongup. It’s very nice to meet you.” He bows and walks to the other members at the table. “Well then! Let’s have some dinner then and talk shall we?” says Daehyun enthusiastically.

Dinner moves by quickly after we all started talking and laughing about an assortment of things. “haha wow, that was a good meal!” I say as I shove my plate away from me. “It’s not often we all eat together with our different schedules.” Laughs Junhong wiping his mouth with a napkin. One by one we all finish and we say our good nights, and I head upstairs to bed.

I open the door and change into my comfy pajamas. I pull back the covers and slide in to the bed. I laugh to myself at how soft the bed is and I start to think of the events that happened today. *it was just this morning that I thought I was an average girl that was in the background… but now I’m in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. I just hope in the end everything doesn’t mess up like it always has.* I close my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep in a room that mimicked my own. 

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! i would like it if i could get some feedback on what you think of it :D ~ Madie


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Chapter 11: KYAAA FINALLY <3
Chapter 11: OMG LOVE U TWO! It's sooooo sweet!
Chapter 6: O: exciting.. XD update!^^