
The Truth


I look at Yongguk in complete shock. “What do you mean I don’t live there anymore!? I was there just this morning.” Yongguk rubs the back of his neck. “Can I explain in the car, we need to get going…” Just then Daehyun catches up. “You guys weren’t going to leave without me were you?” He says with an irresistible smirk. He then turns to me and his expression changes to a more concerned look “How’s your… stomach?” Blushing at what he meant, I look up, smile and reply smoothly, “Fine.”

Yongguk and Daehyun walk over to the car and I follow closely behind. Daehyun, being a gentleman, opens the rear passenger door for me, a scene I was already too familiar with. I quietly sit down into the back seat while they take the front. “You’re going to love it at our house, it’s big and roomy, and your bedroom is twice the si…” I can hear Daehyun’s voice as my mind begins to wander while I stare out the window. *if I look at the situation… this is the first time someone other than Minnie has ever thought of my safety*I continue to think while Daeyhuns voice drifts out of my mind.

 The rest of the ride was sat in silence without a single word being said by any of us. The only noise that was heard was the car’s flawless sounding radio in the front. I look out of the window and realize that we are in the country. I break the silence. “Wow, this is going to be one hell of a drive in the morning you know with school and all.” Yongguk shift his hands down on the leather steering wheel and looks at me through the mirror. His eyes lock on mine, and slowly begins. “You’re not going back.” I immediately shift my position in my seat. “Wait… what? But I’m a student there, I can’t just leave!” I unbuckle my seat belt to move myself to be in between them. “I can’t leave Minnie either! I promised her we would stick together! Even if this gang or whatever is trying to find me, wouldn’t it be easier if I just went to some random school and not be noticed rather than being sent to some fancy house!? And plus, if I leave her she’s going to be somehow get hurt in all this! Haven’t you seen movies? The friend always gets kidnaps and then dies! I don’t want this to hap-”

Yongguk slams on the brakes and I am sent flying forward into the front seat onto Daehyuns lap. Blushing I look up and quickly adjust myself back to my seat. *what the hell was that!?* “listen Sadie… I understand why you feel this way bu-“ I cut him off. “but nothing! This is way too much for me. I’m just a regular school girl that has the same problems everyone else has. I’m not the type of person to just get up and leave my life back there. I’m sorry if this has caused you guys so much trouble, but I believe you picked the wrong person… I belong back there, not in this car going to your house just to be safe from a bunch of guys… I’m a tough person. Growing up with my parents being taken from me and then to live with an abusive adoptive father! I’ve grown to live with it. I’ll be fine on my own.”

 I grab my bag and step out of the car and start walking down the road hoping that it would take me home. Trying to block out what just happened in my mind, I hear the tires of the car turn and start to slowly follow my trail. The car door slams and the sound of someone jogging fills my ears. Daehyun steps in front of me. “What about this Sadie,” he begins “why don’t you get in the car and then we’ll discuss it on the way to the house?” looking away to show that I wasn’t holding back tears. I slowly count backwards from 10, a trick my mom would tell me to do whenever things got too hard for me, and said, “look… I will just end up being a burden on you just like I have been to everyone else ok!? Just let me go home now…” “But Sadie you need to come with us… look, I’ll try and get Yongguk to allow you to go to school, but right now you need to come with us.”

 Finally giving up because there seemed like no way out of this, I agree and we both head back to the car. As I awkwardly re-enter the car and take my seat, I look out of the window in silence thinking about why I should just learn to keep my mouth shut. *it’s just like Joe always told me, never speak to anyone unless it’s my place to…speaking what on my mind will only get me into trouble.*I gaze out into the country sky wishing that things would turn back to normal. If everything was normal, I could go back to being me, the girl who just keeps to herself.  As my thoughts seem to fly through my mind, a large house appears over the horizon and my heart drops. *there’s no way I’m going back now.*

hello!! this is a shorter chapter.... but i hope the next couple ones will be a bit longer :P thanks for reading! ~Madie

I hope you guys are enjoying the story :D there is more to come and even some fluff moments! ~ Kaitlin

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Chapter 11: KYAAA FINALLY <3
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