
The Truth


I’m running through the woods, its dark and I'm fumbling with every step I take.

 I can tell someone is following close behind me so I try and pick up my pace.  Tripping I turn over to see a man standing over me holding a gun.

 He points it to my face and has his finger on the trigger, grinning he pulls the trigger with a loud bang.

I wake up screaming, drenched in a cold sweat, *it was just a dream* sighing I look at my clock, *great it’s only 1am* my door swings open and Jongup stands there in a white muscle shirt and a pair of baggy sweat pants, “Are you alright? I heard screaming” I can see the worry plastered all over his face, but I can’t seem to bring myself to answer. He begins to walk over to the bed and sits down beside me, the awkward tension filling the space between us; I place my chin on my knees and sigh.

 “I’m alright; I just had a nightmare, that’s all.” I look up at him as he continues to stare at the wall, “Jongup?” He shakes his head and looks at me with a reassuring smile. “Sorry, I’m still tired. I didn’t know that I was going to be woken up in the middle of the night.” I look down from his face and think. *well at least you don’t have to be woken up almost every night by these dreams.*he lets out a tired sigh and stands up to stretch. He brings his hands over his head and his shirt rises ever so slightly so that I can see his muscles. *don’t think about that now! You barely know him!* I turn my head away from the sight of him.

 His walks over and collapses into the chair opposite to me. “Do you want to talk about it? Your dream I mean?” “No… no thanks,” was all I could say. He lifts his hand and runs it through his hair puzzled.*I just want to go back to sleep… why do these nightmares happen?* An awkward silence fills the room, and I know that we can both feel it. Jongup rises up from the chair and begins to pace around. I watch him think from behind my knees. “Do you want water or something to drink? Or maybe some fresh blankets? Or what if I-.” “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine now I f I just get some sleep.” I smile at him and begin to remember the horrible dream that I was about to re-enter, and begin to hold back the tears. He walks over and sits down next to me on the bed once again.

He rests his hand on the back of my neck in a comforting gesture, and asks one more question. “are you sure you don’t want to talk about your dream?” I think back to what happened, me running through a dark forest with some strange person out to hurt me. A wave of fright washes over me and I lose control of my tears.

Soon my tears consume me and I am shaking with every sob. Jongup confused and flustered, pulls me into a hug and rocks me back and forth while trying to calm me down. I give up on holding back my tears and cry into his chest. Moments turn into minutes and we are still in an embrace.

Ten minutes later I can hear the stabling of Jongup’s breathing and I know he’s fallen asleep. * What do I do?!* As I try and leave him, I push him away, but end up causing him to topple over with me still in his arms. I give up trying to break free of his grasp I just lie there. A sudden feeling of tiredness overwhelms me, and without thinking I cuddle up into his arms and listen to his heart beat *what is wrong with me? I would never do this? But he is so warm and I feel so safe.” Within moments I am asleep.

I wake up to a knock on my bedroom door  *ugh who is bugging me this early, and on a Saturday* I open my eyes and notice the body lying in the bed beside me, I look up and down the chiseled features of Jongup’s body and stop to stare at his sleeping face inches from mine… *wait, Jongup… JONGUP!* “Gah!” I yell as I fall out of bed trying to get away from the sleeping boy in my bed. He groans and rolls over to take up the whole bed. “Sadie?” I hear Youngjae’s voice from the other side of my bedroom door “Are you up?” Quickly; I rush to the door and open it up only a crack so he can’t see Jongup on my bed.

 “Morning Youngjae” I say smiling at him, hiding my hello kitty tank top and short shorts from him. “Um…” he says trying to avoid eye contact. “Himchan hyung is making breakfast, he wanted me to come wake you up.” I nod and smile.  He looks at me with a blank stare and then begins to walk back down the hall. After what seemed like two steps, he turns to face me again. “Oh, and have you seen Jongup? I went to his room and he isn't there.” I step out of my room and lean against the wall, trying to cover my room. “Nope, haven’t seen him,” I nonchalantly say to him. I wave to him as he continues down the hall. I watch him turn the corner and rush back into my room. I make a beeline straight for the sleeping Jongup

*Ugh I can’t believe I let him stay, I can’t believe he didn’t go back to his room after I fell asleep!* “Jongup” I whisper softly as I push his shoulders. “You have to get up.” Groaning he rolls over and grabs my wrist, pulling me back onto the bed. He then wraps me in a death hug. “Moon Jongup! Let me go!” I shout as I start hitting his arm with my fist. *God! Why is he so strong? This isn't fair* Giving up I slap him in the face and shock him awake. He groggily looks at me and notices how he’s wrapped around me. “Oh God!” He exclaims as he rolls out of bed. “I am so sorry! I must have fallen asleep!” He starts to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment.

I look at him and plainly say, “Youngjae says we have to go down for breakfast and that everyone is looking for you. You should probably go” Jongup agrees and walks out of the room and heads towards his bedroom. I let my head drop and let out a huge sigh. *I really need a lock on my door, I can’t have that happening again* I grab my robe and slippers from my closet and head down to breakfast.

I walk in to find myself the only one in the dining room and sit down at the far end of the table; I begin to tap my knife on my glass. “Hello?” I ask. Just then Himchan comes in with a big plate full of food. “Oh, Morning Sadie, I'm not used to people actually coming when asked,” he says laughing and placing the food on the table.  I smile as he walks to the door and yells for the rest of the boys to come to eat.

 As they all come grumbling in wearing nothing but their pajama bottoms revealing all of their toned stomachs, I quickly grab Yongguk’s arm and pull him aside. Rubbing his eyes he looks at me and asks me what is up. “Um, Yongguk, would it be possible if I get a lock on my bedroom door?” He looks at me and gives me a confused look. “I don’t think that is a good idea, I mean what if we really need to get into your room?” Attempting my best aegyo face I look up at him. “But oppa… I'm a teenage girl I need my privacy!” Batting my eyes to add some more effect, he sighs, ruffles my hair and laughs. “Fine, we will install one this afternoon.” Smiling I sit down at my spot and join the rest of them for breakfast.

Hey guys :D sorry it took so long but here is Chapter Five :D i hope you guys enjoyed it ~ Kaitlin

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Chapter 11: KYAAA FINALLY <3
Chapter 11: OMG LOVE U TWO! It's sooooo sweet!
Chapter 6: O: exciting.. XD update!^^