Information overload

The Truth

“What?” “I asked, what is going on between you and Jongup?” Yongguk continues to stare at me burning holes into me. “Nothing” I answer, a little too quickly apparently because Yongguk scoffs “because a secret rendezvous in the barn is nothing” “I swear its nothing, I went to go check on my horse, that is all” I try to give my most innocent look. “Fine,” Yongguk turns and takes a paper off the counter and hands it to me “your mom called, call her back she seemed worried” and with that he walks out of the room. I look down at the piece of paper in my hand and feel a wave of anxiety and confusion… it’s a number I have never seen before, why would she want me to call this number. I grab the phone off the wall and dial the number in, it rang four times before someone picked up the phone “hello?” “Mom? Are you okay?” The panic rising in my voice “Sadie?” “yes mom , it’s me” I hear a sigh “oh thank god you’re okay, there was a recent death and they haven’t figured out who it is yet and your father and I have had to change our phone number because of some stalker and I couldn’t get a hold of you I have been calling your phone and gotten nothing and,” I hear her start crying on the other end “mom…mom it’s okay I am fine, am sorry I haven’t been answering, I guess because I didn’t recognize the number I didn’t answer. Don’t worry, the boys here are keeping me safe.” She sighs on the other line and sniffles “I miss you honey” I tear falls from my own eye “I miss you too; I can’t believe it’s been a few months since I have left. How’s the dog? How’s Joe?” my voice sneers a little at his name “they are fine, he’s been working a lot lately I hardly see him these days, I’m just happy you are fine. That man who picked up the phone early sounds scary, are they all like that?” I laugh “he isn’t that scary, that is just his really deep voice,” I find myself leaning against the wall in almost a day dreamer stance “they are all really nice, they would never do anything to hurt me I promise” my mind immediately wanders to Jongup and I begin to lose focus on the conversation “that is good, it’s good to hear from you” it’s almost as if she notices something in my voice “is there anything new in your life?” she hints “no, not really” “any boys?” I feel the blush rise up in my cheeks “mom! No!” I nearly fall over from her question, I hear a small snicker on the other line “really now?” knowing I wasn’t going to get away with this I give a quick glance around to make sure no one is in ear shot “well maybe, actually yeah there is a guy” I pause before continuing “I haven’t told anyone about him, and I also just finally admitted to myself that I like him” “what’s his name” “I can’t say that yet… its kind of a secret” she does a dramatic sigh on the other line “I see how it is! You can’t tell your mom!” “as soon as I can tell you I will” “that’s all I ask, anyways I have to get going and make dinner for Joe, I will call you another time okay honey” “okay mom, love you” “love you too” I hang up the phone and  sit down at the table and put my head down. I miss my mom, even though she wasn’t my biological mom, I still miss her with all my heart. I hear the kitchen door swing open and footsteps coming towards the table. The chair beside me scraps against the floor and I turn my head to see Youngjae staring at me “you okay?” I nod my head in response before placing my face back into my folded arms “you want to talk about it” I sit up straight and sigh “I am a terrible person” “why?” he says giving me a quizzical look “because, I’ve been here for a few months and not once have I thought about my parents or completely missed them” “you’ve been busy, your adjusting to a new environment and getting used to a new routine” I groan and drop my head back onto the table, we sit in silence before I shoot up and startle Youngjae “Youngjae, you are smart right?” “yes…” he says questioning where this is going “do you know anything about this death?” his eyebrows raise “death?” “Yeah, apparently there has been a recent death and they can’t figure out who it is and I was wondering if maybe-” “don’t!” I jump in my seat at his sudden explosion “don’t wonder about anything involving a death, you don’t need to know” “what… what do you mean?” his eyes widen “nothing! Just don’t worry about it” he gets up and leaves the room before I get the chance to question him some more. Finally giving up on being depressed I get up and grab a can of coke from the fridge and head to my room, as I open the can I hear hush rapid speaking from Yongguk’s office and slow my pace to listen in “Yongguk I have no idea what is going on, all these recent deaths… they have to be connected. Sadie just asked me about a death that just happened, apparently a young girl died recently and,” “Stop, listen before you jump to any conclusions we need to look into this more,” I hear a chair scrap across the floor “until we figure out what is going on I need you guys to be more alert, I’m going to be sending Daehyun back to the school, Himchan and I will be setting up extra security around here. I want you to drop her off and pick her up right in front of the school, don’t be late with this, do you understand me” I hear a cough “understood” footsteps begin to come towards the door and I run towards the stairs taking two at a time trying hard not to spill my drink. 

hey guys! sorry for taking so long for an update, school really killed the two of us and i realize its been like a year since an update... we never had time to edit the chapter we had. BUT HERE IT IS!! HOPEFULLY IT WILL BE DONE SOON WE HAVE PLANS ONCE AGAIN TO CONTINUE WRITING!! Maybe even a short sequal ;) ~ Kaitlin and Madie  <3

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Chapter 11: KYAAA FINALLY <3
Chapter 11: OMG LOVE U TWO! It's sooooo sweet!
Chapter 6: O: exciting.. XD update!^^