Moving out

The Truth

I woke up the next day feeling even worse than when I fell asleep. Fumbling through my morning routine, I can't help but let my mind wonder. *how am I going to survive this day*

“Sadie! Hurry up! You’re going to be late!” called the familiar voice that made me cringe. “I'm coming Joe!” *Calm yourself old man*

Walking downstairs I say morning to mom, grab a piece of toast and run out to the car where a waiting Joe seems thoroughly pissed.

“God, if you go any slower you’re going to make us both late” mumbling a sorry I look out the window and watch as he speeds down the street.  “One more time and you’re going to walk to school” he says as he pulls into the school parking lot. “Yeah, sorry” *Jackass* I mutter as I walk into school. 

"Hey Sugar! How's it going?" Minnie comes skipping up and stopping beside me, causing all the boys in the hallway to stare. "God, you know sometimes i wish they would just STOP BEING ERTS AND MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS!" I yell at the boys staring, who all look away guilty. Grabbing my books i close my locker and head off to first period with Min ah.

"So, thanks for waking me up this morning, made me lose like ten minutes of my beauty sleep" She says punching me in the arm, laughing i punch back. "Not my fault, remember, you said it when we became best friends 'through rain or shine, anytime of day you need me i will be there' smart one" i say mocking her just barely swerving around a teacher. I pause shortly in my tracks trying to remember where I saw that teacher before.  *Wait was that...* making a double take i look again *no... it can't be* "I know right! Isn't he so hot! I saw him this morning when i was at my locker... I think he is a supply teacher" Minnie says holding my arm and whispering into my ear, "I hope he is supplying one of our classes" Giggling she pulls me into class, bringing me back to reality.

The next two periods went by extremely slowly, I was trying so hard not to fall asleep and everytime i did, Minnie would smack me awake. *Finally last period, and im five minutes early! Yes nap time!* Dragging my feet to my seat i collapse into my chair and put my head down, and bask in the next few minutes of bliss. "Yah! Sadie!" Smack! "I'M UP!!!" the class giggles at my out burst, looking at Minnie I mouth ' what the hell was that for' her reply is a simple point to the front of the class.


       Glaring at Minnie, I turn my head to the front of the class and see none other than the teacher I had bumped into earlier today. “Hello Class, my name is Jung Daehyun and I will be your substitute for the day. Treat me well.” Bowing, he turns around and writes his name on the blackboard behind him, I stare at him in disbelief *how did he find me?!* I glance around hoping no one sees the shock written all over my face *how does he know this is my class? How long have they been watching me? How am I going to get out of here* without any other option, my hand shoots up “Sir, I have to go!” Daehyun raises his eyes and look at me. “Why?” Being as smart as I am, I shout the first thing I can think of. “I have to see the nurse… like now.” He continues to stare, questioning my urgent plea.  *oh god, he’s not going to make me say this is he?* “See... umm… fine… I’M ON MY PERIOD AND I NEED A PAD!” I see the blush rise up his cheeks, and hear the giggles of the girls and see the shock on the guy’s faces around me. “oh, um… go ahead.” Says the hesitant supply while clearly griping his papers way to tight. I rise up out of my chair and sprint out of class. Quickly, I rush to the washroom and take a deep breath and let out a sigh. *what just happened…* was all I could think of. *why is this happening to me of all people… and why is he my supply!?* Thoughts were swirling around my head as if a storm was brewing and about to break out.

       Pacing back and forth in the bathroom, my imagination begins to stir.* just calm down… it’s going to be fine Sadie… maybe this is a different guy, and not the one who nearly forced you into a car…* breaking out of my pace, I walk over to the sink and stare at my reflection in the mirror placed just above.*but it has to be the same guy… they have the same name…* I breathe a sigh and relax my tense shoulders and drop my head.  “Maybe I can just leave without anyone knowing and just not come back to school…no I can’t do that and leave Minnie. And plus, Joe would never let me anyways…” I push my hair out of my face with one hand while putting all my weight on my other arm. *I have to go back to class don’t I?* hesitant at first, I start to head back to class knowing that it would be more awkward entering than it was leaving. Taking one last deep breath, I walk towards the classroom and push the door open closing my eyes.

       “Finally!” I exclaim as I follow Minnie out of the class just shortly after the bell for final period to be over. “Well that was a very interesting class.” Minnie begins and we start to head down the student filled hallway to our lockers. “But you do have to tell me what the hell you were thinking when you jumped up in front of the class like that. You’re not one to do those kinds of things.” I let the air from my lungs out in one harsh blow. I tell her that it was nothing really, and that I just needed to get somethings off my mind. “And you needed to make a big deal about it just to leave the room?” Minnie walks to the other side of me and leans up against the locker next to me while I fumble to try and open mine. “Well it was the only thing that I could think of to do at the time, and I guess it was the wrong choice…  what do you want me to do now? It’s a thing of the past.”

        She shrugs it off and we say our goodbyes. I throw my bag over my one shoulder and put my headphones in and start to walk out of the building. I walk home on the familiar path and put on my favourite playlist, not noticing that I had gained a follower behind me. The person at first doesn’t seem like they’re interested, but that changed when I turned a corner out of sight from the nearby people. *oh god… please not this again! I can’t deal with this… not now, not ever…” I pick up my pace and pretend that I’m on the phone hoping that it will throw off my pursuer. *please, please, please!!! Let this somehow work!* I can feel my phone sliding in my grip from my sweating palms. With no other option, I put my phone back in my pocket so that it won’t fall to the ground making me stop to pick it up. Big mistake. The person seizes the opportunity and grabs my right shoulder. “Stop! Just let me go!” I shout as I try to break out of his grasp. I fell his hands loosen off my shoulder, and I try to make a run for it only to be stopped by another figure just around the closest corner. “Sadie, just calm down and don’t worry! Its ok, we’re here to help you. Please try to understand this.” I look up and see the man from the previous day. Recalling his name I stare into his concerned face. “Yong…Yongguk… right? Look I’m very sorry but I need to get home and do my homework. You see I have this test tomorrow I have to study for, and I have this assign..” “you can’t go home, it’s not safe.” Yongguk says as he cuts off my sentence. “Who are you to tell me that I’m not allowed to go back home? Last time I checked I was the boss of me.”  I start to walk away when the my follower catches up to me and grabs me again. Spinning around to hit him, I notice that it’s Daehyun. “You need to listen to us… its for your own good.” I stand up straight and look him in the eyes. “ok, what is it?” Yongguk steps up and begins slowly. “We are two agents that work for your parents. Your real parents…  they ordered us to protect you from a gang that was out to hurt them and you.” “But, my parents died 5 years ago… what does this has to do with me? And why now?” I reply while I could feel more tears well up inside me.*I don’t want these memories to come back to me… I just wanted to bury them.* “it has plenty to do with you Sadie, you just have to come with us and trust us.” This time I turn to see the once quiet Daehyun speak, while he was now letting go of my shoulders.

-          “trust, trust, trust! Is that all you guys can say to me? I don’t even know you and your asking me to trust you? I’m sorry, you guys might be telling the truth and all, but I really do have to go home now… it’s getting late.” Turning to leave the scene I begin to walk home. “Wait! You can’t go home!” turning back for the last time I shout a reply towards Yongguk. “and why can’t I?” He sighs as he replys softly. “because you don’t live there anymore…”

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Chapter 11: KYAAA FINALLY <3
Chapter 11: OMG LOVE U TWO! It's sooooo sweet!
Chapter 6: O: exciting.. XD update!^^