Growing Distant (Story)

JiSeung Stories
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A/N; well excuse me. I don't even remember what my aim was for this story. I don't even know if this is what I wanted. meep. well until the next story OTL oh and also i think i make Jiyeon's POV longer than that of Seungho's just to show how girls tend to analysing a situation more.  sorry for the delay . I am and will be busy even throughout my upcoming break however i will try to update as much as I can :)




We were always together never apart. For five years it had been, we had always spent every day together. Seungho was my prince charming in many ways, he may not be perfect in other people’s eyes but he was the perfect one for me. He never failed to make me feel special and loved. Never once did he fail to comfort me when I was done. I always ended up smiling idiotically at his text messages or at what he would say to me.


I liked how we were together; she never failed to please me. Never had once failed to make me frown. What word could be the best to describe our relationship? Perfect. That was the right word, everything fell into place and nothing could tear us apart. We spent every day together during high school years. We are both seniors now that are still managing to ace every single exam while maintain our relationship. Many had doubt our relationship thinking that it was rash and not needed. However it happened, and now we are together as one true pair.


Things were fine for the longest time ever, five years to be exact. It wasn’t a long journey nor was it a short journey. One could say it was just the right length of time but I felt odd and out of place. The love we once had for each other was dying out. The spark that I had felt, actually felt like it had been unlit and could never be lit again.  It wasn’t our relationship that was dying… maybe it was, I really didn’t know. I was too held up with studying for the finals that I had forgotten to even wish Seungho luck. That never happened, that was one of my top priorities.

Maybe it was just me? I felt that the isolated, the lack of communication was separating me and Seungho… maybe I was just plain over thinking things like the insecure me would be. Oh girls, aren’t we always like this? Its either we are super duper happy or just sitting there thinking about things that don’t even exist. Finals were over. Finally that is after a month of hard core studying and 2 weeks of ongoing exams. Everything was done.


Five years. That was a long time staying committed to one person, was it long though? One may call it long but for me I don’t think “long” would be a word used to describe our relationship. It didn’t work that way.  Our relationship was never going to break; well it wasn’t ready to break yet. Jiyeon had forgotten to wish my luck for the finals but I didn’t blame her. We both had to study hard for finals and it was a reasonable excuse.  The thing was will we be awkward with each other if we meet each other? It wouldn’t be right?

There was something empty with our relationship lately. Lately it felt that something had gone wrong. Something had been altered and changed and it will never be the same again, however I couldn’t just think in a negative lit. We had already proven everyone wrong when we got together. We were the total idiots of the whole school. Everyone had doubted our relationship. They all thought we weren’t “mature” but deep down I knew that she meant more to me than anyone could mean to me. Although at that time I wasn’t aware if she had the same feelings for me but it worked out and here we are today. 




“Oh Hey Jiyeon,” Seungho smiled at me. “Have you been well?”

 It used to hey beautiful... hey princess...

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” I chuckled. “There was only one problem though.”

“And what would that be?” Seungho wondered.

“Missing you of course,” I pouted.

“I’m here now,” Seungho grinned. “You didn’t wish me luck for my exam though.”

“I forgot,” I frowned. “I was busy.”

“Busy with what?” Seungho questioned me. “Talking to guys?”

Does he not trust me anymore? Where was the trust we had?

“Talking to guys?” I scoffed. “I was busy studying for my exam for your information.”

“Is Jiyeonnie mad now?” Seungho pulled me into an embrace.

 Guys... every little thing they say will stay on a girl’s mind for the longest time ever…even if it is a joke.

“You are an ,” I scrunched my face up at him. “Let go.”

“My princess-,” Seungho was cut off.

“Hello Seungho,” Alice interrupted.

She was the goddess of the school. Tall, pretty, slender legs, long silky hair. She had everything that a guy would look for. What I hated about her was the fact that she made me feel and look ugly. She made me feel insecure and also the fact that she was pulling us apart. Seungho may be

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HI GUYS, IM ALIVE . i will try to get a story up soon but i cant promise anything orz. would any one want to specifically request ideas?


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I choose plan B..'Oneshot collection with just on one shipping',.,^_^
honoki #2
this is jiseung oneshot collection,i like this couple
ngaw look at everyone. alright it is happy ending c:
Chapter 27: I agree with justhumanbeing. ^_^
It is very rare to see some JiSeung fanfics.... I think it is better if you make it a happy ending. ^_^
Chapter 27: happy ending,please :))
Chapter 27: HAPPY :) ^.^
Chapter 27: it would be great if you make an happy ending authornim, it's actually not a problem if you want to make a sad one, but lately it's a little hard to find jiseung story, and don't you think it's a little bit too much to make a sad ending for an already rare story? hahaa, Im afraid that my die-hard jiseung shipper heart can' t contain it, hahaaa
Chapter 26: aww....that was sad...
Jiyeon-ah... Seung Ho cares for.... well, doesn't he??
Chapter 25: Update!! Please?! I really want to read some stories from you.. >o<
Chapter 24: Waah! You are finally back!! I really like the story! ^_^
JiSeung is the best!
I wish you luck for that “thing“! ^_^ <3