HEY! I'm a singer too!

What do you take me for?!


[HaeWon P.O.V]
Sigh, it's already lunch time and I've already had like 50 death threats all from different students. They must really be despo about Taem, huh?
[Narrator P.O.V]
"Noona!" TaeMin poked HaeWon on the arm while eating his sandwich. He received no reply and decided to poke her again. "Noona!!" 
"Oh, huh?" HaeWon was suddenly awakened from her daydream. "Sorry Taem, i spaced out a bit there." 
"It's okay noona, I was just worried." TaeMin warmly smiled at her.
[HaeWon P.O.V]
TaeMin smiled at me and i felt really warm inside. I guess that's the feeling of being a noona, I was always the maknae amongst my friends. I decided to stand up and take a walk for some time to think alone, but my hand was grabbed by TaeMin. 
-DUGEN, DUGEUN!- Did TaeMin just grab my hand? I like him as a noona, why is my heart beating so fast? 
"Where are you going noona?" He looked up at me like an adorable lost child. 
"Just taking a walk to think on my own," I told him.
"Oh okay, I'll be here then." He smiled at me and let go of my hand.
[Narrator's P.O.V] 
HaeWon wandered around the school into the more deserted places and heard some music from a distance. 
"That's strange..." She mumbled to herself as she heard the blasting music. "Who would be playing music so loudly on campus?" She moved towards the source of the music to find the school's special dancing building. HaeWon opened the door to the dance building to hear the music blasting louder than ever, and also to see a lone boy practising his dancing. 
"Excuse me!" HaeWon yelled above the music. The boy looked at her and quickly stopped dancing and turned off the music. 
"Hi," The boy waved at her and bounced towards her. 
"Hi," HaeWon replied to him. The boy looked at HaeWon again and put on his thinking face, except he seemed like he couldn't come up with an answer. 
"I haven't seen you at this school before, are you new?" He tried asking her politely. HaeWon nodded and introduced herself.
"Yep, my name is Jung HaeWon, in the 12th grade. You dance very well!" 
The boy smiled at her and bowed.
"Thanks HaeWon-sunbae! My name is Jeon JiHwan, in the 11th grade."  
HaeWon smiled back at him.
"Nice to meet you JiHwan-shii!" 
JiHwan suddenly looked shocked as he remembered something. 
"Are you that new student they're all talking about that's close to SHINee's TaeMin?" He asked her.
"Yeah," HaeWon sighed. "Being friends with a singer is harder than i thought.. especially when you get 50 death threats on your first day." 
JiHwan gave HaeWon his look of sympathy, 
"It couldn't be that bad!" 
HaeWon sighed again. "It really is.. I feel like i'd die if i was friends with another singer." 
What HaeWon said only caused JiHwan to giggle. 
"I'm a singer too." 
HaeWon raised her head in surprise. 
"Really? Now that I think about it.. I have heard the name Jeon JiHwan somewhere before!" 
"Dae Guk Nam Ah, DGNA" JiHwan told HaeWon before she thought too much about it. 
"Oh! You guys! The mini DBSK!" HaeWon finally got it. 
"Yep." JiHwan smiled adorably and nodded. "But it would be better if you referred to us as the one and only DGNA instead of the Mini DBSK." 
"You're the maknae right?" HaeWon asked.
"Bingo." JiHwan put up a thumbs up. Despite his cute and childish appearance, he was quite mature in his speaking and HaeWon noticed that. 
"Hey, I heard you guys are very talented, even in acapella. Aren't you supposed to be like super popular in school or something?" HaeWon asked, being a bit skeptical.
"It's kind of hard when you go to the same school as Lee TaeMin." JiHwan sighed. HaeWon pat JiHwan on the back and gave him a warm smile.
"It's okay JiHwan-shii. One day I'm sure DGNA will be as popular as SHINee." 
"Gomawo, HaeWon-sunbae." JiHwan smiled back at her. 
"No need to call me sunbae, you can call me noona." HaeWon winked. 
"Okay, HaeWoon-noona!" JiHwan happily said, knowing that he'd just made a new friend. 
"Ah crap, I need to go. TaeMin must be worried why I've been gone so long," HaeWon suddenly said and stood up. "I gotta go now, bye JiHwan-shii!" She shouted as she dashed back for TaeMin.
"Bye Noona! You can call me Jay!" JiHwan shouted back at her, with a smile.
[HaeWon P.O.V]
That Jay kid is really cute! It's great to know that now I've got another person on my side, He's gonna be surprised once he finds out I'm a trainee at SM. 
[Narrator P.O.V] 
HaeWon literally ran all the way back to TaeMin. 
"Noona! Where were you?" TaeMin said worriedly.
"I got kinda side-tracked and made friends with this kid in the 11th grade." HaeWon honestly told TaeMin. 
"Really? Who?" TaeMin's worry suddenly vanished and turned into curiousity.
"Jeon JiHwan!" HaeWon smiled.
"Oh. That guy. I don't like him." TaeMin puffed up his cheeks. 
"Why not?" HaeWon put her hands on her hips. 
"He can pop and he's a singer too. I feel replaced." TaeMin pouted.
"Aww, nobody can ever replace you, Taem! Also, he even said he's not that popular in school!" HaeWon pat TaeMin's back.
"Liar... All the girls love him." TaeMin said cutely. 
"But all the girls love you too!" HaeWon retorted.
"Lots of girls love him too! But of course, Taem is better!" TaeMin cutely chuckled. 
"Aigoo, you're so cute Taemin-ah." HaeWon lightly pinched TaeMin's cheek.
~= RING DING DONG~ =~  The school bell rang
"Oh! Class time!" TaeMin bounced up, 
"Come on Taem~ Lets go!" HaeWon smiled and grabbed TaeMin's hand. Without noticing it, TaeMin and HaeWon both ran, hand in hand to their next class, which attracted the attention of many jealous fangirls. Sitting in class, HaeWon could hear mumbles from behind her. She tried her best to concentrate in class, but her concentration was stopped by another scrunched up note thrown at the back of her head. She picked up the note and read it.
-Park SeoYeon'
HaeWon rolled her eyes as she stuffed the note in her pocket. She could feel SeoYeon's glares of hatred towards her as she continued to do her class work. 
"Noona! Are you okay?" TaeMin whispered to HaeWon "You're not talking as much as usual!" 
"Ne" HaeWon nodded. "I'm just a bit tired in a new school." 
TaeMin pat her on the back. "Aww, okay, Noona hwaiting! We've got another few minutes before school ends!"
"Thanks Taem." HaeWon smiled at TaeMin, before being hit by yet ANOTHER note. 
'Look, HAEWON. I know you're avoiding my notes on purpose. But seriously. TAEMIN AND JAY?! YOU . YOU THINK YOU CAN GET POPULAR JUST CAUSE THEY'RE SINGERS?!
HaeWon rolled her eyes and seriously snapped this time. She quickly scribbled a few things on her piece of paper and threw it back to SeoYeon. 
HaeWon's first day at TaeMin's school was OFFICIALLY OVER! 
"Come on noona~ Lets go home" TaeMin cutely sang as he walked with HaeWon out of school grounds. HaeWon nodded in agreement, but suddenly, her phone vibrated. HaeWon took out her phone and read the text sent to her.
'Come to the SM building after school.' 
~ To Be Continued
I'm sorry if this chappy was painfully boring o_e i felt the need to add in my other bias. *bricked* i swear, the fic will get more interesting. It will have more Key. :D and yes, her school bell is Ring Ding Dong xD 
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xMusic2love #1
YAH, DONGDONG. 8)<br />
update now, babo. :D<br />
<br />
loveyou x
Yah~! Hurry and update Ang!! :P\
KpopSangtae #3
LOL :D Thanks! ChickenDrumStick? LOLOLO Your user makes me crack up. Reminds me of Onew for an obvious reason ._." anyways, Thanks!
ChickenDrumStick #4
KpopSangtae #5
Kekeke yes, o.O xD i'm not that good at writing, but lets say she's kind of easy to piss off and hold grudges.
oh man, this is funny XD she hates SHINee but blushes when minho holds her hand? what kinda biploar is she? XD im just kidding! She really hates key huh? :(
she hates SHINee? like, wth? XD she probably must be an alien or a new species of organisms XD I'll accept the fact that she hates them only for the story to go forward XD
shinice_34 #8
shinee key i mean!!!:)<br />
shinice_34 #9
wahhaha..she really hates shinee