Highschool with Lee TaeMin

What do you take me for?!


[Narrator P.O.V] 
HaeWon sat up in bed on a Monday morning, forgetting what happened to her the day before. 
"This isn't my bed.." She muttered to herself.  "OH MY GOD, THIS ISN'T MY BED!" she thought while her eyes shot open. She freaked out for awhile before remembering that she moved into SHINee's place. She took a sigh of relief and then her phone began ringing unexpectedly.
~La la la la la da~ la la la la la da~  it rang. She picked up her phone and spoke into it.
"Hello, this is an SM employee talking to you." The voice on the other line said. "Because you are living with SHINee, you will be attending TaeMin's highschool with him from now on." 
Before HaeWon could even react, the caller hung up. 
[HaeWon's P.O.V] 
Aiish, what a bother. They don't tell me this stuff earlier! Oh well, I better go tell Taem then. 
[Narrator P.O.V] 
HaeWon was still sitting on the bed, thinking about what she should say to TaeMin before TaeMin burst in the room. 
"HaeWon-ah~ I got told you're comming to school with me today!"  He said excitedly with his uniform already on. He put a girls' uniform on HaeWon's bed and skipped out of the door, waiting for HaeWon to get ready. HaeWon puffed up her cheeks and got ready for the day. She walked out to SHINee's dining place to find TaeMin waiting for her and Key cooking breakfast at the same time as packing their lunches. HaeWon felt like laughingat the sight of Key being so motherly, but held it all in instead. 
"TaeMin-ah, if today's lunch isn't enough, tell me okay?" Key spoke in an umma-like tone to TaeMin. HaeWon couldn't control it anymore and burst out laughing. 
Key frowned. 
HaeWon wiped her tears of laughter.
"It's just too funny! Who would've known someone like you would make such a loving umma." 
Key crossed his arms.
"Looks like someone doesn't want the lunch i packed for her." 
HaeWon looked down and put on a pout face.
"Sorry, UMMA." 
Key rolled his eyes.
"Don't misunderstand, I only packed lunch and made breakfast for you because TaeMin asked me to." 
HaeWon's face enlightened after hearing what Key said.
"You made breakfast for me?"
Key looked aside and tried to sound as indifferent as possible.
"Don't misunderstand, not like I want to cook for you anyways." 
HaeWon glared at Key then put on her icy attitude.
"That's alright, because I don't want to eat the food you cook for me anyways." 
HaeWon stood up and left SHINee's dorms, heading off for school as soon as she could. 
[HaeWon P.O.V]
HA, as if I'd ever want any of that crap Key cooks or makes. He could've poisoned it for all I know.
[Narrator P.O.V]
HaeWon stepped out of the SHINee Dorms for a moment and paused, only to realise she didn't know where the school is or how to get there.
"AHHHH THIS !" She shouted out. She didn't want to go back to SHINee's dorms, because she knew surely Key would , so she waited outside. A few minutes passed and she could feel her stomache growling. 
"HMPH, at least this is better than eating the crap key makes." She thought to herself.
"HAEWWONNNN-AH" A loud energetic voice called from behind her. HaeWon turned around to see an overly excited TaeMin running towards her, holding a lunchbox in his hand. 
"Wae did you leave so early?" TaeMin pouted as he caught up to her. 
"Key pisses me off." HaeWon bluntly replied.
"But you didn't have breakfast or bring lunch," TaeMin told her worriedly
"I don't care." She tried her best to show resentment for key. 
"Here, for you" TaeMin handed here the small lunchbox.
"aww, thanks Taem." HaeWon smiled at TaeMin's kindness.
"Thank Key instead~ He forced me to bring it with me." TaeMin smiled at the thought of it.
"Key did?" HaeWon was shocked with open. "Then i don't want it." She handed the lunchbox back to TaeMin. 
"Aww but noona..." TaeMin put on his pout face aegyo "Key-hyung worked so hard on it!" 
HaeWon rolled her eyes.
"Alright... If only it makes Taem happy." 
TaeMin's face then lightened up into a smile.
"Yay~ Noona compromised." 
"Hey Taem, which one of us is older?" HaeWon suddenly asked. 
"I was born on July 18th, 1993." TaeMin answered her.
"Ahh, that means I'm the noona! I was born on May 21st 1993" HaeWon looked surprised. 
"HaeWon-noona!" TaeMin suddenly said.
"Ne?" HaeWon responded.
"I just wanted to say that." TaeMin smiled.
-= At School =-
[HaeWon P.O.V]
Phew, i finally arrived at TaeMin's school... This place doesn't look half bad... 
[Narrator P.O.V]
Before school started for HaeWon, she quickly went to the office to get everything confirmed. When she did, the school bell rang just in time. She then quickly went her first class. The teacher saw her and when all the students were in their seats, she introduced HaeWon. 
"Everyone, this is Jung HaeWon, a new student."
HaeWon bowed in front of the class and spoke in a loud confident voice.
"Nice to meet everyone! My name is Jung HaeWon, please take care of me!"
The teacher then looked to HaeWon and asked her where to sit. HaeWon thought for awhile and looked around the class, to see TaeMin waving and pointing at the empty seat next to him.
"I want to sit next to TaeMin!" HaeWon smiled. The teacher then agreed. 
"Alright, HaeWon, please go sit next to TaeMin." However, before the teacher let HaeWon go to her seat, she whispered something into HaeWon's ear which caused HaeWon to pause in fear. But she shrugged it off anyways and headed off to her seat, still with the bright smile.  TaeMin then did a little victory dance in his seat and gave HaeWon a hi5. 
"YES, now we can talk in class!" TaeMin whispered to her. 
"Yeah, I know right!" HaeWon whispered back. 
"HaeWon and TaeMin! No talking!" The teacher shouted at them. 
"Ne, Mrs Lee." TaeMin said blankly. 
"Sorry Taem!" HaeWon whispered quieter this time. 
"It's okay noona." TaeMin whispered back. 
During the whole of class, TaeMin and HaeWon would whisper to eachother about things and constantly giggle if they said something funny. It was two hours into class before HaeWon was hit by a scrunched up paper in the back of the head. She rubbed her head and turned around to see a girl shooting her a death glare. She picked up the note and read it silently
'Look, JUNG HAEWON. I don't care who you are, or what you do. just stay away from MY TaeMin. He was mine and he is ALWAYS MINE. I bet you're just using him to get famous! I've loved adorable, smart, funny, PERFECT TaeMin since like, FOREVER. STAY THE AWAY FROM MY MIN MIN!!!
-Park SeoYeon' 
HaeWon turned back and glared SeoYeon, the girl who sent the message. She put on an expression as if she didn't care, but deep down, she knew that life at this highschool was going to be very hard. 
~To Be Continued
Ohhh, gonna get bullied HaeWon >< o_O ... wait wait! this fanfic won't mainly be set in school, i swearr!! ^_^ in the next chapter one of my biases from another group is gonna pop up <3 (xD he's the only other Kpop guy i know well enough and younge enough to insert into a school in this fanfic. It's pretty lame atm, but please read on! i promise it'll get more interesting!  
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xMusic2love #1
YAH, DONGDONG. 8)<br />
update now, babo. :D<br />
<br />
loveyou x
Yah~! Hurry and update Ang!! :P\
KpopSangtae #3
LOL :D Thanks! ChickenDrumStick? LOLOLO Your user makes me crack up. Reminds me of Onew for an obvious reason ._." anyways, Thanks!
ChickenDrumStick #4
KpopSangtae #5
Kekeke yes, o.O xD i'm not that good at writing, but lets say she's kind of easy to piss off and hold grudges.
oh man, this is funny XD she hates SHINee but blushes when minho holds her hand? what kinda biploar is she? XD im just kidding! She really hates key huh? :(
she hates SHINee? like, wth? XD she probably must be an alien or a new species of organisms XD I'll accept the fact that she hates them only for the story to go forward XD
shinice_34 #8
shinee key i mean!!!:)<br />
shinice_34 #9
wahhaha..she really hates shinee