What part of 'I Don't like SHINee' don't you get!

What do you take me for?!


[HaeWon’s P.O.V]
FFFFFF, I am so pissed today, SO PISSED MAN. They called off my favourite drama for an extended football game. I waited for that for like a week!! That’s not quite it either, the bus that I take to practise today broke down and took like CENTURIES to start up again. I got F-ing yelled at by SooMan-sunbae. I also spilt orange juice while drinking it on the bus on my new T-shirt which cost like heaps!! I swear, If anyone does anything else to piss me off today, I’ll flip! 
[Narrator P.O.V] 
It was a break in the middle of practise for HaeWon, so she decided to go take a break, down at the nearby café. But what she didn’t know was, her SHINee-sunbaes were there as well. She never really cared about ‘fangirling’ or ‘spazzing’ over idols. To her they were just not worth it. SHINee were more like sunbaes to her, really, despite the fact that they never really do talk or make any eye contact.  
HaeWon pushed through the front door of the café, still pissed off and stormed off to the counter. She put up one finger and said in her annoyed voice,
“One cup of hot chocolate please.” Only a few seconds passed and she waved for the counter lady to hurry up. “Slow people these days,” she muttered. 
“Looks like someone’s in a good mood.” HaeWon saw a chuckling male behind her. “Haven’t I seen you in the SM building a few times before?” 
HaeWon could only roll her eyes in annoyance. “Yeah, I’m a trainee there, what about it?” 
The boy could only laugh at the fact that she hadn’t recognised him already.
 “Do you know who I am?”  He asked.
“What, are you going to debut soon? I’d prefer if you don’t rub it in.” HaeWon looked away from the boy.
“Would you be surprised if I told you I already debuted?” He continued to .
“I think I would know if you did,” HaeWon replied, not even looking back. 
“I’m Key.” He laughed. 
“SHINee? I’m not interested in you guys.” HaeWon replied, making it seem like she wasn’t fazed at all. 
“I never knew SM could recruit such a dense trainee,” Key continued to for the fun of it.
“I’m not dense thank you very much. I get straight A’s in every report card I get.” HaeWon started becoming more and more infuriated. 
“Says the person who can’t even identify one of asia’s top stars.” Key chuckled, hoping to get a stronger reaction.
“What part of ‘I’m not interested in you guys’ don’t you get?!” HaeWon half shouted. 
“All of it.” He smirked.
“Jeez, is everyone TRYING to piss me off today? Listen, KEY I think you just made me an anti of that overrated SHINee group.” HaeWon stormed out the door, hoping she would never see Key again. 
 “Your hot chocolate’s here,” The counter lady put the hot chocolate on the table only to look around and see that HaeWon had already gone. “Do you know who the girl wearing the red T-shirt is?” The lady asked Key.
"Kind of" He half-heartedly replied while looking at the place HaeWon was previously sitting. 
"She didn't pay for her hot chocolate." The counter lady got to the point quickly. 
"I'll pay for her," Key offered as he pulled out a note from his wallet and handed it to the counter lady. 
[HaeWon's P.O.V] 
-during dance practice-  Jeez, what is that Key person think he is anyways? Just because he's in SHINee he thinks he's all that great. What I don't get most is that why all my friends at school are OBSESSING over him. He's not all that special anyways. Just thinking about him makes me angry to the MAX! 
[Narrator's P.O.V] 
"Stop stop stop!" HaeWon's dance instructer told the room of trainees. "HaeWon, you are using too much power in your moves. They're stiff. Everyone, restart." 
HaeWon sighed and stayed silent despite having the menacing glares of the other trainees shooting at her. "This really ." she thought to herself. "and It's all Key's fault." 
~To be continued~ 
:D! My first chappy! I'm sorry for making Key seem like SUCH A MEANIE T_T I'm deeply sorry. But i hope you enjoyed this chapter :] 
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xMusic2love #1
YAH, DONGDONG. 8)<br />
update now, babo. :D<br />
<br />
loveyou x
Yah~! Hurry and update Ang!! :P\
KpopSangtae #3
LOL :D Thanks! ChickenDrumStick? LOLOLO Your user makes me crack up. Reminds me of Onew for an obvious reason ._." anyways, Thanks!
ChickenDrumStick #4
KpopSangtae #5
Kekeke yes, o.O xD i'm not that good at writing, but lets say she's kind of easy to piss off and hold grudges.
oh man, this is funny XD she hates SHINee but blushes when minho holds her hand? what kinda biploar is she? XD im just kidding! She really hates key huh? :(
she hates SHINee? like, wth? XD she probably must be an alien or a new species of organisms XD I'll accept the fact that she hates them only for the story to go forward XD
shinice_34 #8
shinee key i mean!!!:)<br />
shinice_34 #9
wahhaha..she really hates shinee