Pur Sang


Himchan was born to be an idol. He may not have been the best singer, dancer or rapper of the group but he had a face. Oh did he have a face. The symmetry of it was perfection. But besides his beautiful looks, Himchan knew his public and they adored him. He had painstakingly cultivated an image of part adorable dolt, part y visual and he was not going to allow anyone spoil the mark he was making for himself in idoldom. If his public wanted BangHim, they would have BangHim.
The upcoming award show was one many rookies wanted to perform in because it was a platform for the right kind of recognition. A lot of established musicians attended that show. Even though their manager had pep talked them to death, they were still nervous. They wanted to bring their best no matter what. And they did, to loud applause too. Best of all, they won the award they had been working so hard towards. Later, during their press conference, Bang was about to sit where he usually sits during such events, beside Zelo. But before he could, Himchan took the seat like nothing and sat beside Zelo, then answered a joournalist's question as if nothing untoward had just happened. The whole group knew Bang usually sat by Zelo to reassure him. These conferences intimidated Zelo and made him nrevous. Bang had a calming and encouraging effect on him. Bang guided Zelo best. Even Jongup raised his eyebrows when he saw what Himchan had done. The journalists were none the wiser though. Only Youngjae, who sat on Zelo's other side, could see the tension in his shoulders. They continued anyway and Himchan was in his element. He answered all questions suavely and fielded scandal causing ones with humour. The camera, the public, the journalists loved him. Then it was Zelo's turn and he started to stammer his answers. Himchan took this solicitous air and put his arm around Zelo's waist squeezing him in encouragement. Ofcourse the papers took note and a new OTP was born. Himchan played it to the hilt. He played with Zelo's hair, ran his finger down his cheek, spoke to him in whispers in his ear.

Once the conference was over, the group was driven home and Bang was not even out of his costume, he dragged Himchan to their bedroom. "Have you lost it by any chance?"

Himchan began to noncholantly undress as he spoke, "Since you do not want to do anything with me, I had to improvise"
"With Zelo?! Are you nuts? He is not ready" Bang exclaimed
"Says who?" Himchan challenged, "Did you not see them? They loved us!"
"And what else?" Bang yelled. He rarely got mad, but when it came to Zelo, he did not compromise.
"You could not do it with someone else?" and said the first name that came to mind, "Daehyun for example"
"He is with Youngjae"
"Ok then Jongup" But Himchan was shaking his head, "If it is not you Bang, then it is Zelo"
" this" Bang was so angry right now he left the bedroom to go breathe a little. Bang was still in costume when the baby of the group approached him. He was already in his pjs. It was so incongruous how Zelo could be so huge, towering over all of them, including Bang, and still  be so baby faced. 
"You are not off to bed yet?" Bang asked him
"Soon. I still need to revise my notes"
"You are too young to be so driven" Bang admonished and Zelo just shrugged. "Don't stay up to late alright?"
"Alright" But Zelo did not move.
"Anything else?" Bang asked
"Uh yeah" he began uncertainly. "Do I have to be with Himchan hyung?"
"Ofcourse not!" Bang reassured him immediately. "What happened tonight was a one time thing. Don't worry, I took care of it" Reassured, Zelo relaxed his taut pose, smiled and took off for the bedroom he shared with Jongup.
Actually Bang was still to take care of it and he was not sure how because Himchan did not fool around when it came to his spotlight.

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Chapter 15: of course they would keep their little secret affair going. lol