

As they kept playing, Bang had to ask, "Is it always like this between you?"
"Like how?" Daehyun asked distractedly. He was back in game mode
Daehyun laughed at his bluntness, "Yes"
"I now see why you are always hungry" Bang commented and Deahyun only laughed some more, genuinely amused at his hyung's confused expression.
Later on, Himchan got back from MCing a show and Youngjae informed him there was food in the kitchen. He was lying on the couch, his head in Daehyun's lap as that one ran his fingers through his hair. They were immersed in each other as they continued whispering softly to each other. Bang was at the other end watching tv oblivious.
"Zelo's not home yet?' Himchan asked when he got back from the kitchen with his food to join them.
"No, he called to say he would be a little late from class" Bang answered
"You know what a perfectioninst he can be" Daehyun commented ahile still playing with Youngjae's fingers
"And JongUp?"
"Who knows?" Was YoungJae who answered this time, "He is more ninja than ever these days" 
So they sat in the living room waitin on Zelo.
Bang was watching tv but his mind was not on the program. He could not fully explain it but lately he found himself flustered when this person came around him. It was really a sudden thing because it was the last person he would have thought to feel an attraction of any sort toward. Had this person always been this attentive, caring? And his iness. Lord give him strength, he was feeling restless again and it took his all not to fidget on his seat. They even exchanged a few words like old friends. He lifted his eyes and caught Himchan staring at him. That one kept staring. It was a knowing look that Himchan sent his way and Bang wondered what he thought he knew. He deliberately turned his eyes away and got back to watching tv. Once Zelo got back hime, everyone retired for the night.

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Chapter 15: of course they would keep their little secret affair going. lol