

Himchan left the dorms to meet with someone. 
"How did you know it would go down like that?"
"I saw him checking him out many times. I knew he was burning to find out how he was between the sheets."
"You are too young to be so worldly" Himchan observed and Jongup simply smiled that blank smile of his and kept eating the boiled eggs Himchan had bought for him.
Youngjae never confronted Bang because that would be admitting that deep down he knew Bang had been ing his boyfriend. He wanted to keep denial close in order to keep Daehyun closer. It worked for Bang too. His past behaviour had not at all been worthy of a true leader and he wanted to start anew. So he too chose to forget the past and focus on the image Himchan advised him to cultivate. Sometimes he wondered what was the point because when fans met Himchan upclose, that gorgeous face of his made them forget there were 5 other members to fangirl or fanboy over.
Activities resumed and work took over. DaeJae was closer than ever and group dynamics were restored. Himchan, ever the manipulator was hard at work showcasing everyone's talents in shows and Bang was proud because one of his songs finally got noticed by some bigwigs. He was sitting before his dressing room mirror when someone slipped in and locked the door. He turned around and said softly, "Shiiiiiiiit"
He simply could not resist Daehyun. This was one secret he would keep because he could not deny himself as he got up to enfold the younger one in his arms.

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Chapter 15: of course they would keep their little secret affair going. lol