


Bang was always careful about how he related with his fellow band members. He did not want weird things being written about him because he was not yet very comfortable in his idol image. He was so preoccupied with what people thought and Himchan's continuous desire for skinship with him was getting on his nerves. He only tolerated it because it was part of his obligation as an idol. Another thing that also got to him was how media savvy Himchan was. He envied that, especially as leader of the group. Yes, yes, it was a good thing for the group but it was sometimes hard for Bang to pretend a closeness he did not have with him, even if they were of an age. They were only co workers, not even friends for goodness sake. Immediately lights came on, Himchan threw himself at Bang and immediately the lights were off, Himchan dropped him like yesterday news. Bang shook his head. He loved music, he knew was going to be only a rapper. He never knew he would be an idol as well as leader of one the leading rookie groups of the moment. He was so lost in his thoughts, that it was with surprise when he noticed Daehyun and Zelo trying to get his attention. Back to work.
Himchan! the fans were yelling and chanting. They were at the red carpet event and suddenly that one threw himself on Bang. He tried to shake him off discreetly but the other one was like a limpet. Himchan was able to conceal his emotions very well in front of a camera but Bang just knew he was going to get it when they got back to their dorms. Their performance, as usual, was full of energy . People were always surprised on finding out they were still rookies after watching their performances or listening to their music. Finally the red carpet was over and they were back at the dorms. Zelo was still so excited he was still dancing away. Bang looked at him indulgently. He spoiled Zelo silly and could not help it. Zelo was the little brother he did not have. As the youngest in his family himself, Bang always surprised others with his maturity. When water was limited, they had to bathe by age, but Bang indicated that Zelo would take his spot. The others grumbled but he did not budge, his word in this dorm was law.
While the excited macknae was cooling his jets in the shower, Daehyun and his favourite person, Youngjae, were playing video games. Noone knew where Jongup was in the dorms. Jongup could not be really placed and sometimes his blank smiles made one wonder at his IQ. Yet his brilliant choreographies indicated his level of intelligence. Maybe it was others who had to wonder at their IQs. Anyway, as long as he was in the dorms, it was fine so Bang went to the kitchen to make himself some noodles after getting out of his costume. He was going to join Daehyun and Youngjae when Himchan barred his way.

"What was that on the red carpet?" Bang was truly tired but if he did not deal with this now, he will get no peace later on, especially since he shared a room with Himchan.
"I told you before, I don't like being touched so much in public Himchan. Yet you always go overboard"
"It is called fan service Bang" Himchan enunciated, "It goes with our jobs remember?"
"Well then, do it with someone else"
"No, the public loves our pairing best"
"Then they are going to be really disappointed huh" Bang retorted as he tried to leave again. But Himchan blocked him. "So you refuse to fan serve with me, is that it?"
Bang did not trust Himchan's tone of voice when he asked that. Unfortunately he was too tired to answer with diplomacy.
"Yes Himchan. I refuse to fanserve with you" and he pushed the younger one aside to go join the others. Upon seeing him, Daehyun smiled in welcome and indicated Bang come sit with them. Himchan watched them and came to a decision which would force Bang's hand.

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Chapter 15: of course they would keep their little secret affair going. lol