
Love Across Time


Chapter 3: Ridiculous
Hyunsik's POV.
Hyunsik slowly opened his eyes and was shocked to find out that the charm actually works. He was chased after by the government's assassins. They wanted him killed because he had great influence on the scholars in overthrowing the corrupted government and restoring the disposed Queen of her rightful position. Of course, even the best swordsman won't be able to defeat 6 assassins chasing after him, with a few more on higher ground ready to shoot him with deadly poison arrows should the 6 assassins failed to claim his life.
He looked around, completely foreign to the area he just 'teleported' himself to using the charm. It wasn't any ordinary charm, it was a charm given by his sister, where she got it from a monastery. It was supposed to be a charm that ward off bad luck and protect the owner from dangers; well, it works, literally.
"So this is the modern world? The world where most scholars had predicted it to be hundreds of years later?" Hyunsik thought as he saw high-rising skyscrapers, significantly taller than the school building that it towers over it. He saw people in school uniform, completely different from what he was wearing now. Hyunsik then decided if he was going to frequent this world more due to the dangers he was going to meet, maybe he should get some modern clothing for himself.
"..." Hyunsik heard someone mumbling near him. He kept his charm and started to be cautious about his surroundings. He sneaked out from where he was and saw a student approaching the place he was at before. Hyunsik managed to walk behind that student quietly without being noticed. As if by habit, he slowly drew out his sword skillfully and placed it on that student's neck. Seeing the student panic, he thought the student probably was just curious about what's behind the bamboo trees and had no intention to hurt him, so he decided to let him off.
The student slowly turned after Hyunsik took away his sword that was previously resting on the student's neck. Hyunsik was shocked at what he just saw. That student right in front of him was the exact same kid he saved from the 6 assassins. He demanded that student to identify himself.
"I'm Ilhoon. Who are you? What do you want? Why are you dressed like this?" Hyunsik could hear the student's voice shaking in terror.
"There's no need to answer you. You seemed to have no harm to me, you can go now," Hyunsik said and walked off, not wanting to frighten that poor kid further.
"So that kid's name is Ilhoon," Hyunsik muttered under his breath as he fished out the charm discretely and wondered how he could go back. What he didn't know was that Ilhoon was secretly following him. Hyunsik turned to the right and walked along the corridor.
"I want to go back now," Hyunsik thought and grabbed the charm tightly, hoping that he could go back to his own world. He closed his eyes and hope he would see a different view when he opened them again.
He slowly opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of the woods after a few seconds later, not far from where he was just before he disappeared. The assassins' footsteps could be heard from far away still, which made Hyunsik started to run for his life. 
"He's there! He's there! Hurry!" One of the assassins spotted Hyunsik from afar and all of the, started to give chase. It's not difficult to spot someone wearing such eye-catching traditional clothes. Hyunsik made a mental note to never wear pink anymore.
Hyunsik stopped after a while to catch his breath, while turning behind to keep track of the assassins. What he saw wasn't the assassins though, but an arrow shot directly at him from the assassins who wanted to end his life quick without chasing him anymore. He didn't know what to do, and his reflexes ain't fast enough, so he ended up standing rooted to the ground and shutting his eyes tightly and hoping for best. Maybe a miracle could happen, he doesn't want to die at such a young age.
"AHH!!" Hyunsik's eyes went wide opened and he saw a girl screaming at him hysterically and immediately ran out of the room he was in.
"What? Am I in the modern world again?" Hyunsik thought as he looked around at his surroundings which was totally different from what he had seen the first time he came to the modern world.
Ilhoon's POV.
Ilhoon followed Hyunsik after their first encounter, however the latter turned right and disappeared behind a building. Ilhoon catches up and was surprised that there wasn't anyone at all. Even if Hyunsik ran, Ilhoon would still see him because the corridor of the building is more than 25 meters. It doesn't make sense, Ilhoon won't miss a guy wearing such eye-catching traditional costume. Hyunsik was wearing the clothes that he wore in Ilhoon's dream.
"What the heck? Where is he?!" Ilhoon thought as he ran around the school compound looking for Hyunsik. Ilhoon don't know why he decided to find that strange guy who almost killed him, but he feel the need to do so somehow. It's like a sixth sense Ilhoon had.
After an hour, Ilhoon had given up on searching for Hyunsik. Where will he go? Ilhoon searched all the levels of the school building, the male toilets and... Wait, he can't possibly be at the female toilet right? If he's really from the past, which Ilhoon thought its absurd, he may not be able to understand the signs on the toilet doors, right?
"AHH!!" A scream alerted Ilhoon. Ilhoon ran to the source of the scream and found himself standing in front of the female toilet on the second floor of the classroom building. 
"Oh no, is what I am thinking true? He can't be-" Ilhoon's thought was interrupted as a female ran out and screamed that there's a weird guy in the toilet. He face palmed himself for all these ridiculous things that he was experiencing through now and sighed simultaneously because things seemed to happened one after another, without a pause in between. Ilhoon stared at the female toilet door for a long time, then plucked up his courage and decided to enter the female toilet. He shut his eyes tightly and muttered 'sorry's on his way in despite knowing there weren't be any girls in there anymore. Who won't freak out when there's a guy in the female toilet? If Ilhoon sees a girl in the male toilet he probably would.
Ilhoon shut the female toilet door when he sensed that he's already in the toilet. He slowly opened his eyes and found the strange guy in his traditional clothes in front of the sinks and looking himself at the mirror in awestruck silence. He scratched his head due to irritation and wondered why he's doing all this just for a weirdo. 
"Why are you here? This is the female toilet! You shouldn't be here!" Ilhoon came up to Hyunsik and whispered. 
"Why are you doing in the female toilet then? You are a guy too and didn't I tell you that you can go? Why are you following me?" Hyunsik said and had his hands on his sword, getting ready for an attack if Ilhoon is going to be a dangerous person to him.
"Hey hey, chill! Get you hands off your sword and get out of this toilet first!" Ilhoon held Hyunsik's wrist and dragged him out of the toilet. 
"Wait what are you doing! Let go of me! Now!" Hyunsik demanded as he was dragged out of the toilet. Ilhoon pushed him into the male toilet and locked the door after ensuring there wasn't anyone in the toilet. It was a tough job in getting Hyunsik into the correct toilet because that guy was really strong and he was resisting when Ilhoon dragged him into the male toilet.
"This is the male toilet. The tiles and walls here are blue in color, the female toilet instead have pink tiles and walls. Understand? Now, tell me who you are and why are you dressed like this!"
"Why should I?"
"Because if you are from the past, which is ridiculous, you probably need help in surviving in this century!"
"So? Who are you?"
"Hyunsik. Lim Hyunsik."
"So its really you are in my History textbook."
"I'm a scholar. But I am trained in martial arts too. So this is the so-called modern world where you humans are dressed like this?"
"Yes. How do you even travel to our time?"
"This is a secret. Now, tell me where you can get those," Hyunsik pointed at Ilhoon's uniform.
Hello everyone! Yup I am done with the third chapter! Hope you aren't waiting that long for the chapters to be updated, anyway I already stated that it's gonna be a weekly update~ Patience is a virtue, right? Kekeke! ^^ Thank you for all your support and look forward to chapter 4 as the story plot starts to develop! :) Oh and do read the one-shots that I had written if you haven't! 
Btw, this story will have a different point-of-view parts inserted, however most of the POVs are going to be Ilhoon's and Hyunsik's. By default it should be Ilhoon's, so if you see I didn't state any POV it should be Ilhoon's POV. (actually you should be able to know it from the writing~)
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XxImTheReolGirlxX #1
Chapter 12: Omg this is by far the most interesting HoonSik/IlSik fanfic I have read, please update soon
Ace_B2uty95 #2
Chapter 12: Okay.. I know it has been already 2 years but really.. I need the next chapter of this! Omg I love this fic!
thomasikereta #3
Chapter 12: I know it seems too late to ask you but please update very soon yeah? Looking forward to it! And oh my God, I really love your fic!
Chapter 12: This is just...omg TToTT ♥
I love everything like WTH
My feels were everywhere!
LaFey77 #5
Chapter 12: Please update author . I really like this story :)
heartnseoul #6
Chapter 12: omo omo update soon ;~; i love it
Chapter 12: Tortured to death. No! Ilhoon, youre over reacting, right?
I love this so much okay u w u
MIIRacle #9
Chapter 11: So cute!! I hope hyunsik makes a move soon!
Chapter 11: Awww. That was way too cute. I don't want them to seperate