3. Overcome my fear of heights and go skydiving with Minho.

10things I HAVE TO DO before I die!


Seoul, South Korea
2013.01.16, Tuesday

From: Kibummie
To: Jonghyunnie
Msg.: I'm cursing myself right now. Please cheer me up. Otherwise I might forget myself.

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: Hahaha, good morning to you, too. So now you're the one who starts texting me? Did you miss me that much?

From: Kibummie
To: Jonghyunnie
Msg.: That's not funny, idiot. I'm serious about this. If I don't get someone to calm me a little I'm just gonna frustrate myself.

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: Hahaha, alright, fine. What's up? Did you run out of perfume or lose your favorite bag?

From: Kibummie
To: Jonghyunnie
Msg.: you, too.

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: Sorry, I couldn't resist! Now, tell me what's wrong. As your Hyung I'll gladly help you out!

From: Kibummie
To: Jonghyunnie
Msg.: I'm afraid of heights. And I don't like extreme sports. I don't like sports in general. I hate it to be honest. I never even do sports anymore. Who likes sports anyway? I know no-one besides Minho-ah … Sports is just so painfully annoying. I don't like it. And I'm still afraid of heights and I'll always will be, I'm sure. Did I mention that I hate sports?

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: … say, could you repeat the word 'sports' a few times more? I don't think I read it correctly. What's got you so worked up about sports and heights, Bummie? And why would you tell me out of all people? I thought you didn't like me?

From: Kibummie
To: Jonghyunnie
Msg.: Don't call me Bummie. And I'm telling you because I …
*god, I can't believe I am saying this* … I decided to go skydiving with Minho-ah next week.


2013.01.17, Wednesday

Hongdae, South Korea

I was standing in front of a sports-department together with Minhos cousin Jinki.
Since Minho had gone skydiving often already he had given me a short list with things that I should get ready before we left. It wasn't really much, but enough for me to be in a need of shopping. And because of Minho being in school right now I was going with his older cousin who wasn't a student anymore.

Jinki and I were friends as well – not really close, but who cared about that anyway – so he offered me to go with him instead of going on my own.

What I hadn't told anyone was the fact that Jonghyun actually asked me whether I wanted him to go with me.

I just felt embarrassed about that.

We weren't even that close.

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: If you want then I can go shopping with you. I know a thing or two about sports and skydiving, so I can give you some advice. Only if you want though. I don't wanna be a bother. And don't deny that you're not thinking that. I know you think I'm weird

After that I hadn't replied.


I didn't really know what to say.

I didn't want to say that that was
exactly what I was thinking and I didn't want to tell him that I didn't want him to go shopping with me.

It wasn't like I disliked him, but he was just … not my type … I wanted someone like Minho, not like him.
Well no, that wasn't really right as well. I didn't want 'someone like Minho'. I wanted Minho himself. Even now that I knew that he was probably going to have a girlfriend real soon


“Hey, Kibum-ah? Are you still there?”
I looked up when I heard Jinki calling my name again. Apparently I had been drifting off …
all over again. I hadn't heard it, so I asked him to repeat himself.
“I asked what you wanted as your helmet? Like … any specific color or something?” he smiled and pulled me over gently, making sure I wouldn't stumble while holding myself up on my crutches. “I guess you might not want to have one with a color you don't like?”

“Don't like?” I asked and raised my eyebrows. “I like any color.”

“What about this one?” he pointed at a one with big, yellow prints all over on black background. My insides turned a little at that sight.
“No, that's ugly.” I said quickly and scrunched up my face. “I don't like yellow.”
Jinki rolled his eyes at that in a playful matter and pointed at another one. It was just the same just in green. When I said I didn't like he still found it funny, but when that went on for a while he got a little annoyed. So we moved over to the section where padding for skydiving was sold. Even though it was only used for underneath of your clothes I didn't like anything at all, so Jinki and I soon started fighting a little about it.

It eventually ended with us agreeing on going out to have some lunch in order to calm down.
We've been shopping for two hours easily already and still didn't get anything yet …
and Jinki was visibly annoyed because of that.
Due to that I decided to treat him tonight.

“I can't believe you're being so difficult.” Jinki mumbled with a smile and poked around the Kimchi on his plate with the chopsticks. “Minho-ah really wasn't lying when he said you were a bit
too fashionable.”

“Not my fault everything is ugly.” I replied coldly. “They should just get themselves a better designer. And better colors. Just do everything better.”

“You're a bit too picky, Kibum-ah. But try this.” he handed me a piece of his food. “It's really good.” I tried and agreed, but I still didn't let the topic of the equipment go just like that.

“Maybe we're just at the wrong shop?” I asked and shrugged. “It can't be that everything here is so ugly and stupid.”

“This is the biggest shop for sports around this neighborhood, you know?” Jinki raised his eyebrows all over again and shook his head. “You
are kind of a diva.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, why? I like you just the way you are.” he grinned when I huffed. “We'll just check it later on again. We'll find something, I'm sure.” I nodded. “But what I wanted to talk to you about …” I looked up from my food, drank a bit and just signalized for him to go on – but what he asked surprised me quite a bit.

“What do you think about Jonghyun? Is he being nice to you? If you want I can give you his phone number.”

“Why in the world are you asking?” I put my cup down real slowly and gave him a questioning look. “I don't wanna sound mean or anything, but I believe that's none of your business.”

“I know, but I'm not really interested anyway. I'm asking for someone else.”

“Who would that be?”

“Who do you think it is?”

he asked about that? Seriously?”

“If we're talking about Jonghyun, then yes.”

“… are you serious?” I felt a little weird now, knowing that.
Jonghyun really cared about me that much already?
Seriously? That kind of made me excited … but I couldn't explain why.
“He really asked you to talk to me about him?” when Jinki nodded and grinned I didn't really know how to react. So I only asked: “Why would he do that?”

“Can you really not tell?” Jinki asked sarcastically. “He's interested in you, I guess.”
I didn't reply then but just stared at him.
“I promised not to tell you,but I guess it can't be helped.” he shrugged once more. “Just don't tell him. He'd kill me.”

“I won't.”

“But are you interested?”

“In what?”


“Do I look
that gay to you?” with that said Jinki paled a little and just laughed uneasily. I could tell he was kinda taken aback by that question – he probably hadn't expected it.
“I didn't mean it like that.” Jinki said and raised his hands in defense. His already small eyes vanished completely when he laughed loudly. “You don't look
gay, Kibum-ah. But I know from Minho-ah that you're not into girls that much … No offense, though. I totally don't mind.”
I didn't reply because that was fine with me. After coming out about two years ago I had given Minho the permission to tell his friends if there was no way out –
and apparently that had happened with his cousin.
“I'm serious.” he said when I didn't answer him. “It's fine.”

“I know it's fine.” I said coldly and blinked at him. “But I'm not interested.”

“That's a shame.” he shrugged, smiled and just went back to eating. “You'd do good with dating Jonghyun. He's a nice guy … But, maybe … If you change your mind … He doesn't about your … your
illness yet … So if you decide to–”

“I don't care.” I cut him off with a glare and signalized for him to finally shut up.

This was really none of his business.


In the end I really did get everything that I needed together with Jinki. We did get into a few discussions and fights about it, but eventually Jinki always gave in and he even bought me some candy to eat afterwards. We thought about going out to watch a movie together as well, but I soon started feeling weird and so we just decided to call it a day. He dropped me off at home and I my mother immediately took me into the kitchen in order to give me my medicine. Even though it tasted really, really bad I swallowed all of it without hesitation and decided to go and take a bath right afterwards.

Maybe watching my favorite movie would make me feel a little better …

I always tended to watch movies when I took a bath, so I just placed my laptop at the edge of the bathtub and leaned back in the hot water. It made my skin tickle a little, but that was alright with me. My lungs were throbbing painfully even despite me taking the medicine and painkillers, so I tried not to be worried too much. As the movie went on I continued to feel worse by the minute and soon called my mother for help.
I paused the movie, crossed my legs and wrapped my arms around my chest when she entered the bathroom.

“What's wrong, baby?” my mother asked worriedly as soon as she saw me. “Are you alright?”

“I'm feeling a little weird.” I mumbled. My throat started burning a little. “Do we have some of those throat lozenge left?”

“I'm sure we do. Let me just go and call your father, okay? I'll be back in a minute.” she gave me a rather sad looking but forced a smile while leaving the room.
I just nodded at her and leaned back down, letting the water run over my lips –
it would have been a lie to say that I wasn't worried.

I was very worried by now

It rarely happened that I was feeling a lot of pain and whenever I did it was not a good sign,
definitely not. My doctor had given me a lot of last-minute-medicine the last time I had seen him and told me to call him immediately – no matter what time it was – if something was wrong.

But I didn't really wanna give him a call now. Not because I was thinking about him being busy or anything, but more likely because I didn't even wanna think about this being a serious matter.

“Kibum-ah?” my mother knocked on the door after what felt like years had passed. “I just talked to your father and he said he was going to get some now. We don't have any left, baby, I'm sorry.”

“That's alright.” I mumbled and sighed, feeling the itching in my throat and chest getting a little stronger. “When will he be home?”
My mother peeked inside again, causing me to twitch and quickly cover my body so that she wouldn't see anything. “He said he was gonna leave work right away, so he should be here in an hour … more or less.” she chuckled when she saw me in the bathtub but was nice enough not to stare. “Is that alright with you, baby?” she asked and put a towel next to me in case I wanted to get out. “Do you need anything else?”

“No, thanks.” I felt my face burning because of the hot water and her still standing there. “If Appa comes home soon it'll be alright, I'm sure.”

“Just call me when you need something, alright?” she ruffled my hair and laughed once more when I backed off a little. “Seems like yesterday that I bathed you in here.” she mumbled and pinched my cheek real quickly. “No need to hide yourself from your mother, baby.” kissing my forehead she hit the
Play button on my laptop and left the bathroom, closing the door behind herself.

Thanks, Umma.

I couldn't finish the movie because I was soon feeling too bad to continue bathing. So I got out, changed into my pajamas and got into bed before my father even got back home. I decided to read a little and waited for him to come back, because I really felt like I needed those throat lozenges.

And when my father really did return home and handed me the medicine I was really relieved when the pain was
finally suppressed. However, the only bad thing about those things was that they made me really, really tired right away. I only had the chance to let my parents kiss me Good night before I already passed out because of the tiredness washing over me.
But still, I could hear my mother telling my father how worried she was about me.

I even heard her saying that she was going to miss me so much …

I also heard how she started crying


2013.01.23, Tuesday

Outer borough of Seoul, South Korea

“I really can't believe I'm doing this … I really can't. Why am I even here? I can't–“

“Hyung, relax. It'll be fine.”
When Minho zipped up the suit I had to wear I yelped because I felt like my organs got pressed together. I made choking sounds and whimpered because of the huge discomfort.
“Do I really have to wear this?” I whined when he helped me put on my jacket. “This looks horrible. And I don't like yellow.”
Minho chuckled but continued dressing me nevertheless. “Jinki Hyung told me you don't like yellow.” he said and smiled. “But this is necessary. So just go along with it, yes? You've brought your own helmet and everything, so you won't look bad at all.”

“This jacket makes me look fat.”

“No, it doesn't.” he patted my head before ordering me to sit down so that he could help me with shoes and everything else.
“Don't you have to get ready, Minho-ah?” I asked when he tied my shoelaces. “I can handle shoes, you know.”

“I don't want anything to happen to you, so just be quiet.” he grinned and gave my foot a squeeze before putting the shoe on. “So just let me care for you and afterwards I'll get ready as well, okay?”

I smiled at that and nodded, leaning back against the wall behind me. I took another look around the rather small station that we were at. It was all really pretty and cutely decorated, so it was definitely my style. Despite the few pieces of furniture that were spread around there were pictures of people and their skydiving adventure as well. On one picture there was a foreign couple smiling at the camera while on the next one they were already in the air …

Maybe if I …


I shouldn't even think about that.

That was no option

Sighing I looked at the next picture just to see the same scenario with a Korean couple.
And on the next pictures there were all sorts of similar scenes unfolding.
Some couples were kissing, some others were holding hands and then some others were just enjoying their flight while being close to the other one.

… I wish I could be like that with Minho as well.

“Alright, you're all set up now.” his voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I felt myself blushing when I looked down at his smiling face. “I'm gonna get ready now, alright?”

“Uh, yeah.” I mumbled and tried to return the smile. “I'll just wait here.”

“Good. Give me ten minutes.” and thus he left me alone on that bench, walking away. I just stared after him for a moment before feeling all sorts of thoughts creep up in my mind.

What if I tried kissing Minho while we were jumping?

Would he reject me?

And what if he wouldn't?

… my dream would come true then. Minho would love me, I'd love him and we'd be together … That would be the biggest gift I could ever get …

I forced myself to stop thinking like that. I knew exactly that Minho was apparently really interested in that Yuri girl, especially now that they started seeing each other after school as well. If I tried to do anything more with him than what we were doing now he wouldn't like it. But probably not because it was me, more likely because he was just not into men.

When I was over-thinking everything a little too much I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed the first number that came to my mind, not caring about the time difference that we had.
However, I was surprised when the voice of a really sleepy girl answered me.

H-Hello …?” her voice sounded somewhat familiar, but I couldn't classify it … not now since I was so excited and she so sleep-drunken. “Who's this …?

“Hey, uh, this is Kibum.” I introduced myself in English. “I-Is Taemin-ah there?”

Taemin is sleeping …” she mumbled and I heard her yawning.
“I'm sorry for waking you.”

That's alright. I'll wake him …
I waited for a moment when she put his cellphone aside and soon heard the sound of blankets being moved and her mumbling things like
Baby and Get up to an apparently sleeping Taemin. It took her a moment to get him to wake up, but when he did he took the phone from her quickly when he heard that it was me.

Hyung?” his sleepy voice was seriously one of the most adorable things anyone could ever hear. It was worth waking him just to hear that. “A-Are you alright?

“Sorry for waking you, baby.” I apologized quickly and smiled. “Who was that girl?”

Jinri. Who else would it be …?” he yawned. “Hyung … why are you calling in the middle of the night …? Is something wrong?

“No, I'm fine.” I replied and suddenly felt a little guilty. “I just really needed to talk to you.”

Why? What's up?
I heard more blankets being moved, heard Jinri asking something and him replying in English. I figured he was leaving the room so that she could continue sleeping.
“I'm going skydiving today.” I then told him, trying to sound calm. But when he burst out laughing all of a sudden I couldn't stop myself from blushing a deep shade of red. “That's not funny.”

Yes it is.” Taemin continued giggling cutely. “Why would you go skydiving? You out of all people? When I asked you to go on the roller-coaster with me the last time we went to Lotte World you acted like a little girl. And now you wanna jump out of a plane? What's gotten into you!” he continued laughing loudly and I heard him closing his bedroom door.
“I …” I thought about it for a moment.

Taemin didn't know about my list. And he wasn't supposed to know.

“Minho-ah talked me into it.”

Good of him! Skydiving will do you good!

“I'm not so sure about that …”

Of course it will! Maybe you'll even get rid of that ridiculous fear of heights. And then we can go and ride a roller-coaster the next time we meet!

“Yeah … maybe …” I smiled at the wall. “I'm feeling guilty for waking you, Taeminnie. I'm sorry.”

No, that's alright!” he denied me cheerfully. “I just feel a little bad for Jinri. She doesn't like being woken up … But she'll be alright, so don't worry about us! Where are you going to go skydiving, Hyung? In Seoul?

“Outer borough of Seoul.”

That'll be so cool! I wish I could go skydiving! People say skydiving in Switzerland is amazing!

“Well you're closer to Switzerland than me, so … yeah. Go for it.”

You wouldn't mind?

“Of course I would. But you're not listening to me most of the time anyway …”
Taemin giggled at that all over and told me was going to listen to me more often from now on.
I wanna see pictures, Kibum Hyung!” he then ordered. “If I don't see any pics I pretend it never happened, alright?
I agreed and we talked for a few more minutes until Taemin said he had to go back to sleep again.
I'll call you on Skype!” he said happily and wished me a lot of fun before we said our Goodbyes.

Yeah … a lot of fun … that was exactly what I needed.


I clung to Minhos hand as tightly as I could when the helicopter took off. He was laughing at me the whole time, but still held me close to him so that I wouldn't be too scared.
Since Minho was a skydiver –
and a good one on top of that – he was allowed to do a tandem jump with me … without another teacher by our side. It made me feel a little saver to know that he was going to be with me instead of a stranger, but it also made me feel nervous because if something went wrong and he couldn't do anything about it … well … there was also no-one else who could try and do something about it …

“You're not gonna die, Hyung.” Minho then suddenly told me calmly as we started off, leaving the ground. “I'm with you. You'll be home tonight again, I promise.”

“I-I am not scared.” I mumbled, hearing my own voice crack at the fear that was building up inside of me.

The ground was disappearing so fast that it made me feel ill.

“You're shaking.” he put his arms around my waist and held me right where I was sitting the whole time,
on his lap, since there was not enough space in here for me to have my own seat. “Relax, alright? Your parents told me it's bad if you get too upset.”

“I'm f-fine.” I mumbled and grabbed both of his hands, squeezing them tightly. “Just a little … n-nervous.”
I stared outside of the helicopter's window, feeling more and more shivers run down my spine as we were already high up in the air.

This was bad.

“Are you sure you're alright?” when Minho freed one of his hands from my grip and put them on my heart I felt my cheeks burning despite me being as pale as marble. “Your heart is racing.”

“I-I'm okay.”

I wasn't lying. I was just nervous. And my heart racing had nothing to do with my illness.

“I swear.”

“Alright then.” Minho patted my side gently and just held me in place as we flew even higher.
“H-How high does this go …?”

“You don't even wanna know the number.” Minho replied calmly and chuckled when I stiffened. “Come on, I'm sure you'll like it.”

“Hopefully …” I bit my lip. “How are we going to … to …
j-jump …?

“I can connect your jacket to mine so that you actually don't even have to do anything. You just try not to freak out too much, yes?”

“I'm not freaking out.”
When there was a sudden click in the front of the helicopter I yelped out of shock and quickly clung to him – I could literally hear my heartbeat hammering against my eardrums.
“Yeah, I can see that.” Minho agreed with a chuckle and my back softly, trying to finally get me to be quiet. “Just enjoy the view, alright?” he pushed my head to the side real gently, hoping that I would look out of the window and watch as we started sailing through the air, up to the height where we would finally get off of this thing.

I tried to calm myself and looked out of the window, looked over the beautiful landscape underneath of us and the clouds that were actually really close up until now.
And even though it was a stunning view I couldn't help myself but to feel sick.

What if I couldn't do this …?

“Alright, let's get going!”
When there was a clicking sound right at my ear I twitched and stared back at Minho, watching in horror as he connected our jackets.
“We're there. Here,” he handed me the glasses that I had bought with Jinki, “put these on now. We're going out!”
I was completely frozen as soon as my fingers touched the glass. Minho had put his on already and was opening the door outside real quickly without caring about me at all.

I felt trapped all of a sudden.

The cold wind that blew right in my face, the undeniable height that spread out underneath of me …
I couldn't do this.

No way.

Jumping out of here …?

“Kibum Hyung, hurry!” Minho raised his voice so that I'd hear him over the loud sound of the wind. “We gotta move!”

“I-I don't think I can do this!” I shouted back, feeling tears crawl up in my eyes when Minho tried to force me to put the glasses on. “Please! I d-don't want to go!”

“It's too late now, Hyung!” he shouted right into my ear and forced the glasses over my head and eyes. “We can't go back down! Come on! Just close your eyes and trust me!”

“M-Minho-ah, please I–“
He grabbed my hand suddenly and gave it a tight squeeze as he leaned in closer to me. Before I knew it his lips were on my cheek, kissing it softly.

Maybe he knew that I would frown at that.

Maybe that had been his plan all along.

Because then, as soon as his lips touched my skin, he just moved me further towards the exit

“Hold on tight.” Minho said directly into my ear as soon as he broke away. “Good luck.”
And then, out of nowhere, my feet left the helicopter.

I couldn't speak, see or feel anything.

I only found myself screaming at the top of my lungs and pressing my hands onto the glasses in order to block my sight. I was being turned upside down, thrown to the side as we sailed through the ice-cold air.

My heart was racing so much that I was afraid it might stop any second now.

Above of me there was Minho, laughing loudly as he would sometimes let out an amused and happy shout. He was constantly trying to get me to get my hands off of my face, but I refused to do it. I heard him shouting into my ear to just look and
enjoy it, but I found it too difficult to actually do so.
I thought that,
even without the wind blowing around us, I wouldn't be able to look down. And not only because of my fear of heights but mainly because I was just frightened in general and uncomfortable with my current position … I mean, seriously … who could think straight while having their crush tied to their back … and then even while you were in danger of dying within just a few minutes?

However, when there was a sudden pull on my back I screamed once more and cramped a little.
Of course it was relieving to know that Minho had just opened the parachute since we had been falling for a little while, but I was still so shocked and surprised that I couldn't help but to feel scared …
despite the fact that I had done it.

I had done skydiving.

… I really did it …

“Hyung!” Minho said loudly, laughing loudly. “You can open your eyes now!” I felt his hands at my wrists, trying to pull them away from my eyes. “It's a stunning view, come on, please!”

“I-I …” I really did try to get my hands off of my eyes, but I was somehow frozen. I knew it was ridiculous to be this scared, but I somehow couldn't really help it. As long as my feet didn't touch safe ground I would feel ill, I knew it.
“Come on,” Minho poke my cold cheek real carefully, “don't you trust me?”

“… after this not really …”
He let out a loud laugh at that but encouraged me to look still. He just wouldn't leave me alone already. However, when he soon managed to
tear my hands away I was surprised that I found the courage to open my eyes as well.

And what I saw took my breath away.

Underneath of me there was an incredible view. A beautiful landscape with the silhouette of Seoul far off in the distance.
There were rather dark clouds around us, leaving no doubt that it was going to rain in just a little while. But still, where we had just come from there was still sun, warming us as we were not completely underneath of the clouds yet …
it was an incredible feeling.
As I looked underneath of my feet I saw the trees and plants down there, and if it would have been summer right now it would have probably been an even better picture. But what made me smile was the few little lakes I could spot in between and even the few remnants of snow all around Seoul and where we had taken off from.

Without even noticing I started crying softly and felt my lips curl into a smile as we slowly neared the ground. Minho had gotten a tight hold of one of my hands and I felt him sometimes putting his chin on my shoulder as he watched taking in the view and
finally enjoying this without feeling sick or ill or anything at all.

Basically I was really overwhelmed by this.

Actually, I was really disappointed when Minho prepared the landing and when I could see the ground real closely again. We were already closer to the ground than the trees when Minho wrapped one of his arms around my waist tightly and grabbed something at the parachute's ropes with his free hand. He told me to hold on tight and so I did, grabbing his wrist.
As soon as I my hitting the ground I let out the breath that I didn't notice I had been holding and waited until we were really still.

“Are you alright, Hyung?”
I heard Minho unlocking our jackets and was relieved when I could move freely again. However, even though the first I should have done was getting up I couldn't help but to quickly pull my knees to my chest and hug them tightly …
what I had just done was washing over me just now.

I was so proud of myself!

“Kibum Hyung …?” Minho was in front of me quickly and put a hand onto my knee. “I-Is everything alright …? You're not hurt, are you?”
I giggled between my sobs and ignored the tears that were dripping down my eyelashes. Ripping the glasses off of my eyes I looked at him and grinned when his eyes widened at the sight of me crying. I gave him the widest smile I could come up with, mumbled a shaky
Thank You and leaped forward, crashing against his chest and pulling him down on the ground.

I hugged him as tightly as possible and continued laughing and crying at the same time.

This had been the most exciting thing I had ever done up until now.


013.01.24, Wednesday

Seoul, South Korea

It was the middle of the night when my phone suddenly vibrated. I had been half-asleep already and was huddled up in the covers when I heard it. Even though I found it bothersome I leaned onto my elbows and grabbed my phone from my nightstand, checking who had written to me.
What I saw made me chuckle though.

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: Hey, sorry for texting you this late, but I was kinda worried since you didn't reply the last time. How was skydiving? You went today, didn't you? Did you like it? I hope Minho-ah made sure you are alright?

I was considering not to reply to him since I was so tired from the jump I had done just a few hours ago, but in the end I made myself do it … simply because it was so nice of him to care.

From: Kibummie
To: Jonghyunnie
Msg.: Hey. Yeah, I went skydiving yesterday … I got back like four hours ago since we went to an outer borough of Seoul … I'm really tired, so would you let me sleep, please?

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: Of course, but tell me if you liked it first?

From: Kibummie
To: Jonghyunnie
Msg.: I loved it. And yes, Minho was really good, like always. But what else would you expect from that guy, I mean … seriously. He's the perfect type of guy out there. In a normal way of course. If I were a girl I would probably be crushing on him.

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: Hahaha, yeah, but who wouldn't? Although, I think Minho-ah's got his eye on someone lately. Any idea who that might be?

That made me frown all over again.

From: Kibummie
To: Jonghyunnie
Msg.: No.

I knew it was a little rude to just reply with one word, but I really couldn't have cared less right now. Even if that meant that Jonghyun wouldn't answer … I was fine with that.
Though, to my relief, he did reply.

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: What a shame. Jinki Hyung won't tell me and I don't wanna ask Minho-ah himself … Oh well. I guess we'll all find out eventually. Anyway, I'll let you sleep now, Bummie. I know what you're thinking right now, so I won't bother you anymore. Goodnight ~

I didn't even answer to that.

Instead I just put my phone aside, buried myself in the covers again and pressed my pillow against my face.

For the first time since I had met him, I was absolutely sure that Jonghyun had no idea what was going through my head right now.

No idea at all.



Yay, 3rd Chapter done! ^_^

I've never went skydiving, but I did some research on it and I hope it turned out alright like this ... Kind of difficult to describe the feeling of that ... but well, I tried :'3

I was really happy when I saw that I gained some subscribers and that people liked the 2nd Chapter. I'd be really happy about a review as well, but - like always - I don't wanna tell anyone what to do ^^

Thanks for reading!!~

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Chapter 10: That was a cute and sad story at the same time ..why did he have to die ?? :-( this was an amazing inspiring story
iluvbubbles_yay #2
Chapter 10: Um, just so you know, as I read the ending to this story, I was crying ;~; So congrats, you wrote pretty well, and powerfully ^^ Jongkey's relationship was a difficult one, with Kibum not wanting to tell him about his illness, and then Jonghyun's shock and difficulty dealing with it once it came out. This ending was very appropriate, much as I hate Key's dying, but yeah... it fit well, and just after the two of them were together, he made the decision when basically in Jjong's arms ;; Very good, thanks for writing and sharing!
kreiisi96 #3
Chapter 10: waaaaah this is............ daebak!! i reallllyyyyyyyy likeee it !! seriously :') im shedding tears right now :') this is really good like really really good :) i love it thank you for making this wonderful story :')
Chapter 10: im almost tearing.
and that author-nim. is very rare.
I crying is a myth.
but still, this chapter almost made me cry TT^TT
love this story so much!
so sad it is over ;~~;
anyway, you wonderful amazing creature.
thank you for making this <3
Chapter 10: This is sooo bueatifull!! I cried so much...I definitly love this story..!
Chapter 10: The end is so beautifull.. I would say it was perfect, even if he daied he was still here with everyone. The best of this is that he died happy. <3 Love this story till the end O_O
Chapter 10: Aw no I knew he was going to die but not like that :(
I really enjoyed this story and glad Jonghyun saw sense and went back to Key towards the end :)

Good luck and have fun on your trip ^^
SadisticSinner #8
Chapter 10: I...I'm crying right now and I barely see what I'm writing right now bcuz my sight is so blurry with tears.
He died in Jonghyun's arms...he died with jonghyun near him...T^T and jonghyun, even after 10 years, still loves Kibum-even if he's marries and yeah.
It's just so beautiful...
I've never cried so much in my whole freakin life. T^T
I'll love you forever for writing this! You're my favorite author <3 and imma is worshipping you.
you're such a talented writer <3
have fun on your trip! :)
Chapter 10: omg. i freaking love this story. This is my first JongKey story I ever read on AFF. going on the journey of this story has been wonderful. I love Key from the bottom of my heart and seeing him like this made love him more. You portrayed him so wonderfully as well as all the other characters. Jonghyun was such a caring lover and the love they shared was wonderful! I'm happy that this ended beautifully. I can't expect a better ending. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful ride <3