2. Donate all of my stuff to a hospital or something like that.

10things I HAVE TO DO before I die!


Seoul, South Korea
2012.12.23, Saturday

I've always really liked Christmas. And since this was most likely the last Christmas that I was going to have I decided to spend it really wisely.
Usually I would spend Christmas with my parents, but this year I was planning to stay with my friends. I asked Minho whether he would like to do something with me then and he agreed immediately. We thought about it for a while and decided that we were going to spend the whole weekend in a city called Busan …
only the two of us.

If I was honest about it, I was really, really excited about it.

Minho and I had managed to get our parents to pay for it, so we didn't have to use our own money for it – which we were both really thankful for.

We were going to depart this evening by taking the train for about four hours. Actually we had wanted to go by car, but Minho said he didn't have enough money left to pay for the fuel, so we paid for the train-tickets instead.

Right now I was in my room, packing everything. I had started yesterday already,
but of course I was not done yet. I had a few hours left to go, but I was already getting impatient.

I didn't know which clothes to pack.

I wanted to look good as soon as we were there …

I sighed and leaned down in order to grab some clothes from the depths of my closet.

Since I was feeling rather healthy today I was walking around without needing my crutches or even the wheelchair. However, both were here, in my room, so that I wouldn't end up on the floor in case of me collapsing –
like I had done it many times already.

As I pulled out more and more clothes from out of my closet I soon found my whole floor buried underneath of stuff that I hardly wore anymore. They were all old and not that modern, so I had probably just forgot about them … However, it did get me thinking.
On my list there was one thing that said something like
Donate all of my stuff to a hospital or something like that … And this was all stuff that I didn't need until I was done for. So … maybe I should give all of this away already …?

No, there was no time before we left … I had to do it as soon as we came back …

Still, I put a lot of those old clothes into my bag, deciding that I was going to give them out to people who needed them as soon as we were there.

Maybe there were some homeless people who needed them, who knew?

I squeezed almost all of my favorite clothes into my suitcase and had to sit on it to be able to close the lid. When I realized that I forgot almost everything else I sighed out of annoyance and made my way to the bathroom, collecting my toothbrush and everything else. I took a lot of stuff with me. I had two brushes for my hair, so I took both with me, and took a few cremes and toiletries as well.

When I re-entered my room I was surprised to see an incoming call on my laptop which I had used to listen to music.
I put all of my stuff on my suitcase and walked over, taking a look at the caller. When I saw that it was
Taemin calling me on Skype I smiled and accepted at once.
His face came into focus only slowly and I was a little surprised that it was so dark in his room –
but then I remembered the immense time-difference that we had.

Hyung!” he greeted me happily and leaned closer, waving and smiling at me. “I was hoping you'd be online!

“Good morning, baby.” I greeted back and sat down for a moment. “Why are you up so late?”

It's morning!” he corrected me quickly, causing his lips to curl into an even wider smile. “I got up early, because I thought that you might be online!

“That's sweet.” I laughed when he did something that he always called his 'victory-dance'
that basically just involved him swaying his fists through the air while laughing … but it was still really cute. “Did you cut your hair?”
He blinked at that and shook his head. “
Nope. I just combed it in a different way. Do you like it?” he brushed his blonde hair out of his eyes, causing his new side parting to show off a little more.
“It suits you really well. I'm proud you really did try it out.” … I just loved praising him, I really did.
I remember you said that it might look good on me …” Taemin admitted. “And since your hair always looks really nice I wanted to try it.”

“You're so cute.” I watched as he shook his head and curled his nose.
No … I'm not …” he whined a little. “I want to be a manly man, Hyung. Not cute.” I chuckled and nodded, telling him that he was already very manly – even though he wasn't at all – and decided to go on with the conversation.
“What is the reason for your call?” when he raised his eyebrows a little I added: “You rarely call without letting me know first. So something must be up.”

Can't I just call you without a reason …? Hyung, you're so mean.”

“It's just that I'm actually in a hurry now, baby.” I grabbed my laptop and showed him the open suitcase on the ground. “I'm packing.”

Oh! Where are you going?” Taemin leaned forward so much that I could only see his eyes and nose for a moment. “You're packing too many clothes, Kibum Hyung!” he grimaced and shook his head. “You won't be able to take all of it with you if you take any more!

“It'll be fine. I need all of it.”

How come?

“I'm going with Minho …” I smiled at that thought and put the laptop back down on the table.
Really?” Taemin sat back and smiled so widely that his eyes turned to slits for a moment. He bounced up and down in his seat, clapping his hands. “I'm so happy for you!” he cheered and laughed at his own childishness.

Taemin knew that I had a crush on Minho … and he always supported me.

Where are you going?

“To Busan.”

Busan is great! Are you going to go to the Christmas market, too?

“Of course. It's the reason we decided to go there … and because of the sea.”

Ah, I see …” he thought for a moment before he asked: “Have you told him yet? Or does he still not know?

“He doesn't know yet … I'm thinking about telling him tomorrow night though …”

You should do it, Hyung.” Taemin encouraged me immediately. “I'm not sure whether he feels the same, but it'll make you feel better, I'm sure.”

“I know, I know …” I sighed. “I'm just nervous.”

That's part of being in love!

“You're one to talk … You needed ages to get yourself to talk to that girl …”

But I did.”

“Yeah …” I nodded and smiled at him again. He had blushed at the thought of his
girlfriend and I found that really adorable … like everything else that he did. “By the way, how is Jinri anyway? Are you two still dating?”

Of course!” Taemin clapped his hands before showing me his left hand. “Can you see this ring?” I nodded. “I bought two. One for Jinri and one for myself. We wear it everyday!

“I bet she really likes it, doesn't she?”

Yep!” he giggled and turned the ring on his finger. “I'm really glad to have her.”
A short silence spread out after that, but I soon broke it by asking whether he would mind if I continued packing while we talked. He agreed of course and so I just finished up putting my stuff into my suitcase while talking to Taemin about all sorts of things. He told me about his daily life and his girlfriend while I only listened. However, he soon asked me how I was doing and whether I was seeing my doctor regularly – he seemed really relieved when I told him that I was doing better than usually lately.

Maybe you're healed, Hyung …” he mumbled and smiled to himself at that thought. “It'd be really relieving …

“I know, right?” I felt my eyes water a little when I saw him staring at the camera with empty eyes. “It'll be alright in the end, baby. Don't worry too much.”

I hated to see him sad.

It really was the worst sight that existed … a sad look didn't fit his beautiful face at all

I know, I know.” he mumbled and sighed deeply. “Are you done with packing yet, Kibum Hyung? You're taking too long.

“Are you telling me to hurry up?” I asked with a chuckle and looked up at the laptop, meeting his eyes. “You shouldn't tell
older people to hurry!”

I'm not Korean.” he said quickly. “I don't have to be like that!

“As long as you speak Korean you'll have to follow the rules!”

You're a meanie.” he mumbled and pouted but smiled right afterwards. “I'm not even from Korea and yet you treat me like that …

“You're my baby. Let me raise you.”
He laughed loudly at that and nodded, agreeing to be more polite from now on – actually, I had been joking about that … I didn't really mind if he spoke to me in a slightly more informal way,
we were close enough for that.

We continued talking for like an hour more until I finally finished packing and realized that I had to get going.

“Do you want me to call you as soon as we are back?” I asked as I put on my jacket.
Yes!” Taemin said quickly – by now I could see him much better, because the sun had risen in the background. “Send me a text-message and I'll come online, yes?

“Sure.” I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. “I'll see you soon then?”

I love you!” he waved at me with both of his hands, a sad smile spread on his face.
“Love you, too, baby.” I grinned when he nodded one last time –
there was a weird feeling inside of me when he turned his cam off …

… I missed him already


I arrived at the train-station a little earlier than Minho wanted to meet up with me. Since it was really cold and my suitcase was heavy I put it on the ground for a moment and leaned against the wall, crossing my arms. I thought about whether I had packed everything and was relieved when I remembered that I had packed my crutches as well. I didn't expect to need the wheelchair, so I had left it at home with my parents.
I started looking around the little Christmas decoration around me and tried to find Minho in between the people that were there.

My eyes got glued to a little shop that sold Christmas decorations.

Before I could even think about it for much longer than a second I grabbed my suitcase and hurried over there, taking my wallet out quickly.
The small woman that sold the things greeted me happily and showed me her articles. There were mainly things that you could put up on a Christmas tree, but that was alright with me. I took a quick look at everything she had to offer and found myself staring at a little rotating buckle that had Santa Clause's face printed on it. It looked a little corny and cheesy, but I found it really funny … and since it was not very expensive I decided to buy it for Minho.

As soon as the buckle was in my pocket –
well hidden from everyone except myself – I went back to my old place and was a little disappointed when Minho was still not there. But as I took a look at my watch I realized that he still had five minutes left to go …

I just hated it when people were late.

Suddenly my cellphone vibrated in my pocket, so I pulled it out quickly, hoping that it'd be Minho calling. However, it was just a text-message from a number that I didn't know.

From: …
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: Hey, are you better already? Just checking up on you, you know.

From: Kim Kibum
To: …
Msg.: Who is this? And how did you get my phone number?

From: …
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: Hahaha, don't worry. This is Kim Jonghyun. Remember me? We met in the mall? Jinki Hyung gave me your number.
You don't need to get a new one if that's what you're planning.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: Stop predicting what I'm thinking! That's not even funny!

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: It's just too easy, haha, I'm sorry. Anyway, would you answer my question? I'm kinda worried about you.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: I'm fine. Why would you be worried? I don't even know you.

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: No particular reason. Merry Christmas, Kibum-ah. I hope you're having fun with Minho-ah.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: Thanks, but how do you know? I won't believe that “I can read your thoughts”– thing!

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: No, that's not it. Jinki Hyung told me. He and Minho-ah are cousins, remember? … I still hope you two are going to have fun. You're going to Busan, aren't you? I've been there a few times during Christmas. It's really nice. I think you'll like it.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: … Alright, thank you.

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: You're welcome.

After that I didn't know what to write anymore and he didn't write anything else as well … had I been too uncommunicative? He seemed to only have wanted a nice chat …

No, it was fine.

He could handle it, it wasn't like he wasn't tough. If anything, he seemed like a person that could take on anything. So I didn't have to worry

When I was tapped on the shoulder from behind suddenly I twitched and would have almost dropped my phone if Minho wouldn't have caught it.

“Sorry, Hyung, I'm late.” he said quickly as he gave me back my phone. “I missed the bus and had to run here.”

“That's alright.” I replied and smiled. Before he could do anything about it I hugged him quickly and put my phone into my pocket –
I didn't want him to find out that Jonghyun had texted me.

That would only be embarrassing


Busan, South Korea
2012.12.24, Sunday

Minho and I were strolling around in Busan, looking for the Christmas market that was supposed to be at the harbor. Since we had never been to Busan – either together or on our own – we had slight trouble with getting around.
Minho had bought a city map of Busan, so we were using that to finally find everything …
but we were failing quite miserably. And when I told him that we should ask someone for directions he only said that he knew exactly where we were.

Why did he have such big trouble with asking for directions?

That was just so ridiculous

Still, I soon just left him behind and asked a couple that walked pass how to get to the harbor …
and they told us.

So now we were finally there, having the sun setting and with cold air blowing around us.
I was wearing tights underneath of my jeans and boots together with a thick sweater and pullover –
it was really important that I didn't catch a cold or anything at all … if I got sick, even if it was just a cold, I could move right back into the hospital. And because Minho knew that he had given me his hat and his scarf, saying that he was worried.
Above of all of that I had brought my bag with my old clothes along as well, just in case there might be a chance to give them to someone that needed them more than I did.

We were walking around the Christmas market together, having a whole lot of fun as we did so. Minho treated me to some food and as soon as we were already nearing ten pm we decided to go down to the coast and eat there.
Since it was really dark Minho allowed me to link my arm with his so that there would be no chance of me falling or stumbling. He even helped me to sit down on the pier and sat next to me, handing me the food that we bought.

“Eat well, Hyung.” he said with a grin and watched me as I started to eat. I had to giggle as he stared at me and fed him a little bit as well.
“It tastes really well!” Minho said happily and got a bit more. “Do you like it?”

“Of course!” I laughed and crossed my legs. “It would have been better if it would have been cooked by us though.”

“Stop complaining and enjoy it.” he teased and nudged me softly. “I want this Christmas to be perfect.”

“Me too …” I smiled softly and looked down at my hands. “
It'll be perfect because you're here …


“N-Nothing.” I chuckled uneasily, feeling relieved that he didn't hear that last one. “Just that I'm really happy to be here now. I didn't expect to ever come here with you.”

“We're best friends. Of course we'd be going somewhere before you … uhm … before …” his voice died and he avoided looking into my eyes. He didn't seem to want to finish that sentence, but he didn't have to anyway … I knew exactly what he meant.

“Of course we'd be going somewhere before you died.”

“It'll be alright.” I said quickly, remembering how I had talked to Taemin the day before. “Everything will be alright in the end, I'm sure.”

“Are you sure?” Minho sighed. When I saw him rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand I turned away so that I wouldn't have to look at him. Instead I looked over the sea, watching how the waves moved and how the lights of the streets were reflected on the waters surface …
it looked beautiful … and with the sound of the waves crushing at the shore it send shivers down my spine.

I haven't been to the sea in ages

“I'm really worried about you, Kibum Hyung.” Minho mumbled and exhaled deeply. “I can't stand thinking of … well … you know what I mean …”

“Same goes for me.” I said and smiled again. “But it'll be alright. Just don't think about it and … and …” I could hardly prevent myself from crying. I felt my eyes burning badly, felt a lump in my throat and had to bite my lip in order not to scream.

Why was this happening to me ?

That ing stupid accident …

Why me?

What had I ever done to deserve this …!?

“I still can't get over what happened back then.” Minho went on quietly. “I was so shocked when I heard about what happened …” I didn't look at him because I didn't want him to see me crying. “When I got the call from the hospital I thought they were kidding.”
I sighed at that and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. I could still remember everything as if it happened yesterday …
the pain, the shock, everything that came to check up on me
“I remember how I left school immediately in order to come and see you … but they wouldn't let me …”

Minho-ah …

“But when you woke up again I was really happy.” when he came up with that he smiled. “Happier than I ever thought I could be … I never realized how much you meant to me until that day, you know?”

“How much I
mean to you?” I repeated quickly and felt myself tensing a lot. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I've never been in a situation where you were in such … such real danger … it was so close to us and … it scared me.” he bit his lip and shook his head. When I saw tears in his eyes I felt like my heart might break and put the food –
that was on my lap – aside. “It was the first time I had to think about what I might do if you were not there anymore and … to be honest … I couldn't even stand the thought of living without you.”
My heart was beating up at that so much that it hurt.

Did he really like me the way that I liked him?

“And then I realized that–“ but before he could finish that sentence. There were crying sounds coming from behind us all of a sudden, causing both of us to twitch and turn around.
There was a woman with a small child in her arms. She was not wearing any shoes and only a dress with a leathern jacket around her shoulders. There were tears running down her cheeks as she stumbled towards the beach. She didn't get close to us but walked down the pier and sat down at the farthest end, hugging her child tightly.

“What's with her?” I asked Minho as I watched her. I felt my grip on my bag tighten. “Is she alright?”

“I don't know.” Minho mumbled in return and finished wiping off the tears of his cheeks. “But she must be cold.”

“Let's go to her.”


“Because she
obviously needs help!” I got up to my feet, but stumbled and fell back down.
“Hyung, be careful!” Minho said and glared at me. He caught me as I fell and helped me back up. “I don't want you to get hurt!”

“Sorry, that wasn't on purpose.” I mumbled and thanked him as he got me back up on my feet. “Let's go to her though. Maybe we can help!”

I only wanted to help that poor woman … whoever she was.

Maybe she needed the clothes that I had brought along?

“Hurry, Minho-ah!” I grabbed him by his wrist, held my bag tightly and hurried along the pier, heading towards her.
“Slow down a little, please.” Minho said and tried to make me go slower. “You look like a stalker.”

“I don't even know her, I can't be a stalker!”

“That's the point!”

“Shut up now!”
As soon as we were a little closer I let go of Minho and slowly walked closer, speaking up only as I was almost directly beside her.

“Excuse me?”
She twitched badly at that and clung to her child.
“Are you alright?”
She stared at me with wide eyes – and that's when I noticed the dark, blue bruise on her cheek.
“I saw you crying and thought you might …” I blinked and slowly sat down next to her. “I thought you might need someone to talk to?”

W-Who are you …?” she whispered and carefully pulled her long, brown hair behind her ear. “Do I know you?

“I'm not from here, so I guess not.” I chuckled a little and gave her a smile. “But what happened to you? Why are you crying?”

Why would you care?

“I just want to help.” out of the corner of my eye I saw Minho standing behind us, having his arms crossed – he was looking rather skeptical. “What's your name?”

Lee Soonkyu.” she mumbled. “This is my daughter.

“I'm Kim Kibum.” I smiled wider and held out my hand. “That guy there in the back is my friend, Choi Minho.” she turned around at that and looked at Minho who only raised a hand and then turned away, embarrassed. “It's nice to meet you, Noona.”

Nice to meet you, too.” she said quietly, shook my hand and hugged her daughter a little tighter.
“So … why were you crying …?” I asked and dared to reach over and pat her daughters head. Soonkyu smiled at that and gave me a very friendly look.
I'm just having some problems with my husband …” she replied, kissed her daughters forehead and looked down onto the ocean again. “He's not the best man out there …

“Did he hit you?”

Why would you think that …?

“Your cheek is bruised.”

… damn …” she touched it real carefully and let her fingers her skin gently. “He promised not to …

“Who are you married to?”

You don't know him.

“I figured.” I leaned forward, brushed her hair aside and took a closer look at her cheek. “But it looks like it'll be alright, don't worry.” she let me touch the bruise and only watched me, breathing slow and deep as I did so. “Why are you married to him if he treats you like this?”
She thought for a moment before she replied: “
I didn't choose to marry him. It was arranged by our parents … And he has everything that I own … My money, my credit-card, my clothes … the only thing I actually have is my daughter.”

“What do you mean he has
everything that you own?” I repeated and raised my eyebrows. “Does it mean he has it with him?”
She nodded. “
He took away my shoes and clothes when we fought earlier … that's why I'm not wearing much now … I kind of stole his jacket.” by saying that she pulled her daughter underneath of her jacket and wrapped it around herself and her. The little girl was looking at her with wide eyes, but soon huddled herself against her mothers chest. I smiled at that sight.
“You should get divorced, Soonkyu Noona.”

I can't … Without him I'll have nothing left …

“Maybe I can help.” I said and pulled my bag forward.

“I can't give you any money, but … if you are looking for clothes … I have some that I wanted to give away.”

I can't take clothes from you.” she said and raised her eyebrows. When one of the waves from underneath of us hit her bare feet she squealed and twitched.
“Even if you don't want to, I'll give them to you anyway.” I held the bag out for her and waited. “Take it, please. I really don't need them anymore.”

But this is just–

“I insist.” I put the bag onto her lap. “I can hold your daughter so that you can take a look at them first, if you want.” without even waiting for an answer I just grabbed her child carefully and pulled it into my own arms, feeling relieved that Soonkyu allowed me to. She might have looked at me funny but she opened the bag and looked through the stuff that was inside. Her eyes lit up at a few things and I could have sworn that she liked them a lot.

But this is too much, Kibum-ah …” she whispered and shook her head. “I'm a stranger to you. You can't just give me all of this.”

“I promise you that I won't miss it.” at that my eyes watered again and I hugged the little girl in my arms tightly.

Of course I wouldn't miss them … How could I?

Dead people wouldn't miss their old clothes.

“I want you to have them. I was looking for someone to give them to anyway.”

Are you … are you really sure about this …?

“Only if you promise me one thing.” I giggled when she twitched. “Leave Busan and get away from your husband. I might not help much by giving you clothes, but it's a start … I'm sure you and your daughter will be able to accomplish a lot together.”
Soonkyu started crying again at that and nodded. She promised she would leave this city and go somewhere else,
maybe even Seoul, and that she was really thankful towards me. As she took her daughter back she allowed me to kiss the little girl's cheek and hugged me tightly.

Thank you so much, Kibum-ah …” she whispered into my ear.
You're welcome.” I replied quietly and grinned when she pulled away. Her sad smile almost made me cry again, but that was fine with me. When she kissed my cheek and thanked me one last time I felt like I could die because I was so relieved to have helped her.

It was a good thing I took those clothes with me, really … Who would have thought that I could use them for something as good as this?

However, Minho and I left her soon after that, hoping that she would really manage to get by on her own and with the new clothes she got herself now.
Minho was only staring at me with wide eyes and didn't really seem to know what to say, so he just kept quiet. I was so overwhelmed by the good that I've done that I couldn't stop smiling. But on the other hand it had also depressed me a lot.

Soonkyu was a woman that had been forced into a lot of bad stuff in her life because of her husband and young child. She hadn't had any other choice to leave because no-one had helped her out. But now she had the chance to at least go somewhere and ask for help without looking like a
beggar in that dress without wearing any shoes … she might be able to change her life now.

And what about me …?

I was going to die because of cancer … I was not even full-aged and would probably never be it as well …

“Hyung, would you excuse me for a moment?” Minho suddenly asked and pulled his cellphone out of his pocket.
We were halfway back to our hostel as he stopped walking.
“Yuri is calling me … I should pick up.”


“A friend of mine. Remember?” he chuckled a little when I only stared at him. “I told you about her a while ago.”

“D-Did you?” I tried smiling, but only ended up grimacing. “Sure … go and pick up. I'll wait over … over there.” I pointed at a bench a little further on ahead. “My legs hurt a little.” that was a lie though …
I just didn't want to hear him talking to a girl.
“I'll make it short, Hyung.” Minho told me and turned his back to me, picking up to that girl. He greeted her happily and took a few steps away as I headed over to the bench.

As I sat down I felt a weird feeling in my chest …
it hurt a lot.
I couldn't remember when Minho told me about Yuri, but that wasn't too important right now.
I only knew that I didn't like where this was going already.
Just the fact that she had his number and called him on
Christmas made me so sad that I felt my heart throbbing in my chest.

Were they dating …?

I sighed and pulled the little Christmas decoration I had bought of my other bag.

I had wanted to give it to Minho, but now … He wouldn't like it.

And I had thought that he might be feeling the same for me as I did for him … but he probably only liked me as a best friend …

My eyes burned up again and this time I didn't even bother to hide my tears. I just let them fall onto the decoration that I was holding in my hands and watched how it dripped down onto the ground.
I was thinking about what to do and what to say as soon as he came back. Since he was not too far away I could hear him laughing and could watch as he covered his
beautiful smile with his hand sometimes.
I didn't like when he did that. It was the same with Taemin. They were both so beautiful when they laughed that I hated it when I couldn't see it.

Why couldn't they see that their smile was beautiful just the way it was?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and decided to write a message.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Lee Taemin
Msg.: I don't know what time it is in England right now, but … Merry Christmas, Taeminnie. I hope you and Jinri are having fun together

Since Minho was still talking on the phone I waited for Taemin to reply, but there was no answer. Even though I knew that he was probably busy with his girlfriend it still hurt me a little not to receive a message from him.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Lee Jinki
Msg.: Merry Christmas, Jinki Hyung. I hope you're having a good time in Seoul tonight?

He didn't reply as well and so I decided to do something different … I surprised myself by doing it, too.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: Merry Christmas

Within one minute there was a new text-message …
from him.

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: Merry Christmas, Kibum-ah. I knew you would text me tonight.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: How would you know?

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: Okay, fine. It was a lie. I was hoping you would text me … I'm all alone tonight, you know?

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: How come? Why would you be alone? It's Christmas. Go out and see someone.

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: Hahaha, there's no-one I want to spend Christmas with. Unlike you I'm not on a Christmas weekend-date.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: This is not a weekend-date.

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: Whatever you say, Kibummie.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: Yah! What's with that name!

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: It's cute. There are so many nicknames that I can make with your name. Kibummie. Bummie. Keybum.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: I like Keybum.

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kim Kibum
Msg.: I like Kibummie.

From: Kim Kibum
To: Kim Jonghyun
Msg.: I'll save you as Jonghyunnie if you don't stop.

From: Kim Jonghyun
To: Kibummie
Msg.: That's fine with me! You're saved as 'Kibummie' now!

From: Kibummie
To: Jonghyunnie
Msg.: This is just ridiculous.

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: I know you like it, Bummie. Anyway … shouldn't you be with Minho-ah now? You're not in Busan for no reason, are you? You should spend Christmas with him and not with me on your phone … Even though I have to say that I like chatting with you.

From: Kibummie
To: Jonghyunnie
Msg.: If you want me to leave that much then just say it. But fine. I'll see you around. Merry Christmas.

From: Jonghyunnie
To: Kibummie
Msg.: Merry Christmas. See you soon.

I looked away from my phone with a weird feeling in my chest.

I really enjoyed this chat now … but why?

This weekend was not like I wanted it to be.



Second chapter done ... which is like 8 pages longer than the first one. But I like this one. I think it turned out well :3

I was really happy when I saw that people enjoyed the first chapter, so I hope that you like this as much as the first one! ^_^
I listened to this song while writing this, btw.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOfnUwoTPiE I'm so obsessed with his voice ... So beautiful! ^_^

Thanks for reading!!~

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Chapter 10: That was a cute and sad story at the same time ..why did he have to die ?? :-( this was an amazing inspiring story
iluvbubbles_yay #2
Chapter 10: Um, just so you know, as I read the ending to this story, I was crying ;~; So congrats, you wrote pretty well, and powerfully ^^ Jongkey's relationship was a difficult one, with Kibum not wanting to tell him about his illness, and then Jonghyun's shock and difficulty dealing with it once it came out. This ending was very appropriate, much as I hate Key's dying, but yeah... it fit well, and just after the two of them were together, he made the decision when basically in Jjong's arms ;; Very good, thanks for writing and sharing!
kreiisi96 #3
Chapter 10: waaaaah this is............ daebak!! i reallllyyyyyyyy likeee it !! seriously :') im shedding tears right now :') this is really good like really really good :) i love it thank you for making this wonderful story :')
Chapter 10: im almost tearing.
and that author-nim. is very rare.
I crying is a myth.
but still, this chapter almost made me cry TT^TT
love this story so much!
so sad it is over ;~~;
anyway, you wonderful amazing creature.
thank you for making this <3
Chapter 10: This is sooo bueatifull!! I cried so much...I definitly love this story..!
Chapter 10: The end is so beautifull.. I would say it was perfect, even if he daied he was still here with everyone. The best of this is that he died happy. <3 Love this story till the end O_O
Chapter 10: Aw no I knew he was going to die but not like that :(
I really enjoyed this story and glad Jonghyun saw sense and went back to Key towards the end :)

Good luck and have fun on your trip ^^
SadisticSinner #8
Chapter 10: I...I'm crying right now and I barely see what I'm writing right now bcuz my sight is so blurry with tears.
He died in Jonghyun's arms...he died with jonghyun near him...T^T and jonghyun, even after 10 years, still loves Kibum-even if he's marries and yeah.
It's just so beautiful...
I've never cried so much in my whole freakin life. T^T
I'll love you forever for writing this! You're my favorite author <3 and imma is worshipping you.
you're such a talented writer <3
have fun on your trip! :)
Chapter 10: omg. i freaking love this story. This is my first JongKey story I ever read on AFF. going on the journey of this story has been wonderful. I love Key from the bottom of my heart and seeing him like this made love him more. You portrayed him so wonderfully as well as all the other characters. Jonghyun was such a caring lover and the love they shared was wonderful! I'm happy that this ended beautifully. I can't expect a better ending. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful ride <3