Oppa's best friend? Not.

Not your style

You woke up to see your brother, Kyungsoo, sitting beside you on your bed, patting your cheeks lightly and saying, ‘ y/n, wake up already~ You’re gonna be late for the 123456 times if you don’t wake up and prepare for school~ ‘ You opened your eyes sleepily and turned around slightly to look at your alarm clock, it states eight, and your lesson starts at nine. You sighed and got up immediately, and Kyungsoo ruffled your hair as he said with a smile, ‘ That’s my sister~ ‘ You washed up and took a quick shower, changing into your uniform and grabbing your bag which you’ve packed the night before and going down to the dining room for your breakfast. ‘ You cooked my favorite dishes again oppa! ‘ You said the moment you sat down. Kyungsoo simply chuckled and the two of you started eating.


‘ Dad and mum are going to be overseas again, so it’s just us these few weeks, don’t be surprised if there’s nobody at home alright? ‘ Kyungsoo said, and you nodded. ‘ And one of my friend is coming for an overnight stay later, you know Yixing right? It’s him~ ‘ He added, and he had no idea that sentence of his almost stopped your heart from beating. Why won’t you know Yixing, the guy who won your heart over the day you saw him. You still remembered that very day, it was a mass lecture for students who were taking the same module, regardless of year ones or year twos, and he was sitting down at his seat in the lecture hall, just a few seats away from you. He was definitely not playing attention, even though he wasn’t talking to other students or playing with his phone, but he was quietly drawing something on his sketchbook. After the lecture ended, many students dispersed from the lecture hall quickly, yet, he was taking his own sweet time to pack his stuffs. And that’s how you know his name, because you saw it the moment he closed his sketchbook, his name was written on it.


‘ y/n? What are you thinking of? ‘ Kyungsoo said, which interrupted your thoughts. ‘ Ah? Nothing much actually~ ‘ You replied, trying not to reveal anything that will let him know your feelings towards Yixing. ‘ Alright, then let’s head off to school now~ ‘ Kyungsoo answered. For some reasons, you just can’t seem to forget Yixing since that day. Even though there were no interactions between the two of you, there’s just something that’s attractive about him that you can’t get over. And to be frank, you almost had a shock of your life when you know that he was actually one of your brother’s best friends. You had no idea if this was a good thing or a bad thing, well, you’ll probably find out later.


Time seems to pass by slower than usual today, you just can’t bring yourself to pay attention to what your teachers were teaching, since your thoughts were starting to go wild. The moment the last bell went off, you heaved a sigh of relief as you started packing your bag. You checked your phone and tapped on the message from Kyungsoo, and it says: Y/n ahh, I forgot that we end around the same time today, we’ll go home together alright? I’ll be waiting outside the school gate!


You replied with an okay, but after that, you realized that there’s a high chance that Yixing is gonna follow you two home too, since Kyungsoo said he’s coming for an overnight stay. The moment you stepped out of school, you know you’re right, as you see the both of them just right beside the school gate. ‘ Ohh y/n! ‘ Kyungsoo called. You walked over and bowed to Yixing, after all he’s older than you too, and he returned with a nod. ‘ This is Yixing, and Yixing my younger sister, ‘ Kyungsoo added. After which, he whispered something to Yixing, leaving you confused, but you didn’t ask anyway.


It was a little awkward for you when the three of you walked back to your house, since the two of them were chatting about their own stuffs and you were just there, listening and walking along quietly. However, Yixing seems to have noticed it and he asked, ‘ y/n, you won’t mind me staying over at your house tonight right? ‘ You took a few seconds to get that into your mind, since it was the first time Yixing spoke to you, and you replied, ‘ Nope, it’s fine~ Have fun with oppa later okay? ‘ You saw a slight smirk escaping from Yixing’s lips, but you’re not sure either, it could just be you imagining things since you didn’t looked at him properly too.


Once the three of you reached, you went straight up to your room, sitting down on your bed and trying to take in what’s actually happening. So your crush, which is also your brother’s best friend, is having a stay over in your house. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard Yixing calling your name from downstairs, and you could have swear on his name that you jumped up a little. ‘ Coming! ‘ You replied, as you quickly put your bag away and looked into the mirror, making sure that you looked okay. You head down to the kitchen, again, your brother’s favorite place and both of them were also there. ‘ Yes? ‘ You said. ‘ What will you like to eat for dinner tonight y/n? ‘ Yixing asked with a smile. ‘ You’re cooking? ‘ You asked as you raised your eyebrows. ‘ Why do you look so surprised? ‘ He said as he chuckled. ‘ This fellow cooks better than me sometimes! ‘ Kyungsoo said as he slapped Yixing on the back playfully. ‘ Really? What’s your forte? ‘ You asked, and you managed to pull out a smile, despite feeling butterflies in your stomach. ‘ I can manage everything that you like to eat, I believe, ‘ Yixing replied with a wink, after which both him and Kyungsoo chuckling along with each other. His reply made you blushed slightly, and you said, ‘ Fine~ I want western food for dinner tonight~ ‘ ‘ Got it, ‘ Yixing replied, showing his dimples as he smiled.


After that, you went back to your room, thinking about the conversation that you had with Yixing just now and you placed both of your hands on your cheeks. ‘ I didn’t embarrassed myself at least.. ‘ You mumbled to yourself. You went to the bathroom and took a long shower, thinking about what exactly is going to happen later.


‘ She’s so adorable, ‘ Yixing said to Kyungsoo, his best friend which he tells everything to. ‘ Hey when was the first time you saw her again? And when did you start liking my sister? ‘ Kyungsoo asked as help Yixing with the ingredients. ‘ The first time was.. The start of this year, way before I knew she was your sister~ Gosh she’s just, she always sits at this table with her group of friends during lunch, we sit on the second floor usually right? They’re always at the table below ours, and I looked at her from our table all the time. And before I realized it, I can’t go a day without seeing her~ ‘ ‘ Aish you’re so madly in love with y/n, ‘ Kyungsoo replied. ‘ But I’m glad that it’s you, I can’t help but worry if she goes out with someone else, so be sure to win her heart okay? She’s my only sister, ‘ Kyungsoo added. ‘ I’ll try my best, and if I could, I’ll take good care of her~ ‘ Yixing replied, and after they exchanged reassuring glances, they continue with the cooking.


After you’re done showering, you started to do some of your school work, and unknowingly, it was almost seven. You went down again to look at what the guys are doing, and you found Kyungsoo setting the table. He wasn’t in uniform anymore, but in comfortable clothes. ‘ Where’s Yixing? ‘ You asked casually, hoping that you won’t sound like you’re looking for him. ‘ He’s in the shower~ Oh there he is, ‘ Kyungsoo said as the bathroom door opened.


And there he was, coming out from a shower. Still wet, and in a black wife beater. You don’t want to take your eyes off him, but you have to, in case you’re caught staring. But gosh, he has a perfect body, and you’re sure he has been working out along with your brother too, since Kyungsoo often get laughed at because of his narrow shoulders. Yixing walked past you, heading into the living room to grab a proper shirt from his bag. The strong scent of shampoo was lingering around you, and you had to shut your eyes for a few seconds before coming back to your senses. He came back to the dining table, gesturing you to sit down and said, ‘ Let me know if the food suit your taste okay? ‘


He needs to stop why is he like that was what you were thinking of at the moment, yet you can’t say anything to him, so you just gave him a light nod. The three of you started eating, and as promised, his cooking is really good too. To you, Kyungsoo was probably the best chef, since he has been taking an interest in cooking since young, and as the two of you grew older, he settled both of your meals most of the time, as your parents were usually overseas. And Yixing, he’ll rank second. What is this man named Zhang Yixing incapable of doing seriously, from being academically smart to artistic talents and finally to cooking, not forgetting that he’s such a sweet little thing.


‘ Oppa’s right, you’re good Yixing~ ‘ You said after you finished your meal. ‘ Glad it suit your taste, y/n, ‘ Yixing replied with a wink. ‘ y/n ahh, do you want to join us for a movie? I rented the dvds yesterday, ‘ Kyungsoo asked. Even though he’s your brother, you have to admit that you really feel like squishing him sometimes, and you wonder why is he still single all this while. You shook your head, saying, ‘ You guys go ahead, I still have some work to do~ ‘ You’re not sure if Kyungsoo can tell that you’re lying, because you don’t know what’s inside his head most of the time. And the reason why you didn’t want to join them was because you needed a moment, by yourself, to sort out what just happened again. Just why is he making me feel this way, you asked yourself as you walked up to your room.


‘ What time does y/n usually finish all her school work Kyungsoo? ‘ Yixing asked, as he took a drink and went to join Kyungsoo on the couch, who was enjoying the movie by himself. ‘ Usually around 9.30pm, and after that she usually plays with her phone or read a book in bed. But I don’t think she has any work to complete today, she’s just finding excuses to go back to her room so that she doesn’t lose herself in front of you buddy, ‘ Kyungsoo replied as he patted Yixing’s back. ‘ Serious? She likes me too? ‘ Yixing questioned. ‘ You’re still as dense as ever Yixing, ‘ Kyungsoo answered with a slight chuckle. ‘ I didn’t know how she felt before today cause I haven’t seen her around you before, but now I know she feels the same way as you, ‘ he added. With that, Yixing smiled slightly to himself and mumbled, ‘ I shall go up at 9.30pm then~ ‘


You spent the time reading a novel, or should you say, trying to read a novel, since nothing much can go into your brain cause of what happened today. ‘ Come in, ‘ you said after you heard a knock on your door. You thought it was Kyungsoo, but to your surprise, it was Yixing. You stood up immediately, shocked, only to earn a chuckle from Yixing. ‘ Why are you so surprised? ‘ Yixing asked as gestured you to sit down, while he continue standing at his original position. ‘ I thought it was oppa~ Why are you here then? ‘ You answered. ‘ I wanted to speak to you, y/n. Can I sit down? ‘ Yixing replied. You nodded, but you didn’t expect him to sit beside you, yes, right beside you on your bed. ‘ So you wanted to talk to me about? ‘ You asked, hoping that you didn’t sound like you just choked on something because the words were almost stuck in your throat.


 ‘ This is the first time that we officially met each other right? But it’s not the first time I’ve seen and noticed you though.. ‘ Yixing started. You listened to every single word, and as you did so, your heart just beats faster. ‘ Why aren’t you saying anything? Aren’t you curious about when’s the first time I noticed you? ‘ Yixing asked, turning a little to look at you. ‘ Continue Yixing.. I want to know~ ‘ You replied softly. ‘ It was early this year.. You didn’t know that I’m always looking at you from my table during lunch right? ‘ He continued. ‘ What? Where was your table?! ‘ You asked immediately, unable to believe what you’ve just heard. ‘ It was on the second floor, and from there, I had a perfect view of you~ Before that, I didn’t know you were Kyungsoo’s sister. I only know when I realized that I can’t go a day without looking at you, so I told Kyungsoo about you, and you turn out to be his sister. Do you feel the same way? ‘ Yixing answered.


So he noticed me even before I noticed him, and.. And oppa knew it all along. Am I dreaming? You were getting lost in your thoughts when Yixing nudged you lightly and repeat his question, ‘ So, do you feel the same way towards me? ‘ ‘ I.. Did you bring your sketchbook today? ‘ You asked. He nodded, giving you a confused look. ‘ I want to see it~ ‘ You added. ‘ I’ll bring it up but will only let you see what’s inside after you tell me how you feel okay? ‘ Yixing said before leaving your room. ‘ She wants to see my sketchbook Kyungsoo, I’m not sure why though~ I don’t even know why she knew that I have a sketchbook, ‘ Yixing said as he went to the couch where both Kyungsoo and his bag was at. ‘ But you confessed already right? ‘ Kyungsoo asked as he came closer to where Yixing was. Yixing nodded, and Kyungsoo gave him a thumbs up, after which giving each other a fist punch.


Yixing came back in a few minutes with his sketchbook, and again climbing onto your bed, sitting beside you, and now a little closer. ‘ The first time I noticed you was during a lecture, and you were drawing in this sketchbook when the lecturer was talking. Then I started to notice you more, and eventually knowing that you’re oppa’s best friend. But I never knew that you’re always sitting on the second floor.. ‘ You said softly, but was loud enough for Yixing to hear. ‘ You wanna see what I drew that day? ‘ Yixing asked, and you nodded. He flipped the pages of his sketchbook, and you saw all the things that he drew. From scenery, to animals, then to humans. He slower down his pace after a few more pages, and you begin to see a familiar sight on every single page. It was you, a sketch of you with different expressions.


‘ I’m certain that you feel the same way, that’s why I’m showing you this now~ Do you like it? ‘ Yixing said. You nodded, as you mumbled, ‘ Dumb xing~ ‘ ‘ So are you my girlfriend yet? ‘ He asked, tilting his face slightly to look at you. Without replying, you went closer to him and gave him a light peck on his cheeks, and your cheeks were burning hot after that. ‘ Does that answers your question? ‘ You asked, looking down and smiling to yourself. ‘ It sure does, ‘ Yixing replied, and he tilted and bend down even more to look at you and your tomato red cheeks, after which giving you a peck on your lips before you could even react to it. ‘ You’re so naughty! ‘ You said as you hit Yixing lightly on his arms, putting your hands on your thigh after that. Yet, Yixing let out a laugh and took your hand, interlocking your fingers with his and grabbing them tightly. Both of you smiled, and sub consciously, you rested your head on his shoulder. ‘ Glad you like them~ If I ever failed any of my subjects, it’s all your fault, ‘ Yixing said, pinching your cheeks lightly with his other hand. ‘ Because I spent my time in class thinking about you, and sketching you, ‘ he added, before you even said anything.


‘ I didn’t tell you to do so, ‘ you retorted. ‘ But I can’t help myself, ‘ he replied with a cheeky smile as he turned to look at you again. ‘ You and your words! I didn’t know you were such a sweet talker hmph, ‘ you answered with a pout. ‘ That’s my new weakness, your pout, ‘ Yixing said as he steal another kiss from you. ‘ Aish what’s wrong with you tsk! ‘ You said as you pinched his arm. ‘ To stop you from pouting, ‘ Yixing said with a wink, leaving you blushing like a small girl.


‘ Are you like this to other girls as well? ‘ You asked, breaking away from his hand and pinching his cheeks with both of your hands. ‘ Of course not, they’re not the one I think about every day, ‘ Yixing replied. ‘ I think I deserve some credit for this sight Yixing, ‘ Kyungsoo said as he came into your room, and you let go of Yixing’s cheeks immediately, not knowing how to react to this. ‘ Oppa why didn’t you knock! TSK! ‘ Your words came out in a rush, as your buried your face in your blanket. ‘ Aish don’t be embarrassed y/n~ ‘ Kyungsoo said with a chuckle. ‘ Sure thing thanks buddy, ‘ Yixing said with a okay sign. ‘ Now we need some time alone~ ‘ Yixing added. ‘ Don’t do anything to my sister Yixing! y/n ah if he bullies you tell oppa alright? ‘ Kyungsoo replied, after which going out of your room and closing the door.


‘ Now stop hiding, ‘ Yixing whispered as he pulled the blanket away from your face. ‘ I’m so embarrassed.. ‘ You mumbled, and Yixing pushed your face lightly into his chest, saying, ‘ Don’t be, baby~ I can call you that right? ‘ ‘ Only when we’re alone okay? ‘ You replied as you look up at him, and he nodded with a grin. ‘ Do you want me to sleep with you tonight baby? ‘ Yixing asked, adding, ‘ I mean, just sleeping, you know right? ‘ after realizing how wrong it sounds. ‘ I know, dumb xing~ Just stay like this until I fall asleep~ ‘ You mumbled as you closed your eyes, putting your hands around his waist. ‘ Sure, my baby~ ‘ Yixing answered as he gave you a peck on your forehead. 

                                                                                                                 ~ END ~ 

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Chapter 8: ASDFGHJKL!! AWWW! Soooo sweet, my Xing. :3
Chapter 6: cute cute cute