Neighbours no more

Not your style


It was eight in the morning and you were woken up by the noises outside your house. Aish just what is happening outside, you asked yourself. You tried to go back to sleep as it was one of the days where you finally get to sleep in but you can’t. You went to wash up and after which, you opened your front door to find out what exactly is going on. You tilted your head slightly to see what was happening, you always do that when you’re confused or when your mind isn’t fully awake yet. Someone’s moving into the apartment beside you, and thus the noises.

‘’ Erm hi neighbour? I’m Lay, but you can call me Yixing too and I’ll be your new neighbour from now on. What’s your name? ‘’ This Yixing guy said with a bright smile.

Oh my is he really going to be my neighbour.. ? He’s so adorable. ‘’ Yea hi Yixing, I’m [Y/N]. Nice to meet you, ‘’ you said and bowed slightly.

‘’ You have such a beautiful name~ Alright I’ll see you around okays, need to sort out my stuff haha, ‘’ he replied.

‘’ Ah okay, see you around too Yixing, and thank you~ ‘’ You said as you closed your door slowly.

You felt your heart just skipped a beat, and you don’t know why. He got that something that attracts you, but you don’t know what it was. You shook your head and told yourself to stop thinking so much, as you went back into your room to check your phone. One new message. You taped on it and it’s from your boyfriend, Kris. ‘’ Hey babe I’ll be there tonight~ ‘’

‘’ Okay~ ‘’ You sighed and replied. Your relationship with Kris haven’t been smooth for quite some time already, and you were pretty tired of this relationship, but decided to give Kris one last chance, and that’s tonight. It’s been a year since the two of you went steady, for the first few months he’s been a really sweet guy but as time passes, you realised that he’s not going to change for you. He was pretty much of a party person but you’re not, he likes to go clubbing but you don’t, and he always takes things easy but you don’t. One perfect example was when he was being sent to your place as he was drunk and the one who sent him there, a women who he probably met in one of the clubs didn’t know where he lived, and since your number appeared quite a number of times in his call history, the women decided to call you and sent him there. When he reached your place you could smell the different types of perfume on him, and there were also many markings of lipstick on his neck. You were mad at him, and this kind of things happened not just once, it always happens. There were many times you mentioned you want to break up but he always asked you to give him another chance. Thus, you decided to see if the same thing will happen tonight, and if it did, you’re going to have a clean break with him. You’re sick of this already.

Soon night falls and you were sitting on the sofa, waiting for Kris. He’s still not back yet and the only thing you could say was, who knows how long his night will be today. You sat there thinking about him, and he was lacking something that you need. Just what’s that thing that he lacks but Yixing seems to have it, you questioned yourself. Just then, you heard a knock on your door. You went to open it and there he was, Kris. There’s no women this time but you could tell that he drink a little before coming. ‘’ Hey babe~ ‘’ Kris said as he placed his hand on your face. You turned around and went back into your apartment, with Kris following behind. ‘’ What’s wrong? ‘’ He asked.

‘’ Will you ever change for me? I’m really sick of this already Kris.. ‘’ You said quietly.

‘’ Babe, didn’t we have this talk before? ‘’ He replied, and from his tone you could tell that he expected it.

‘’ So you’re still gonna live this way huh. Let’s break up then, a clean break please, I can’t handle it anymore.. ‘’ You said, swallowing your tears at the same time as you don’t want to be seen as a weak women in his eyes.

‘’ But.. ‘’ He muttered.

‘’ You can’t even talk to me without the help of alcohol how do you expect me to be with you?! ‘’ You screamed at him, and your tears started to fall as you couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Kris placed his hands on your shoulders and turned you around, looking deeply into your eyes and said, ‘’ You’re sure this will make you happy right? Promise me you’ll be happy without me okay? ‘’ You shut your eyes and nodded, because you knew clearly that this isn’t the kind of life you wanted.

‘’ Alright. It’s time for me to let you go after your happiness now, I’m sorry [Y/N] ahh, ‘’ he said as he gave you one last peck on your cheek. And with that, he left.

You sat down on the floor, finally letting everything out. After what felt like hours, you heard a knock on your door. You wipe your tears away and went up to open it. It’s Yixing. ‘’ Hey you okay? ‘’ He asked.

‘’ Mm, ‘’ you managed to say with a faint smile.

‘’ Oh no you’re not. Need a shoulder to cry on? ‘’ He asked again, looking worried this time. You were just about to say no when he went inside your apartment and added, ‘’ I saw that guy coming out just now, you guys had a tiff? ‘’

‘’ We broke up, ‘’ you replied softly.

‘’ Geez I knew that guy isn’t a good thing, ‘’ he said and rolled his eyes but when he looked at you again, he added, ‘’ Hey sorry, I didn’t mean it.. ‘’

‘’ It’s okay Yixing. He’s a very nice guy but just that we can’t seem to get used to each other’s lifestyle.. ‘’ You replied.

‘’ So mind telling me about it? ‘’ He asked.

You hesitated for a moment and decided to tell him everything as he looks trustable. You started telling him how you met Kris and so on and so forth in between sobs. The happy times, the sad times, and also the frustrated times. He didn’t said anything, but his company was enough already. All you needed was a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. As you told him about the last goodbye kiss from Kris, you felt Yixing’s hand over your shoulder and without knowing why, you rested your head on his shoulder. ‘’ Cry it all out [Y/N] ahh~ ‘’ He whispered and you did. ‘’ Get some sleep too, you must be tired after all that crying, ‘’ he added. He started to sing a lullaby and you realised that he has a very good vocal. His voice was, full of.. Full of what? You can’t seem to find a correct word for his voice. Unknowingly, you fell asleep.

You woke up the next day to find Yixing right beside you, and he’s still sleeping. You took the chance to look at his face closely and he’s just so perfect. He must be having a good dream, you thought as you could see a tiny smile hanging on his face even though he’s asleep. You got up from the sofa quietly and went to your room to take a blanket for him. After putting the blanket on him, you touched his face gently and whispered, ‘’ Thank you so much, Yixing ahh~ ‘’

After which, you went to the bathroom to wash up. While looking into the mirror, you couldn’t help but notice your puffy eyes. ‘’ Omg I can’t let him see me like this, ‘’ you said softly. You started to rub your eyes and walk towards the kitchen to see if there’s anything for breakfast.

‘’ What are you doing.. ? ‘’ Asked a sleepy Yixing as he walked towards you.

‘’ You’re awake~ I’m trying to make breakfast here~ ‘’ You replied.

‘’ Now let the pro do it. Look at your puffy eyes, ‘’ he chuckled and went to your fridge to take out some ice and put them in a tiny plastic bag. ‘’ Put this on your eyes~ ‘’He said as he handed the tiny ice pack to you.

‘’ You know how to cook? And you’re sure this is going to help? ‘’ You asked.

‘’ Of course, now go and apply it on your eyes already~ ‘’ He said as he pushes you into the living room. You did as you’re told and surprising, the ice pack really helped. Another surprise was that Yixing’s a really good cook. What can’t be done by this guy, you started to question yourself. As the two of you were eating, he told you more about himself, and you did too. The two of you chatted merrily with each other, it’s like old friends that haven’t seen each other in years. ‘’ Gosh it’s almost noon already, I’ll get going now~ It was nice chatting to you [Y/N] ahh~ Don’t think too much and I’ll see you around! ‘’ Yixing said as he stood up and walked towards the door.

‘’ Mm it’s good knowing you Yixing, alright I won’t, bye! ‘’ You waved at him as you see him going into his apartment, and you went back inside yours too. You started to wonder what if Yixing appeared in your life earlier, will it be different, and will it be better? The two of you only met for less than twenty four hours but it feels like he’s your friend for many, many years. Just what’s this feeling, you thought.

Days passed and soon months flew by, and you and Yixing became the best of friends. Just like how he’s always there for you, you’re always there for him too, especially these few days. He’s been having a tough time at work and everything just can’t seem to work out for him. He’ll always go to your house and talk about his troubles. You may not give him the best advice, but you gave him something that nobody else could, the best company. Tonight, he didn’t go to your house and he’s not home either. You tried calling him but his phone was switched off. You started to worry about him, but there’s nothing you could do, other than waiting for him through the night. Finally, at 1.30AM, you heard a knock on your door. You rushed to open it and you were shocked to see a drunk Yixing. His elbow was leaning onto your door for support and he almost fell when you opened the door. ‘’ YIXING! Why on earth did you drink so much what happened at work today again omg! ‘’ You exclaimed as you drag him inside you apartment. He’s not that heavy but you’re too weak, and finally you managed to drag him into your bedroom. You laid him down on your bed and after that you took off his shoes, socks and blazer. You went to take a wet towel and wiped his face and neck. You started to his shirt so that it won’t get in the way but Yixing suddenly holds your wrists and said, ‘’ [Y/N] ahh, can I try something today.. ? Don’t freak out okay.. ‘’ Before you could even respond he pulls you down and crushed his lips on yours. You opened your eyes wide from shock, and you couldn’t resist since he’s holding onto your wrists. But after a few seconds, you closed your eyes and kissed him back. He broke the kiss after a while and said, ‘’ That was good huh? I always wanted to try that. I think I fell in love the moment I met you [Y/N] ahh, actually what I wanted to say to you back then was, you have a beautiful face, not just a beautiful name. I knew you hate this but I don’t think I’ll ever have the courage to confess if I don’t drink [Y/N] ahh, work was well today, everything was solved. I really love you, jeongmal saranghaeyo~ ‘’

You were shocked. You remained in that position for a few minutes, then said, ‘’ You’re drunk Yixing.. ‘’ But you knew that you wished what he was saying was true. According to studies, it’ll only take you less than a day to fall in love with someone, and it’s definitely true. Furthermore, over the past few months, you realised that he’s a really nice guy. Someone who you could live with for the rest of your life.  

‘’ No I’m not, I know what I’m talking about [Y/N]. I know you’re the women I want to spend my life with, ever since I met you. ‘’ He replied as he placed your hands on his chest. ‘’ Feel my heartbeat? It’s beating so fast now, that’s what you always do to me [Y/N] ahh, ‘’ he added.

‘’ Don’t you think you do the exact same thing to me? ‘’ You said, and as he soften his grip on your wrists, you laid down beside him and squeezed his hand. ‘’ Do you know how worried I was just now, you bad Yixing~ ‘’ You looked at him and added. ‘’ Yah, are you asleep already?! ‘’ You said.

‘’ But you’re my girlfriend and wife to be already right? ‘’ He asked and smiled at you.

‘’ What do you think? ‘’ You replied.

‘’ Ahh that’s a yes then, that’s all that matters now~ Neighbours no more~ ‘’ He said and tickles you.

‘’ Yixing ahh don’t do that!! ‘’ You screamed.

‘’ Let’s have a blast tonight baby~ ‘’ He said with a smirk as he took your blanket and used it to cover the two of you.

                                                                                           ~ END ~

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Chapter 8: ASDFGHJKL!! AWWW! Soooo sweet, my Xing. :3
Chapter 6: cute cute cute