
Not your style

Yixing has been your boyfriend for a year and you're also carrying his child of three months. He always has his schedule and the two of you finally get to spend time with each other since he's going on a break now, after several weeks. 

'' Baby, I miss you so much, '' Yixing said as he kiss you on your forehead, while both of you were cuddling on the the sofa.

'' Don't you think I miss you too? '' You replied with a smile. 

'' Did our little one miss me too? '' He added and smiled, showing his adorable dimples. 

'' Of course~ I wish our baby will have your dimples, '' You said as you placed your hand gently on his face. 

'' But I want to have a mini version of you~ '' He said with a wink. 

'' You silly~ '' You hit him lightly on his chest.

Yixing hugged you tightly and both of you fall asleep. What you didn't know was what he had planned for you the next few days. He knew that after this week of break you'll need to be independent without him by your side, well at least until all his promotions for his new album has ended. Thus, he already made plans on how the two of you are gonna spend the week. 

You woke up to find yourself on your bed. Silly him, you thought to yourself and smiled. You got out of bed, to find Yixing in the kitchen. You hugged him from the back and asked, '' Aren't you tired, why aren't you sleeping? '' 

'' Nope not at all! Seeing your face in the morning can keep me energised for a day, and I just wanted to make breakfast for you baby~ '' He said as he turned around to face you. 

'' You're so silly~ Don't ever leave me okays? '' You replied as you hugged him tighter.

'' Alright, now who's the silly one? Of course I'll never do that, '' He replied as he your hair. 

Day one was started off with the breakfast made by Yixing, and after that, he took you to neighbourhood park for a stroll. He interlocked his fingers with yours and both of you were just walking and enjoying the sight that's in front of you. It's autumn and you could see the sight of multi-coloured leaves falling off the trees, the pavement was also filled with the leaves of different trees and it was just beautiful. '' The morning air is good for you baby~ '' Yixing said. You nodded and squeezed his hand a little. As the two of you walked further into the park, a familar object caught your sight. 

'' Xing, isn't that your guitar? '' You asked. 

'' Looks like it is huh? Let's go closer and take a look, '' He chuckled. 

You were confused, totally. Just what was his guitar doing in the park?! He let go of your hand and went closer to where his guitar was, and signalled you to go over quickly. '' What why is.. '' But before you could even finish your sentence, he sat down and took his guitar, and started singing. You smiled as you realised what's going on, and decided to let him go on with his plans. You stood in front of him the whole time as you were so into his music. After he finished, he said '' Sit down here, right beside me~ '' 

'' Xing, you really don't have to do all this for me. I just want you by my side, and no matter what we do, as long as we're together it's fine, '' You said as you played with his hands.

'' But I want to do it~ '' He said and pouted. You soften at this and rested your head against his shoulder. 

'' Alright alright now stop pouting~ '' You replied with a smile. 

The next few days were just as exciting and mysterious as day one, and on the fifth day, while Yixing was out to settle some matters, you decided to cook for him. I should have some time to go grocery shopping, you thought as you looked at the clock. You were at the supermart looking at some of the stuff that you'll need for later when a women with two tall and muscular guys behind her stopped you and said, '' You. You're Yixing's current right? I'm his ex and we broke for while now, but I know he still loves me, so you better leave him alone or else. '' And with that, she left. You were stunned, and didn't even know how to respond to this. He told you that he left his ex, wait, his ex left him, not the other way round. He caught her cheating on him, and now she wants him back? And you know that Yixing definitely loves you, not her. Hence, you decided to keep it a secret to yourself about what happend and not tell Yixing, it'll only make him worried. You were still shocked but you pulled yourself together and carried on with your plans. You reached home and started cooking, as you didn't want to spoil this surprise for him by thinking about what happened. Soon enough, the dinner for two is all ready and what's missing now is Yixing. You heard the door and went over, no surprise it's him and you took his hand and said, '' I got a surprise for you today~ '' 

He raised his eye browns and replied, '' Are you sure I think the event later will be more surprising for you hehe~ ''

'' What are you up to again~ ? '' You asked as you lead him to the kitchen.

'' WOW baby~ You cooked all these for me? '' He asked and you nodded. '' Thank you so much, '' he added and kissed your forehead.

'' This is nothing as compared to what you've done for me the past few days~ Let's eat now~ '' You replied with a smile. 

Dinner was finished in no time and you were clearing the plates when Yixing said, '' [Y/N] ahh, I have something for you~ Come here for a sec~ '' 

'' Alright~ '' You said and went to the living room, to find Yixing with his guitar again just that this time, the lights were off and replaced by a few candles, it was, well, more romantic. He started to sing and when he's finished with the song, he took out a tiny yet delicate box and while opening it, he said, '' Baby, marry me please? '' You nodded and and hugged him tightly. 

'' I'll always be here for you Yixing, even when you're busy just know that I'm always here, '' You told him and he smiled. He holds your chin up for a kiss and when he's done, he just hugged you tightly. No words are needed, you just know that this is the guy that you really love and your feelings are definitely returned. 

The sixth and the last day before Yixing's break ended, the two of you decided to just spend the whole day at home, just doing nothing. Perhaps it's because it's the last day, time flies and it's late evening already. '' Baby are you hungry? I'll go and buy dinner~ '' Yixing asked.

'' Let's go together~ '' You said as you hold his hand, not wanting to be seperated from him even for a few minutes. 

'' Aish you just stay at home and rest okay, I'll go~ '' He replied, smiling because he knows what you're thinking. 

You gave in and said, '' Alright, but come home quickly~ '' 

'' Okay I can't bear to leave you too hehe~ '' He said.

Yixing just left the house a few minutes ago but there's a knock on your door. Did he forgot something, you questioned yourself. You opened the door and was shocked to see that women and the two guys from yesterday. You tried closing the door but failed, the guys are just too strong. '' I told you to leave him alone right? '' She said, almost smirking. One of the guys pulled you out of your apartment and you were now right in front of that stupid so called Yixing's ex. She raised her hand to hit you, and you closed your eyes and waited for the impact but there was nothing. You opened you eyes slowly to see Yixing holding her hand and shaking it off. Her voice was obviously so loud that caused Yixing to worry and turned back just to make sure that you're okay. 

'' What do you think you're doing?! '' Yixing shouted at her. It was your first time seeing him so angry as he's a well tempered guy. 

'' Yixing, I know you still like me, why are you with that girl right now? '' She said.

'' For god's sake you're still as shameless as ever! Just leave us alone and I might still be grateful to you! '' He replied. His reply had made that women went mad and she ordered the two guys to take you away, away from him. You screamed and in an instant, Yixing threw a punch at them and whispered to you, '' Baby leave quickly, I'll handle it. '' 

'' NO! '' You said in between sobs.

'' Baby trust me, think of our little one too, I don't want to see you get hurt so quick! '' He said, not even leaving a second to take a breath in between his words. He pushed you away gently and you knew that he made sense, you're not alone now. You ran and managed to find a spot that's dark enough for you to hide yourself. 

'' SEE, now that you're in trouble, she left! '' That women shouted.

'' No, I told her to leave because I don't wanna see her get hurt! She's so unlike you, she listens well, and she loves me more than any other person on earth! '' He replied.

The two guys were back and they started to hit Yixing, two vs one, how is he ever gonna win? '' Even if I die I wouldn't go back to you! I HATE YOU! '' He said.

After minutes which felt like hours, the women seemed to have calm down. '' You really love her huh? '' She asked. 

'' YES! '' Yixing replied, he tried his best to shout it out but he's just too tired.. 

'' Fine, '' the women said and signaled the two guys to stop. Before they left, you heard '' Guess you really love her.. Even after so much physical toture you still wanted to say that you love her. '' But you couldn't care anymore and ran as fast as you could back to Yixing.

'' XING, YIXING, WAKE UP! '' You screamed as tears rolled down your cheeks. 

He tried to place his hand on your face but he couldn't do it, so you hold his hand tightly. '' Silly, I'm fin... '' He gave you a weak smile and then he fainted... 

'' XING, PLEASE DON'T SLEEP! '' You cried. 

Your next door neighbour Xiumin was probably annoyed by all the noises and opened his door, only to be shocked at what's in front of his eyes. '' [Y/N] ahh, what happened?! ''

'' OPPA, OPPA HELP ME! HELP YIXING PLEASE, JEBAL-YO! '' You managed to say. 

He called the ambulance which arrived shortly. Thoughout the whole journey to the hospital, you held onto his hand. All you managed to say was only '' Please don't leave me, you promised you'll never leave me! Xing please! '' Xiumin followed you to the hospital, but all he could do was to offer you tissues and keep you company. It was nothing much, but it was enough. He's always a reliable oppa. Yixing was sent to the surgery ward and after many, many hours, the doctor finally came out. You rushed over and asked, '' Doctor how is my husband? Please tell me he's okay! '' 

'' He's out of danger but as to when he will wake up I can't give you any promise on that. '' The doctor replied and you felt that your legs went jelly. 

'' [Y/N] ahh are you okay omg?! '' Xiumin asked as he holds you to prevent you from falling. '' Thank you doctor! '' He bowed to the doctor.

'' [Y/N] ahh stay strong okay? Oppa is here~ '' Xiumin said.

'' Oppa.. '' You said and as you held onto his arms, all you could see was a patch of darkness. 

'' She's okay, and the baby is doing fine too, '' You heard someone said to Xiumin. 

Why are you here.. ? 

'' [Y/N] , you and your baby is doing well okay, don't worry too much '' Xiumin said to you as he sat down on the chair beside your bed. 

Huhh.. ? Me? Baby? Baby.. Yixing..? YIXING. 

'' OPPA, WHERE'S YIXING?! I NEED TO SEE HIM NOW '' You asked Xiumin as you tried getting off your bed. 

Xiumin hold onto your hands to prevent you from doing so and sighed. He said '' He's in another ward, just rest well first okay? You're not alone anymore you need to take care of yourself [Y/N] ahh.. '' 

Your version was blurred by the tears forming in your eyes. '' Hushh [Y/N] , oppa is here alright~ ''

'' Oppa... ~ '' You held onto Xiumin's arms as you cried...

A month had passed since that incident and everyday without fail, you will visit Yixing no matter how busy you are. You learnt to be strong in this one month that have passed so instead of crying everytime you visited him, you'll talk to him, about everything. But today, just today, you feel like crying. '' Xing, how much longer are you going to sleep? Please wake up... Didn't you say that you want to do things that I like for me? So wake up now Yixing ahh.. '' You said as tears started to form in your eyes. You stayed by his side from evening till night, and eventually you fell asleep. 

'' Baby~ '' You heard a voice. YIXING'S VOICE. And you could feel someone your hair. You opened your eyes and Yixing was there, sitting on his bed. 

'' XING! You finally woke up! This is not a dream right?! Please tell me it's not! '' You said, words glushing out from your mouth as you feared that all this was just a dream. 

'' Of course it's not~ '' Yixing said, as he pinched your cheeks lightly. '' It hurts right? '' He asked, and you nodded. '' See, it's not a dream~ Did I slept for a month? '' He added. 

'' How did you know? '' You asked, and he points to your tummy. 

'' Aish! '' You hit him lightly on the arm. '' Did you know how worried I was and.. '' Before you finished your sentence, he pulls you in for a kiss and you felt a tear drop from your right eye, a tear of joy and happiness. 

                                                                                                    ~ END ~ 


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Chapter 8: ASDFGHJKL!! AWWW! Soooo sweet, my Xing. :3
Chapter 6: cute cute cute