6 days to go!

Countdown to Valentine's Day

The mall was crowding with people of different ages, ualities and other aspects just like every single busy day. Every fast food chain was filled with regular customers, workers and people of different social classes. Dong Hae took a deep breath before walking straight into the shop he was meaning to enter ever since the beginning of his journey. He is greeted by the aroma of sweets, his stomach grumbling at the appetizing aroma. He proceeds to grab a pack of chocolates packed inside a metal container molded into a heart, a sly smile woven onto his lips.


It doesn't him take him long to buy the pack and rush back to work, the sly smile on his face beginning to falter at each passing second. He is once again stuck in heavy traffic, the honking of cars adding to the rage stirring within him. He sighs in relief when the cars before him start moving, each inch of movement causing relief to Dong Hae. His phone buzzes from the shotgun seat, startling Dong Hae, causing him to jump up a little and laugh at himself at his frivolous reaction.


"Joo Hyun," he says as soon as he picks up his phone, his right hand on the steering wheel and the other taking hold of his phone.


"Dong Hae, there's a problem. The big boss is here and he's looking for you. He says he wants you to work on some project," Joo Hyun panicks from the other line, her speaking increasing in speed at each word spoken.


"Alright, give me ten minutes. Traffic is too heavy," Dong Hae says, panick buried with confidence. Mr. Kim Jung In was the founder and CEO of the company, his rank being the highest. Mr. Hwang was Dong Hae's boss in his department, but his rank was much lower than Mr. Kim's. With that in mind, Dong Hae isn't very sure how to handle the scolding Mr. Kim might give him for tardiness, something no one can possibly tolerate.


"Ten minutes? Are you sure?" his assistant asks, distrust unmasked.


Dong Hae assures his assistant one last time before dropping the call, a sigh escaping his mouth as soon as the action was made. The traffic gets loose in a few minutes and Dong Hae speeds to his workplace, arriving a minute late.


"Mr. Kim," he bows in respect after opening the door to his boss' office. He is greeted with a smile, "I apologize for the tardiness, sir. Heavy traffic took a toll on me."


"No apologies are to be made. It wasn't your doing. Please have a seat," Mr. Kim invites and Dong Hae obliges, Mr. Kim sighs, "I'm assigning you to this project," sliding a printed file across the table, accepted by Dong Hae as the sliding motion halts due to friction.


Dong Hae reads the title, "Valentines Project?" before facing his smile-y boss.


Mr. Kim nods, "Indeed. I want you to direct the photoshoot. The subjects being Jung Jessica and Kim Junmyeon."


"Kim Junmyeon, sir?"


"Yes. He is my son, heir to this company."


Dong Hae's eyes widen at the given information, but he recollects on the name's familiarity. He brushes other thoughts away and accepts the project willingly. He knew this was going to be his big break, his peak in his job. His heart isn't satisfied with the chosen models, however.



The theme for today's photoshoot is First Love in Winter. The setting was an authentic one rather than a set synthesized by set designers. The landscape of trees sprinkled with droplets of snow and cobblestone walkways was beautified by two gorgeous creatures clad in matching outfits, the woman in a flowy pink dress and the man in a pink sweater, fitting pants and hair gelled-up to perfection. As they walk the cobblestone walkway, the female model is told to giggle softly to herself at a supposed joke the male was to tell. The male was to open his mouth agape in the most attractive way possible, making it seem as though a joke was told.


Dong Hae directs the photoshoot with much ease seen on his exterior, but an unfamiliar feeling generating within him refusing exposure. He would space out at moments, swallowing nervously when the female model laughs or flashes her sweetest smile. His assistant laughs internally at her boss, but constantly reminds him to focus and he follows after snapping back to reality.


"Kim Junmyeon, I saw you somewhere," Dong Hae ponders as he exchanges a conversation with the male model succeeding the fin of endless costume changes, hairstyle styling and make-up retouches.


Kim Junmyeon smiles charmingly, the smile causing Dong Hae's constant rage, "I was the taxi driver from a few days ago. I see, Jessica's your girlfriend isn't she?"


Dong Hae is taken back, his eyes waxing in size, "I see, but no, Jessica's not my girlfriend."


"Oh, right. You broke up a year ago. I'm so sorry," he apologizes and Dong Hae's not having any of it.


"Business. That's all that connects us," Dong Hae says in disinterest, ready to leave in an instant.



The studio clears after everyone bids good bye, only Dong Hae and his assistant are left in the set. Dong Hae notes how his assistant keeps on giving him looks he didn't want to see. Her gaze was teasing, constantly caught whenever they were made.


"Stop looking at me like that," he pleads and Joo Hyun laughs.


"If you explain to me what those gazes meant a while ago, then I shall stop," Joo Hyun pouts.


Dong Hae rolls his eyes, "It's not like that Bae Joo Hyun. I was just getting into the mood of the shoot."


"I didn't know that the 'mood' of the photoshoot was envy."


"Do you want a ride home or not?" Dong Hae threatens and Joo Hyun tenses, a pout coming along. The two head out, Joo Hyun smiling like an idiot to herself, Dong Hae's eyebrows furrowed throughout the whole ride home.


Miles away from Dong Hae and his assistant, a giggling figure remains seated at the park bench, giggling to herself as she remembers the words spewn by the man a while ago.




I'm still very bad at writing so I'm sorry

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zicky_yun #1
Chapter 10: Ohh god h bless sjishwjwjshssjshsushjwaj aahhhhhhh i love this great is so great HaeSica
AddictedHaesica #2
Chapter 10: Haesica is so sweet... i addicted with them a lot!! ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 10: HaeSica love ♥♥♥ This is soo sweet~! :D
Haesicalove #4
Chapter 10: awwe, how sweeet!! It was very well written, thank you for writing this!
icefishyjigna #5
As long as this is Haesica, I'll love it