The truth.

The boy next door.

Yoseob's eyes widened even more, when he felt Junhyung's soft lips on his own, his heart was racing. He could feel the heat of Junhyung's body through his clothes and could smell his scent, which he had started liking so much. Slowly, he closed his eyes too.
But just when he had closed his eyes, Junhyung's lips weren't on his anymore. He slowly opened his eyes again and saw Junhyung now sitting on the bed next to him burying his face in his hands.
"J-junnie ...", Yoseob whispered and sat up. "What..."
"I'm so sorry, Yoseob. Please ... just forget about that.", Junhyung almost whimpered. Yoseob bit down on his bottom lip. He didn't really know, what to think or what to feel at the moment. 
"I think, I should go now.", Junhyung eventually said and got up. Yoseob sighed. "You don't need to ..."
"It's better, really.", Junhyung interrupted him and went toward the door. With a faint smile, he opened the door and left Yoseob's apartment. 

Yoseob sat down at the kitchen table and rested his head on it. 
Why did he all of a sudden kiss me?, he thought. Then he remembered all the moments, when Junhyung was staring at him, the moment when he hugged him like he hadn't seen him for months and how nervous he sometimes seemed to be. Does he ... like me?

Meanwhile Junhyung lay on his bed and gazed into space. 
"I messed everything up.", he whispered and without him noticing one single tear ran down his cheek. He didn't want to loose Yoseob, since he was the best friend, he ever had. Even if they didn't know each other for long. But he was sure, that now Yoseob would feel awkward when they were together. Nothing would be like before now. 
Junhyung didn't even consider for Yoseob to like him too. He didn't know, if he even liked boys. And Yoseob didn't seem to think of Junhyung as more than a good friend. He had always been that careless with him and hadn't even noticed, how he had made Junhyung fall for him more and more. 

Eventually Junhyung fell asleep with still Yoseob in his mind. 

After three hours he woke up and grunted. "Aish, I must have fell asleep.", he mumbled and sat up. 
He was warm and so he got up and went to open the window. When he looked through the window, he saw Yoseob walking along the sidewalk toward the house. Junhyung's heart skipped a beat only from the sight of his friend. 
But Yoseob wasn't alone. Close beside him walked the brunette girl, who he had seen before at Yoseob's door. 
Junhyung wanted to turn away from the window, but he couldn't. He kept staring at Yoseob and the girl next to him. 
When they arrived at the gate of the house, Yoseob said something and the girl laughed. Then she hugged Yoseob tightly like she also did before. Maybe even a bit longer this time. Junhyung clenched his fingers.
Finally the girl left and Yoseob went toward the house and then he was out of Junhyung's sight. Junhyung took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of his bed. There was no need to open the window anymore, because now he felt freezing cold. 

When Yoseob woke up the next morning, his headache was gone. Smiling, he got up and got ready for school. 

About an hour later, he left his apartment and wanted to go downstairs, but then after a moment's consideration, he waited in front of the door.
I hope, Junhyung won't be late., Yoseob thought. Only a few minutes later, the door of Junhyung's apartment opened and Junhyung smiled softly. "Good morning, Seob.", he said low, almost a bit shy.
Yoseob blushed, because he immediately thought of the kiss the day before. "Good morning ... Junnie."

On their way to school, they kept silent the most time. 
"And ... what did you do yesterday, when I was gone? Anything special?", Junhyung finally asked.
"A friend called me and asked me to go for a walk. It was the girl, you have already seen last weekend, when she was ..."
"Ah, that girl.", Junhyung interrupted Yoseob. He knew about that already anyway, since he had seen them through the window. "She's ... pretty.", Junhyung added after a while. Yoseob chuckled. 
"Are you jealous again?", he asked and grinned at Junhyung. Then his smile disappeared, when he realized, that maybe Junhyung had been really jealous the whole time. No, he sure isn't. It had been a joke the last time and ... sure the kiss didn't mean anything ... maybe ...
"You know what?", Junhyung interrupted Yoseob's thoughts. "I had already been jealous, when I saw her hugging you the first time. It hadn't been a joke, Yoseob. I just ... I don't know, why I felt that way ... I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for ... yesterday. I'm sorry, I like you.", he sputtered and after he had finished, he took a deep breath. He already regretted, what he had just said. But it was too late. 

After the last words, Yoseob had stopped and now they stood on the sidewalk face to face. Yoseob blushed and bit his lip. 
"Junnie?", he said low. Junhyung looked at him questioning. "You don't have to be jealous. I don't ... like girls.", he continued and gave Junhyung a smile, that made Junhyung's heart skip a beat. 

"For now, we should go to school ... we are already a bit late.", Yoseob said, still blushing.
Junhyung nodded, a bit relieved that Yoseob kept calm and didn't seem to be going to avoid him from now on or something like that. "Yeah, let's go."

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Chapter 21: happy ending!!!!! X)
seobcute #2
Chapter 21: wah happy ending
love it this story
thank you ^^
Chapter 21: Loved this story. :D
Sweet ending!
Chapter 21: Awwww :') happy ending~
Chapter 21: It's over? T__T
I'm gonna miss this fic..
Chapter 21: SO HOTT !!!!!! Its over ? wuaa ! :'( but , this fic is DAEBAKK ! keep making good story author-nim :)
Chapter 20: why are u stopping?! NO!!!! ehm, update soon /awkward cough/
Chapter 20: Goshh ! >< UPDATE SOON !
seobcute #9
Chapter 20: UPDATE SOON
can't wait next chapter ><
luv_b2st #10
Chapter 20: OMG OMG ><
Can't wait for next chap