You understand me.

The boy next door.

When Yoseob went to bed this evening, he fell asleep immediately. No loud music or something else disturbed him and he was still tired, because he didn't sleep much the night before. 

Meanwhile Junhyung sat on his sofa and tore his hair. "Aish, why the hell did I tell that boy half of my life story? Especially about my parents. What the is wrong with you, Junhyung? Aish~!", he mumbled to himself and buried his face in his hands. 
Yoseob's honest and trustful character had made him telling him everything, he had always pushed to the back of his mind. And Junhyung now realized, how good it actually felt to talk to someone. 
"Slow but steady, I lose my mind. I just should go to bed now.", he said to himself sighing and dragged his feet into his bedroom. 

When Yoseob woke up the next morning, he felt much better than the day before. 
He got up and went into the bath room to have a shower. After that, he decided to primp his hair a bit different than usually, just because he was in the mood to it. He applied a bit of gel to his hair and roughed it up. Looks really good., he thought and smiled happily. 

Then he decided to wear his favorite black shirt, his tight blue jeans from the day before and his favorite pair of high-tops. "Yoseob, today you look really handsome.", he said to himself while looking in the mirror and chuckled. "I should always go to bed that early, so that in the morning I'm in the mood to do more, than having a shower and slipping a boring sweatshirt on." He chuckled again. 

After a last look in the mirror, he left his apartment and just wanted to go downstairs, when the door of Junhyung's apartment opened. 
Junhyung smiled at Yoseob short. "Good morning.", he said and closed the door behind himself. "Good morning, Junhyung.", Yoseob said friendly and only now Junhyung noticed, that Yoseob looked different. "Are you doing anything special after school?", he asked. 
"Uhm ... w-what?", Yoseob replied confused. "Because you took so much care in your clothes and your hair and ... you look ... good.", Junhyung explained. 
"Thank you.", Yoseob mumbled and blushed. "But no, there's not a reason for it, I was just in the mood..." 

While they walked to school together, Junhyung caught himself staring at Yoseob. When Yoseob noticed that, he looked at Junhyung confused and Junhyung looked away quickly. 

When they arrived at school, some students were standing together in front of their class room. 
Junhyung just wanted to pass the group of students and go into the room, as one of them stepped aside and accidentally barged against Junhyung. "I'm sorry, I didn't ...", the boy started, but Junhyung had already pushed him against the wall. 
"Are you blind or something?", he yelled at the boy and wanted to punch him, as he felt a warm hand on his arm. "Junhyung, don't!", a calm voice said and when Junhyung turned his head, he saw Yoseob.
For any reason, he calmed down and let go of the boy. Then he entered the class room. 

The boy and his friends gazed after Junhyung and Yoseob confused. 

Junhyung sat down and sighed. He buried his face in his hands and closed his eyes. 
"Junhyung? Are you okay?", a soft voice next to him asked and Junhyung turned his head to face Yoseob. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just ... I didn't want to be like that anymore.", he said low. Yoseob rested his hand on Junhyung's arm like before and smiled at him encouraging. 
"Thank you.", Junhyung whispered.

He was so close, that Yoseob could smell Junhyung's scent. He smells really good., Yoseob realized in thoughts. When he noticed, that his hand still rested on Junhyung's arm, he quickly removed it. 

For any reason, Junhyung could still feel the touch of Yoseob's warm hand on his arm during the whole lesson. He looked surreptitiously at him and smiled briefly. Yoseob was the first person after a very long time, who was nice to him. Who was really nice and not just respected him, because he was afraid of him or something. That was because he had told him about his past. Yoseob understood him. 


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Chapter 21: happy ending!!!!! X)
seobcute #2
Chapter 21: wah happy ending
love it this story
thank you ^^
Chapter 21: Loved this story. :D
Sweet ending!
Chapter 21: Awwww :') happy ending~
Chapter 21: It's over? T__T
I'm gonna miss this fic..
Chapter 21: SO HOTT !!!!!! Its over ? wuaa ! :'( but , this fic is DAEBAKK ! keep making good story author-nim :)
Chapter 20: why are u stopping?! NO!!!! ehm, update soon /awkward cough/
Chapter 20: Goshh ! >< UPDATE SOON !
seobcute #9
Chapter 20: UPDATE SOON
can't wait next chapter ><
luv_b2st #10
Chapter 20: OMG OMG ><
Can't wait for next chap