What you don't know.

The boy next door.


The next morning, Yoseob woke up with a terrible headache. "Aish, that hurts like hell!", he hissed, when he tried to get up.
"Maybe a shower will help.", he mumbled to himself and went into the bathroom. With a look in the mirror, he noticed, he had dark circles around his eyes and was deathly pale.
Slowly he peeled off his tanktop and his pants and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt good on his skin and he relaxed a bit. 

After he had finished his shower, he put on a pair of tight, blue jeans and a loose, white sweatshirt. Then he went into the kitchen and drank a cup of coffee. After that, he grabbed his bag and left his apartment.
Only now he remembered, where his terrible headache may come from. Just because that jerk didn't let me sleep, he thought and glared towards the door of his new neighbor's apartment. He almost expected to meet him, since he told him, he's at the same school. Quickly, Yoseob left the house and started his way to school. He didn't really want to see Junhyung now. 

When he arrived at school, he still hadn't met Junhyung and when he entered the class room, there was also no Junhyung. 
Certainly he isn't even in the same class as me, he thought and sat down on his usual seat next to the window. The girl, who sat next to him ordinarily, had changed school, so Yoseob sat there alone and looked out of the window daydreaming until the teacher entered the room and began with the lesson. Yoseob tried to listen to her, but he was tired to death and his head still hurt. 

After about half an hour, the door flew open and Junhyung entered the room. 
Yoseob looked at him with wide eyes. "I guess, you're the new student, aren't you?", the teacher asked and Junhyung nodded short. "Since it's your first day, I will condone, that you are too late. But next time, knock at the door, before you come in." 
Junhyung looked at her calm and didn't answer. He glanced around and when he saw Yoseob, a smile flashed over his face.
"Long time no see, Yoseob.", he said and Yoseob glared at him.
"Since you seem to know each other, you can sit next to Yang Yoseob.", the teacher said and Junhyung went toward him and sat down next to Yoseob, who still glared at him.

"You look a bit pale.", Junhyung said low.
"That's because you jerk didn't let me sleep! You can't imagine, how terribly my head hurts ... idiot.", Yoseob grumbled. 
Junhyung looked at him surprised. "I didn't want to ...", he started, but Yoseob turned his head away from Junhyung and ignored him. 
Junhyung sighed. Secretly, he had been glad, that he was in the same class as Yoseob, so he knew at least one person in his new class. And also Yoseob seemed to be very friendly and he was kind of cute. But now he seemed to hate him.
"Yoseob ... I'm sorry, okay?", he whispered. Yoseob raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect Junhyung to even know the meaning of the word 'sorry'. And this was also the first time, that Junhyung said something more or less nice to him, without seeming to make fun of him.
He slowly turned his head and for the first time he looked Junhyung straight in the face. He had soft eyes, which didn't match with his behavior and heart-shaped lips. His hair was dark brown and ruffled. He wore a grey T-shirt and a black leather jacket. All in all he looked really good.
Yoseob caught himself staring at Junhyung and blushed. He quickly turned his head and eyed the teacher, who explained something, but he didn't really listen. Out from the corner of his eyes, he saw, that now Junhyung was watching him.

Junhyung noticed the dark circles around Yoseob's eyes and his pale skin. Immediately he felt bad, because he knew, that he was the reason Yoseob didn't feel good. 
Yoseob looked at him again and raised an eyebrow. "What is it?", he asked.
"Nothing. I just ... looked at you. You look like you really feel bad.", Junhyung replied low.
"You don't seem to be interested in other people's condition, so you don't need to say sorry or something.", Yoseob said and ignored him again. Junhyung sighed. Somehow Yoseob's words made him thoughtful.

Since his parents both died in an accident when he was thirteen years old, he had been a trouble maker. He didn't care about anything and always got in trouble with someone. The most time, he avoided getting close with people. The last four years, he had lived with his aunt and now that he was seventeen, he moved here alone. He noticed how strange he may seem to other people, since he was always that cold and distant, but he became that way, because he had tried to hide his feelings, especially his mourning. 

"Yoseob. I really feel sorry ... It won't happen again, I promise.", he whispered and Yoseob looked at him briefly, before he ignored him again. Junhyung sighed.

After school finished, Yoseob headed home alone.
He just went through the gateway of the school campus, as he heard someone calling his name. He turned around and saw Junhyung walking toward him. As he stopped in front of him, Yoseob looked at him questioning.
"Why don't we walk together, since we live in the same house?", Junhyung asked and avoided Yoseob's gaze.
Yoseob sighed. "Why not."

After some minutes, Junhyung cleared his throat. "You don't really like me, right?" It was more a statement than a question.
When Yoseob didn't answer, because he didn't know what to say or what to think about that strange boy next to him, Junhyung continued.
"Your words, that I don't seem like I care about other people and stuff like that, made me thoughtful. You know ... there's a reason, I became like that. I didn't tell anyone yet, but I don't want you to get a wrong impression of me."
Yoseob looked at Junhyung surprised and waited for him to go on.

On their way home, Junhyung told Yoseob about the accident, about the time, when he lived with his aunt and how he lagged behind at school more and more. He told him, that he only became that way, because he couldn't get over the death of his parents. 

Yoseob listened to him and got very sad. He didn't know, that Junhyung was that unapproachable, because of such a terrible incident in the past.
Suddenly Junhyung stopped and stepped in front of Yoseob to wipe away a tear from his cheek.
Yoseob blushed. He hadn't even noticed, that he was crying.  
"Hey, why are you crying?", Junhyung asked. "I j-just feel so sorry for you and ... I didn't know that ... you are that cold and distant, because of that ... I thought, you w-were just conceited or something ... I'm sorry.", Yoseob said between some sobs.
"I don't want you to think of me like that. For that reason I told you everything. You somehow made me thoughtful, as I already said.", Junhyung said low. 

The last part of their way home, they walked side by side silently. 


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Chapter 21: happy ending!!!!! X)
seobcute #2
Chapter 21: wah happy ending
love it this story
thank you ^^
Chapter 21: Loved this story. :D
Sweet ending!
Chapter 21: Awwww :') happy ending~
Chapter 21: It's over? T__T
I'm gonna miss this fic..
Chapter 21: SO HOTT !!!!!! Its over ? wuaa ! :'( but , this fic is DAEBAKK ! keep making good story author-nim :)
Chapter 20: why are u stopping?! NO!!!! ehm, update soon /awkward cough/
Chapter 20: Goshh ! >< UPDATE SOON !
seobcute #9
Chapter 20: UPDATE SOON
can't wait next chapter ><
luv_b2st #10
Chapter 20: OMG OMG ><
Can't wait for next chap