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Forgetting Your Life


"Hey oppa?" -ej
"What's up? " -su
"OK, I was talking to Yoochun about stuff lead to speaking about our marriages and stuff. Than I showed him the wedding video and he now knows what Ji Hoon looks like and is angry that you decide to keep working in the same company as him." -ej
"Eun-jung I thank you for letting see the video, but when Ji Hoon came up why didn't you lie? Look it's fine I will deal with it later I know he is going to ask me about it." -su
"Junsu you know I couldn't lie. Do you not remember how Ji Hoon looked in the video? He looked a mess he cried when he was congragulateing us remember that?, besides he guessed." -ej
"OK, so Ji Hoon caught his attention. Alright. Thank you for the heads up though. Ah Eun-jung I wanted to thank you for being the one to remind him of Ji Hoon in the first place...." -su
"OK oppa, I am sorry ok. It Just came out. Alright bye" -ej 
Junsu was preparing for the basic arguement he would end up having with Yoochun over working with Ji Hoon. 
Junsu after picking up around the house and putting changmin to bed, got ready for bed. 
"OK, tell me what you want to say to me about Ji Hoon" -su
"OK, how can you still work in the same company as him? You know I didn't like him because of what you said he did. I was ok with it for a while but after seeing that video I apparently was reminded that this guy was obssessed with you since before we got together in college." -yc
"Yoochun, Ji Hoon is obssessed as you call it. In college I didn't know that he was like that which was the reason I let myself be treated like that, back then I thought that was ok. *Junsu began to cry & his voice was cracking* I had been gay since I can remember and he was the only person I knew who was ok with holding me" -su
"OK, I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. I am just worried that he will once again try and do something." -yc
"I asure he will not be doing anything again." -su
"Why do you say it like that? He already tried something didn't he?" -yc
"He tried to make me have with him in his office today, Until I hurt his jewels. I may be your "Wife" but the I am still a man and know how to take care of myself" -su
"You did what? His jewels....Oh OK" -yc 
"Yea. Ok, Can we just go to bed I am tired...."
Yoochun held Junsu in his sleep and calmed himself down. 
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Chapter 28: thanks for sharing,,, :DDDDD
But it was an amazing story~ Keep writing author-nim
uknown123 #3
Chapter 28: Idk why I'm not mad that junsu had with ji hoon! I actually was ok with it and even found it hot! What is wrong with me?!

Aww it's over! I want more! Maybe some more ji hoon too? Haha. I can't believe myself!

silvergalleon #4
Chapter 31: tenkyu for the story...hehehe
will u make a sequel???
Chapter 26: omg Chunnie is starting to comeback!
Chapter 26: whoooo omo omo what happen?we'll see a protective chunnie from now on??>.<
Chapter 26: i really don't know what will happen and how things will develop...will yoochun remember anything eventually?? what's with the situation with jihoon??
uknown123 #8
Chapter 26: Woot woot yoochun! Get rid of ji hoon! Send him to me, ill teach him a lesson! Muhahahahaha! Junsu protect yourself!
Chapter 26: yes Yoochun, go protect Junsu from Jihoon
Chapter 24: i thought you didn't intended to make yoochun have junsu so soon, but i guess you've got pressured by their and you had nothing to do other than write part...nice one though...i just hope it won't get awkward between them...and i like when junsu is in charge ahahahaaaa