13. ~ Getting Situated at Home ~

Forgetting Your Life


Arriveing at the house Junsu knew he would have to help him alot, and touch him but he didn't and Yoochun to yell at him. Junsu went and got them wheel chair and quickly set it up and close to the car. Yoochun told Junsu to help him back up into the chair. Yoochun used his right leg to support his weight and get out of the car he sat down hard from the pain. 
Junsu pushed Yoochun inside and asked him if he wanted to go to his room or stay on the couch for a while. Yoochun said he wanted to stay on the couch. 
Junsu asked Yoochun if he wanted something to eat, Yoochun nodded so he got him a tray with food and let him eat on the couch. Junsu decided to eat with him on the other couch while watching tv. 
'This food is so good! did you make this?' -yc
'Yes, I did. It's your favorite food since we first met...... Ah sorry ...' -su 
Junsu turned away from Yoochun. They ate in scilence. When they were done Yoochun noticed the Family video's and asked Junsu to play one. 
Junsu smiled and put one on. 
Junsu began. 
'This one is from our visit last year to your parent's village. 
The video was mainly Yoochun playing with Changmin. The whole family at a picnic lunch. Them at a river swimming and having alot of fun.
The last bit was of Yoochun's younger brother telling him he needed to visit more often. 
When the video ended Yoochun looked at Junsu who had a happy smile and said.
'I do not remember any of that.....' -yc
Junsu's smile dropped. 'Ok are you ready to get to your room I need a nap or do you want to stay on the couch for a while?
'I will stay on the couch and watch T.V for a while.' -yc
Junsu nodded and walked away to his room. 
Junsu P.O.V 
I couldn't bear the pain in my chest anymore I turned some music on and brokedown. 
Everytime I heard him say that he didnt remember me or Changmin it hurt like he was stabbing me everytime. I loved him so much. We have been together for 12 years and now he didn't know who I was? 
I am keeping hope that he will soon remember everything. All I can do right now is wait. I kept crying.
End Junsu P.O.V
Junsu soon fell asleep. The stress of everything plus the lack of sleep had finally gotten to him. 
Junsu woke up when he heard Yoochun calling for him. 
'Junsu are you awake?' -yc 
Junsu walks out rubbing his eyes. 
'Sorry I actually fell asleep.' - su
'Can you help me to my bed? -yc
'Oh sure yeobo....... I am sorry, did it out of habit.' -su 
Yoochun froze when Junsu called him yeobo. 
'Its fine....' -yc 
They were silent as they made their way to Yoochun's room. 
Junsu explained to Yoochun why he was staying in the guest room. 
'Ok this is the guest room, I didn't put you in our bedroom because there is alot of things that may freak you out. So it was easy to just move some of your things here.' -su 
'Oh ok. Can you help me clean my wounds? ' -yc 
Junsu began to help Yoochun. Junsu basically took over. 
OK soon Junsu will be in less pain ok sorry!!!
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Chapter 28: thanks for sharing,,, :DDDDD
But it was an amazing story~ Keep writing author-nim
uknown123 #3
Chapter 28: Idk why I'm not mad that junsu had with ji hoon! I actually was ok with it and even found it hot! What is wrong with me?!

Aww it's over! I want more! Maybe some more ji hoon too? Haha. I can't believe myself!

silvergalleon #4
Chapter 31: tenkyu for the story...hehehe
will u make a sequel???
Chapter 26: omg Chunnie is starting to comeback!
Chapter 26: whoooo omo omo what happen?we'll see a protective chunnie from now on??>.<
Chapter 26: i really don't know what will happen and how things will develop...will yoochun remember anything eventually?? what's with the situation with jihoon??
uknown123 #8
Chapter 26: Woot woot yoochun! Get rid of ji hoon! Send him to me, ill teach him a lesson! Muhahahahaha! Junsu protect yourself!
Chapter 26: yes Yoochun, go protect Junsu from Jihoon
Chapter 24: i thought you didn't intended to make yoochun have junsu so soon, but i guess you've got pressured by their and you had nothing to do other than write part...nice one though...i just hope it won't get awkward between them...and i like when junsu is in charge ahahahaaaa