9. ~ Explaining ~

Forgetting Your Life


Junsu went home sad because his lover didn't know who he was. That in a messed up way Changmin and him were basically strangers to Yoochun. 
Junsu got home to be greeted by his son. 
'Umma! How is appa? Did he wake up?' -cm
Junsu gave Changmin a small smile and nodded. 
'Yes baby appa is awake now but I have to tell you something else that happened to daddy.'
Changmin gave Junsu a confused look but nodded. Junsu took Changmin to the guest room. 
Junsu patted the bed to show Changmin where to sit and he began to explain.
'Baby, you understand appa was sick right?'
Changmin nodded.
'Ok you remember that appa was sleeping for a few days, because he was really hurt?.' Changmin nodded.
'ok, well now appa can not remember who me and you are. Appa hit his head really hard and doesn't remember us.'
Changmin's eyes bagan to water and so did Junsu because his son was crying. 
'Umma is appa going to forget about us forever? Is appa going to get better?'
Junsu took a deep breath and held his crying son. 
'I will go and stay with appa in our house and you will stay here with auntie and uncle. I will come visit you. I do not want to let you see appa because I do not want you to cry in front of him.'
'Ok. *sniffle* umma.'
'I want you to be a big boy ok. Umma will try to help appa get better.' 
Changmin fell asleep after crying so much. Junsu left him in the bed and began to explain to Junho and Eun jung what the situation was. 
They all agreed that it would be better to keep Changmin away from Yoochun because they knew Yoochun didn't know him as his son, exposing him to the rejection wouldn't be good for his mental heath for a child. 
Hi hi hi!! I am updateing as much as I can because I have made you all wait too much. 
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Chapter 28: thanks for sharing,,, :DDDDD
But it was an amazing story~ Keep writing author-nim
uknown123 #3
Chapter 28: Idk why I'm not mad that junsu had with ji hoon! I actually was ok with it and even found it hot! What is wrong with me?!

Aww it's over! I want more! Maybe some more ji hoon too? Haha. I can't believe myself!

silvergalleon #4
Chapter 31: tenkyu for the story...hehehe
will u make a sequel???
Chapter 26: omg Chunnie is starting to comeback!
Chapter 26: whoooo omo omo what happen?we'll see a protective chunnie from now on??>.<
Chapter 26: i really don't know what will happen and how things will develop...will yoochun remember anything eventually?? what's with the situation with jihoon??
uknown123 #8
Chapter 26: Woot woot yoochun! Get rid of ji hoon! Send him to me, ill teach him a lesson! Muhahahahaha! Junsu protect yourself!
Chapter 26: yes Yoochun, go protect Junsu from Jihoon
Chapter 24: i thought you didn't intended to make yoochun have junsu so soon, but i guess you've got pressured by their and you had nothing to do other than write part...nice one though...i just hope it won't get awkward between them...and i like when junsu is in charge ahahahaaaa