
My Favorite Mistake

The bell rang and all the students quickly left the confines of their classroom to go to lunch.  Only two students remained, Woohyun and Hoya.  They stayed in their seats, unfazed with the events around them.  Hoya turned his head to the left, pass the empty row of seats, to Woohyun.  He cocked his head, studying the other boys profile.

"Class President?... Someone's doing well for themselves.  Are you enjoying it?"  Hoya sarcastically questioned.
Woohyun didn't respond.  He only looked back at the other.  After, all this time apart he didn't know how to act towards the other boy.  Hoya stood up from his seat and left the classroom.  He didn't really care about Woohyun's reply.  
When the other was out of the room, Woohyun laid his head in his hands.  He sighed in relief.  Luckily, Hoya had done nothing more than talk.  He didn't know if he had enough strength if the other had wanted to pick a fight.  He sat in the empty classroom a few minutes more before dragging himself down to the cafeteria.
Most of the students had already been through the lunch line by the time Woohyun arrived.  He grabbed a tray and picked up some food.  Woohyun paid for his food and scanned the lunch hall for an empty table to sit.  As he was looking around, Hoya entered the cafeteria.  Woohyun wondered why it was only now that the other would show up.  He walked over to the boy in line with tray in hand.  Woohyun stood in front of Hoya, earning himself a glare from the other.  He held out his tray of food out to Hoya.  The other boy hesitated but took the tray.  Hoya stepped out of the lunch line.  Woohyun watched as Hoya walked away with his food.   Now he had no money and no food.  He shook his head and walked out of the lunch hall.   
All the students who witness the interaction between Woohyun and Hoya began to whisper with one another.  They all knew that Woohyun could be a recluse but he wasn't the type to be submissive.  Even Sunggyu couldn't make Woohyun  bend to him.  They start to speculate and gossip of how great Hoya must be to make Woohyun give up his food for him.  Everyone was already naming Hoya as the top kingka.
Sunggyu, Myungsoo, and Sungyeol were also in the lunch hall and they witness the same event everyone else did.  They were just as shocked by Woohyun's action as everyone else.  Most of all Sunggyu was fuming.  He had tried to make Woohyun join his group and was rejected.  Seeing Woohyun just hand his food over to a transfer student, irritated him to no end.  He slammed his fist on the lunch table, scaring his friends.
"I think we need to teach the new kid a lesson.  We still owe him for last time.  He needs to learn who the true kingkas are in this school."  Sunggyu said with a clinched fist.
The end of the day came quickly.  Students were rushing out of the school.  Hoya was walking out of the school gates with his back pack hanging off one shoulder.   As he turned the corner, a familiar body block his way.  He looked up to meet Woohyun's gaze.  The other boy took Hoya's backpack off his shoulder.
"I'll carry this for you."  Woohyun stated.  He had already turned around , ready to walk off, but Hoya pulled him back, taking back his bag.
"Stop trying to be nice to me.  It's not going to work.  We're never going to be friends."  Hoya spoke through gritted teeth.  He pushed Woohyun out of the way and walked off.  
Woohyun followed Hoya.  He kept his distance from the latter.  He didn't want to upset Hoya anymore than he already had.  Hoya knew that he was being followed but didn't care.  He didn't feel like wasting another breath on Woohyun.  He turned down an alley and was confronted my three more familiar faces.  Hoya didn't know their names but they were the same boys that were beating up Woohyun the other day.  
Sunggyu stepped forward towards Hoya.  "We meet again... It seems we have some unfinished business."
Hoya rolled his eyes.  He tried to ignore the boys and walk around them.  Sungyeol stretched out his arm to stop him.  
"Where do you think you're going?" Sungyeol asked.  "We're not done with you."
Sungyeol threw a punch but Hoya dodged out of the way.  Myungsoo and Sunggyu joined the fight.  Hoya was holding is own until Myungsoo kicked him on the leg.  He yelled out in pain and fell to ground.   They had found his weakness.  The three kingkas took the opportunity to gang up on the fallen boy.  There was nothing Hoya could do.  He had lost any advantage he had and all he could do was try to block the blows aimed at him.
Woohyun had been watching the fight.  He had wanted to come to Hoya's side but he knew the other boy wouldn't accept his help.  It wasn't until he watched Hoya fall that, he had to intervene.  Woohyun lunged at Sunggyu.  He knock the kingka down to the ground and began to punch the other boy relentlessly.    Myungsoo and Sungyeol were surprised by Woohyun's hidden aggression.  None of them had expected it from the quiet boy.  No one except Hoya who was smirking to himself.  He was enjoying seeing Woohyun let out his inner demon.  Myungsoo and Sungyeol tried to pull Woohyun off of Sunggyu but Woohyun was craze.  At that moment nothing else mattered and Woohyun let out all his pent up frustration on Sunggyu.  Eventually Myungsoo and Sungyeol combined their efforts and were able to peel Woohyun off of their friend.  Sunggyu was badly beaten  but otherwise alright.  It only took a second for Woohyun to realize what he had done.  He felt disappointed at himself for losing control, but he had to protect Hoya.  The fight did not go unnoticed by the neighborhood.  Soon flashing lights and sirens surrounded the boys.  They were all taken into the local station.
Mr. Park was fluttered to get a call from the police, informing him that five of his students were being held for fighting.  He hurried to the police station.  He was relieved to see that all the boys were fine,  as side from all cuts and bruises.  The five boys were all sitting in front of an officer, being questioned about their altercation. 
The officer interrogating the boys was getting frustrated by their definence.  "... Fine, you boys don't want to talk.  You will all still be reported for fighting.  Name and birthday starting with you."  The officer pointed to Hoya.
"Lee Howon.  March 28 ....1994"
Sunggyu, Myungsoo, and Sungyeol looked at the other boy in shock.  They had not idea that that Hoya was a year older than them.  They were all in the same grade after all.  It soon dawned on the three boys that Hoya must have been held back.  Woohyun shifted in discomfort as it was his turn to speak.
"Nam Woohyun.  Feburary 8th... 1994."
The three kingkas were even more surprise with Woohyun's words.  They looked at the boy in disbelief.  Woohyun didn't look older then them.   The three looked at each other.  With unspoken words they seemed to have pieced the other two boys' secret.  Woohyun and Hoya  had been held back together.  That's why they were the same age and why they seem to have some kind of connection.  
"Kim Sunggyu.  April 28, 1995."
"Kim Myungsoo.  March 13, 1995."
"Lee Sungyeol.  August 27, 1995."
After the police got all the information they need from the boys, they were release to Mr. Park's custody.  They were all standing outside stretching out their bodies.  They savored their freedom after being held at the police station for  so long.   Mr. Park stood in front of the boys with his arms crossed.  He cleared his throat to gain their attention.
"Since I've taken responsibility for the five of you,  you all will join my study session every day after school for a month."  
The five boys groaned but replied in unison.  "Yes, sir."
Mr. Park knew the boys didn't need to be scolded any more.  He would have plenty of opportunities to speak to them in the future.  "It's getting late.  I suggest you all go straight home, get cleaned up, and rest."
"Ne"  The boys all replied with a bow. 
"Straight home and no where else, understand?" Mr. Park emphasized one more time.
"Ne"  The five students watched their teacher walking to his car, leaving them to themselves.
Sungyeol kicked ground.  "Aish!  My parents are going to be pissed that I got into another fight."  The young boy complained.
Myungsoo turned to his friends.  "My parents aren't home.  Why don't you guys just stay over my place tonight?  Your parents won't question that."
"Really, hyung?  That's perfect."  Sungyeol said happily.  
Myungsoo drapped his arms around Sunggyu's shoulder.  "I can help you with your cuts and bruises, Sunggyu-ah."
"Don't treat me like some kid."  The kingka brushed Myungsoo's arm off of him.  Sunggyu started to walk off with his two friends.
Woohyun and Hoya were now alone.  Hoya turned to leave.
"Hoya, wait... If you want I can help you clean your cuts."  Woohyun called out to the other boy.
Hoya turned to face Woohyun.  He glared at the older boy.  "I told you already.  We're not friends, we're not going to be friends, so don't try to be nice to me."
Hoya stuffed his hands in his pockets and left.  Woohyun stayed glued in his spot as he watch the other boy disappear from his sight.  Tears were threatening to fall.  Having Hoya treat him so coldly, felt like a knife in his heart.  

A/N:  I'm sorry about the long wait.

I kept the right month and day for their birthday but changed the years to fit with my story.  It's kinda weird to have Myungsoo be a hyung to Sunggyu but he is for this story.  Can you tell I'm trying to set up a MyungGyu moment in the following chapter.

Is the Love/Hate relationship between Woohyun and Hoya confusing?  It'll all make sense eventually.

Many Thanks to rara234, thebizarreone, Fikagyu, trollesrun, AmileaChanhee, Tuccsii, xkeeki, Chococinna, Coco_mxxx, hiddenrose, avenge96, Lsizee, hungrymuppets, omfgwhy, babypeach, Kavallier, flolinski for subscribing.  

I don't own this image. but Hoya looks so fierce.

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First Chapter will be added by the end of this weekend.


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chimchimgotjams #1
Chapter 11: Asdfghjkl this is my favorite Wooya and Myunggyu fanfic of alL TIME ㅠㅠ please continue, author-ssi. I'll wait ^^
remand_a #2
Chapter 11: Interesting story.... I love myunggyu, they're so cute n sungyeol is just..... Hahaha I can't stop laugh when sungyeol starting to yell
Please update soon... I'll wait
Chapter 11: Ohhh a myunggyu cute <3
SuperQuiet #4
Chapter 11: Please update as soon as you can. PLEASE…PLEASE …
will u continue this, Author-sshi??
ioana_tzutzu85 #6
Chapter 11: I think it's a good idea, I cant wait to see what happens next,I love u're story, and waiting for u're next update, please do it soon
burdenheart #7
aw i hope you will be able to give this story some kind of ending. it would be nice! ^^
Chapter 11: Update soon!!! So interesting!