
Baby Trouble


There was nobody there, that was what Ryeowook knew. He look as Yesung stare at the picture of his body, smiling widely. Ryeowook knew how hurt the man was. He haven’t even seen his brother for a long time and now the police had bring news that he’s dead.


Yesung must be devastated, Ryeowook thought as he lean against the wall and sigh.


It hurts him too. Jongjin is a nice man. He had been really caring and nice. Jongjin even accept the fact that his brother is homoual and had a relationship with his friend. Ryeowook fought back the tears that was threatening to fall down his cheeks.


He remembered how he had met Jongjin in highschool. How the man was really friendly with him and how he had introduce Yesung to him. If it wasn’t because of Jongjin, Ryeowook wouldn’t have met Yesung. He wouldn’t have a reason to live right now.


But now, Jongjin is dead and all Ryeowook wanted was to cry in despair. But he knew he had to be tough for Yesung. The man would be in a worse state than him.


With a sigh, Ryeowook made way towards Yesung and kneel down beside him. The man was a crying mess and Ryeowook felt his heart clench at the sight.


“Sungie, calm down please”


He whispered as he pull Yesung into his embrace, a few tears stream down his cheeks. Yesung hiccup a few times as he clutch onto Ryeowook, crying his eyes out. He can’t believe that his brother is dead and moreover, his only family that is left on the planet.


“I’m sorry”


Ryeowook whispered and that was all Ryeowook could do. They both stood there as Yesung cried. Neither of them had notice two girls coming inside the room. Neither both of them had notice them walking nearer to the both of them until the baby in one of the girl’s arms began to cry.


Both Ryeowook and Yesung look up to the girls.


“Who are you girls might be?”


Ryeowook ask, knowing full well that Yesung doesn’t have the courage to say anything just yet. The both girls bowed at him. “We are sorry for interrupting. I am Tiffany and this is Sulli. We are the co-workers of Jongjin. We heard what happen and we decide to come  and give you our condolence”


The girl with the brown hair said and Ryeowook nod.


“Thank you for coming. I bet Jongjin would be happy seeing his friends remembering him”


Ryeowook said as he bow back at them.


“And there is one more thing”


The short haired said as she took something out of her bag. Ryeowook pondered for a while as the girl gave the folders to Jongwoon as Tiffany gave her the baby.


“This is Luhan. He is 5 months old. He is Jongjin’s son”


Ryeowook choke onto his own saliva when he heard what Tiffany had said and Yesung widen his eyes when he took out the paper. The paper showed that the legal guardian of the child is Yesung and Ryeowook.





“Jongjin got married with Krystal secretly without anyone knowing except us. We knew about them and when the accident occurred, Luhan was staying with us. Jongjin and Krystal had given us these and told us to give him to his brother. It was like they knew they are going to die”


Sulli said as she fought back her tears. Yesung took a deep breath trying to sink in everything they had said.


“Where is she then?”


Yesung ask and Sullie shrugged her shoulders.


“We don’t know because she disappeared suddenly. But we think that the accident was planned”


Tiffany said and Yesung raise an eyebrow.


“By who?”


He ask.


“Krystal’s brother-in-law”



Ryeowook stared at the little infant in his arms. The little boy had his eyes closed as he sleeps and Ryeowook smile at him. He was cute and Ryeowook fondly push his cheeks. The boy stirred as he look up and blink his eyes at Ryeowook. Soon, a cry came from the little infant that Had Ryeowook panic slightly.


“Ahgi-yah, don’t cry”


He whispered and as he cradle Luhan. He began to sing ‘Do Re Mi’ to the little boy making him giggle. Ryeowook smile at his cuteness when a slight cough could be heard and he look up to see Yesung at the door.


A wide smile spread on Ryeowook’s face as he neared the man.


“Ryeowook, we need to have a serious talk”


And Ryeowook knew immediately it was about Luhan. Holding the boy close, Ryeowook followed Yesung to one of the chairs and sat on it. A silent came between them as Ryeowook held the child closer. Even if he had been with the child for only a few minutes, he could feel the bond with the child and he knew it was impossible to part with him.


“Let’s fill in and be Luhan’s parents”


Ryeowook said cutting Yesung’s words even before he could say something. The man stare at his lover in shock, that wasn’t really the thing he expected to hear.


“Are you sure?”


Ryeowook nod as he held the infant tighter.


“I want to love Luhan like my own child”


He whispered, his heart tighten for a while and Yesung was shocked for a moment. When he had come back into his senses, he smile. He took Ryeowook’s free hand and grasp it softly, gazing into Ryeowook’s eyes lovingly.


“Thank you beautiful”


And Ryeowook couldn’t go even redder than that.



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257471 #1
Chapter 8: Hahahaha interesting and fun...hope to see an update soon
Chapter 8: wild indeed..hahahaa
Chapter 5: brother in law?? isn't that yesung?
YooJiHyuk #4
Chapter 8: Donghae turn to baby?
LOL jongwoon !! Ur imagination LMAOO
Hope the babies will be fine......or the daddys ~~ ><
Chapter 8: That last line. XD
Now then, all the dads shall gather and form a daddy daycare and everything will become disastrous! *throws diapers and baby powder everywhere*

Please update again soon!
Chapter 8: Is this finish? If not please finish the chapter and if It's finish I'll say I love the story so bad :D
Chapter 4: Yay! I thought Kyumin will end in the story and I love the story so bad kk It's time to read the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: No! Kyumin won't end!!
ichathoriqlover #9
Chapter 8: Wow, it seems to be daddy's day with the babies, right? What could go wrong?
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 7: Kekeke I thought kyu would be appa and sungmin be mommy but hey as long as together, no worries...