
Baby Trouble


Ryeowook laugh when he felt Yesung’s arms wrap around him. “What are you doing baby?” Those husky voice that always manage to charm Ryeowook came to his ears making him giggle even more, clearly distracted from job he was doing.


“When did you get home?”


He ask turning from the carrots he was cutting to meet Yesung’s dark brown eyes that also manage to hypnotize him. “Just a few minutes ago. I have the day off while Sungmin and Donghae has a lot of work to do” Yesung said and Ryeowook nod.


“And I want to spend the whole day with you”


He said as he lean down and capture the younger’s lips into a kiss. Ryeowook smile as he kiss the other back, loving the fact that he has the older for the whole day. It was a rare occasion when Yesung gets a day off because he always has a lot of work.


“Good, I miss you too anyways”


Ryeowook said as he cling onto Yesung and they kiss once more. The innocent kiss they shared turn aggressive as Yesung bit Ryeowook’s bottom lips making him moan and gave Yesung the access to explore his cavern. Ryeowook clings tightly against the other as he wrap his legs around Yesung’s waist.


They both were enjoying the moment until Yesung smell something and he pull away. Ryeowook whine at the lack of touch.

“Ryeowook, were you cooking something?” He ask and Ryeowook widen his eyes as he scramble off Yesung screaming something about lunch being ruin because of the distraction and Yesung laugh.


“I am a huge distraction aren’t I?”


He had jokingly said and Ryeowook glared at him before turning off the stove, clearly not somehow pleased.


But they did had a good lunch as the food Ryeowook was making wasn’t equally burn and it still taste good that had them both playing around again.


It was another fine day for them.




Ryeowook lean his head against Jongwoon as they sat on the sofa watching the TV. It was boring for him seeing the news about killers and everywhere making him yawn slightly. Yesung chuckle when he saw Ryeowook yawning like a little kid. He put his arms around the other and pull him close.




He ask earning a nod from Ryeowook who snuggle close to him. He chuckle again and ruffle his hair. Quietness took over them as Yesung changes the channel until Ryeowook shout at him to stop. Yesung gave him a blank stare.


“Spongebob Squarepants?”


He ask and Ryeowook grin at him, blushing madly. Yesung chuckle again.


“You’re such a kid Ryeowook”


He said as he pull Ryeowook for a hug once more. Ryeowook didn’t comply at all and they soon fell into a giggling mess as they watch the show.


“Sungie, what do you think of kids?”


Ryeowook ask him suddenly earning a blank face from the latter.


“Kids? They are fine for me. Why did you ask baby?”


He ask Ryeowook back who pout at him.


“Sometimes I felt jealous looking at couples who have kids” he said and Yesung sigh.


“I’m sorry. It’s my fault that you don’t have your own family and kids” he said and Ryeowook glared at him. “What does that mean?”


He said with a pout that had Yesung laugh widely.


“Okay, this conversation is over!”


Ryeowook said dramatically that Yesung laugh again as Ryeowook hug him tighter. These kind of conversation had never hurt them in any way because that had faced all the hard things in their life and all they want is to be happy with each other’s presence.


“Talking about kids, do you want one baby?”


Yesung ask him suddenly and Ryeowook glared at him.


“Haven’t I told you that this conversation is over?!”


He hiss but Yesung shook his head and caressed the younger’s brown lock.


“I mean it. If you want kids, we can go and try to adopt one. Would you like that? We could be a complete family” he said and Ryeowook look at him with wide eyes.


“You’ve got to be kidding Yesung. You, Kim Jongwoon wants kids?”


He exclaim which earn a pout from Yesung.


“Hey! What’s wrong with me and kids?”


He ask and Ryeowook giggle slightly.


“Are you sure you want kid, Yesung?”


Ryeowook ask and Yesung nod, leaning down and kiss Ryeowook’s forehead.


“Yes, if you want one”


He head said that had Ryeowook beam at him. But soon had a frown on his face which Yesung sigh slightly. Somehow he wondered how Ryeowook always change his mood.


“But the government doesn’t accept couples like us”


He said and Yesung nod. He turn to his lover before kissing his forehead once more. “I know honey but we could always try. We could also do what Heechul-hyung and Hankyung-hyung did in order to get Kris and Baekhyun”


He whispered and Ryeowook pinch him slightly.


“Like you would ever leave your work”


He said and Yesung chuckle again.


“We could always try”


He said with a smile that Ryeowook nod. Silence took over as Ryeowook was lost in his thoughts and Yesung frown at that. He began tickling Ryeowook that had burst in laughter.


“Stop that!”


The boy exclaim between his laughter that Yesung shook his head.






The ringing of the doorbell had stop both of them from their playtime and both look at the door curiously. Yesung sigh as he got up, dusting the invisible dust off his pants.


“I’ll get it”


He said to the confused Ryeowook before making way towards the door and open it. He frown when he saw two unknown man standing in front of their apartment door.


They were very curious looking.


“May I help you?”


He ask them.


“Detective Yesung?”


They ask him and Yesung nod.


“I am Detective Yesung. Who are you?”


He ask them. He saw the man sigh before taking his badge out. It was a police badge.


“Sir, we are from the police department and we are sorry to disturb you. Are you by any chance Kim Jongjin’s older brother?” He ask and Yesung nod.


“Yes, what about my brother?” He ask and felt nervous when he saw one of them bit their lips.


“I’m sorry to inform you this sir but your brother, Kim Jongjin is dead”


The world somehow spin around Yesung and he manage to squeak out a ‘what’ before he trip and fell. The last thing he heard was his name being called before darkness took over.





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257471 #1
Chapter 8: Hahahaha interesting and fun...hope to see an update soon
Chapter 8: wild indeed..hahahaa
Chapter 5: brother in law?? isn't that yesung?
YooJiHyuk #4
Chapter 8: Donghae turn to baby?
LOL jongwoon !! Ur imagination LMAOO
Hope the babies will be fine......or the daddys ~~ ><
Chapter 8: That last line. XD
Now then, all the dads shall gather and form a daddy daycare and everything will become disastrous! *throws diapers and baby powder everywhere*

Please update again soon!
Chapter 8: Is this finish? If not please finish the chapter and if It's finish I'll say I love the story so bad :D
Chapter 4: Yay! I thought Kyumin will end in the story and I love the story so bad kk It's time to read the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: No! Kyumin won't end!!
ichathoriqlover #9
Chapter 8: Wow, it seems to be daddy's day with the babies, right? What could go wrong?
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 7: Kekeke I thought kyu would be appa and sungmin be mommy but hey as long as together, no worries...