
Baby Trouble


Donghae groan as he got into the elevator and push the number eleventh button. He sigh before leaning against the rail and close his eyes for a moment. He was dead tired. All he wants is just to get some sleep with his ‘wife’.


He’s a detective but not just any detective. His team is the best in their company. His team consist of three men, himself, Lee Donghae, the oldest and the most experience, Kim Jongwoon or he prefer them calling him Yesung and the cute bunny Lee Sungmin.


People want them to work on cases as they hardly fail in the cases they got their hands onto. But somehow, a year ago, there was one case that they had caught the killer but Donghae himself wasn’t sure if that’s the one. There was something wrong about the case but Donghae couldn’t do anything because politics are involved and KABOOM!


The case is closed.


The elevator rang a ding when it reached the eleventh floor and soon, the two sliding door open. He got out of it and began to make way towards his house. Somehow from here, he could smell the delicious food his ‘wife’ is cooking.


Ah heaven, he thought.


Just as he turn to the corner, he collide with someone that almost had him fell. “Hey!” he cried out and the said person turn, bowing at him slightly.




The woman had said and before Donghae could say anything, she fled. Dumbfounded, Donghae just stood at the hall like a statue. Somehow the woman looked familiar. He felt like he had seen her before. With as shrug, Donghae turn and stop midway when he saw something on the mat in front of his apartment.


He sprint towards the thing, finding that it was a basket that had a blanket covering the content. Wild imaginations went through his head as he neared the basket.


What if there is a knife that is covered with blood? Or someone’s organ? Or worse




But Donghae doubt it was drugs when he heard cries. A baby cries. Without any hesitation, he move closer to the basket and took the blanket.


His eyes widen upon seeing the content.


A baby?




Hyukjae hum as he move around the kitchen trying to make a decent food for Donghae. He knew the man was coming home late and Hyukjae pity the man. Donghae work hard to give them both a life. After Donghae left his family, they instantly got married and Donghae became a detective. He, Hyukjae decide to open up a café which is quite successful now.


He put the plates on the table and glance at the work, raising his eyebrows in process. “Where is he?” Hyukjae thought when he saw the clock strike 1 a.m. Donghae should be home by now, that’s what he thought as he finish up the last touch and smile at his hard work.


It was a perfect dinner for Donghae. To come home and be greeted with home cooked food.


Suddenly there was a jingle and soon the door open. “Hyukkie?” immediately Hyukjae who was in the dining room made way to the living room when he heard his husband calling for him. but he didn’t expect to hear a baby’s cries.


He wondered where that came from.


And when he arrived at the living room, he was sure he didn’t expect to see the sight of Donghae with a baby in his arms.


No, he didn’t expect it at all.




Donghae took the baby from the basket. The baby is a he, Donghae knew that. He inspect the baby that was wrapped in a blue blanket as he cries. The baby was a bit bluish that Donghae knew because of the cold weather.


With a sigh, he took his keys out and began opening the door. It was important to make sure the baby is safe first before he does anything else. As he open the door and got in with the basket in his left hand and the baby cradle on his right arm, Donghae thought for a while.


He wondered how Hyukjae would react upon seeing the baby.


Would he freak out and accuse of Donghae cheating?


He shrugged as he close the door with his right foot and made his way to the living room where the fire place was near.




He called as he got in the living room, putting the basket on the coffee table nearby. He carried the baby boy with his both arms as he tried to make him stop crying but somehow he failed.




He turn and smile upon seeing Hyukjae. His sore limbs and tired body was swept away when he saw the man he love the most.


“What is that?”


Hyukjae ask walking nearer to him and Donghae look at him confused. When he realize what Hyukjae had meant about, he mentally slap himself for forgetting that he was holding the baby.


“It’s a baby”


He said as Hyukjae got to his side and look at the crying infant. He widen his eyes immediately.


“Donghae! The baby is blue! He’s cold”


The older said as he quickly took the infant from Donghae and made his way towards the bathroom. Donghae just followed the other, an amused smile on his face.


‘What are you going to do with him in the bathroom?”


He ask and Hyukjae turn to him.


“I’m going to give him a warm bath so he wouldn’t feel so cold”


Came the answer from Hyukjae before presuming his way to the bathroom, cooing slightly at the infant. A smile left Donghae’s face when he saw how Hyukjae was around the baby. The man cares about kids a lot. They both loves kids a lot too.


He glance at the living room and saw the basket before he sigh and lean against the wall.


He knew he wouldn’t get a good rest tonight like he had expected.




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257471 #1
Chapter 8: Hahahaha interesting and fun...hope to see an update soon
Chapter 8: wild indeed..hahahaa
Chapter 5: brother in law?? isn't that yesung?
YooJiHyuk #4
Chapter 8: Donghae turn to baby?
LOL jongwoon !! Ur imagination LMAOO
Hope the babies will be fine......or the daddys ~~ ><
Chapter 8: That last line. XD
Now then, all the dads shall gather and form a daddy daycare and everything will become disastrous! *throws diapers and baby powder everywhere*

Please update again soon!
Chapter 8: Is this finish? If not please finish the chapter and if It's finish I'll say I love the story so bad :D
Chapter 4: Yay! I thought Kyumin will end in the story and I love the story so bad kk It's time to read the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: No! Kyumin won't end!!
ichathoriqlover #9
Chapter 8: Wow, it seems to be daddy's day with the babies, right? What could go wrong?
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 7: Kekeke I thought kyu would be appa and sungmin be mommy but hey as long as together, no worries...