Waking up

The Ghost

AN: Hi guys x3 I actually wanted to update yesterday, but apparently headaches can prevent one from doing everything they had planned *pouts* The funny thing was that not even the painkiller seemed to work o.o I was like waiting and waiting and waiting and it didn't help...but then I fell asleep xDD (after many hours xD) I'm fine now though, and here is chapter 8 x3

Jiyong was snuggled close to somethig..well rather someone. He could feel a pair of eerily familiar arms wrapped around his waist tightly, hot, even puffs of air tickling his neck, legs tangled with his.

At first, the ghost panicked .With his mind still foggy, clouded by the fragments of his dreams in which he had been held quite similarly, he still couldn't quite grasp the fact that he had been saved...

It was just hard to believe, really. How could he be lying on a bed with someone who provided so much warmth, so much comfort when he was supposed to be in the wardrobe, desperately needing but never getting any help? How could he feel so warm, so loved just by the mere presence that was surrounding him? How could he... how could he be free? He just couldn't be and he knew it. As much as he had been yearning for freedom for many years now, he had always known that he would never have it. It would have been too perfect, really. He had been killed yet he never actually died for some reason and his punishment for not leaving this world was to stay in that confined place, waiting for a miracle that would never come. 

Or maybe it did, and that was what terrified the young ghost the most. He thought of his eternal prison, of the cold there, the darkness yet he couldn't even imagine being there. Maybe, most people would have been happy to realize that they had truly been saved, that someone had really found them, but somehow, Jiyong panicked before he could have truly realized what really was going on.

The small boy's breathing sped up, quickly turning into short gasps as he forced his eyes to open despite the harsh sunlight that was slowly illuminating the room, thinking that he would then wake up from the beautiful reality he thought was simply a dream, but then slowly, the memories of the previous day flooded his mind. Seunghyun, who was at the moment sleepy deeply as he held the boy, saving him, taking him home, holding him, bothering him about the bracelet. Every little thing that had happened had slowly filled his thoughts, weirdly strong enough to calm him down. The ghost could literally feel his breath slow down as his eyes fluttered close on their on accord, his whole body relaxing suddenly as he let those memories enchant him.

He could once again hear Seunghyun's voice when he had saved him, he could once again feel the elder support his weight despite all the blood that had stained his clothes. He could hear every single sentence the teenager had said before and it made him feel somewhat..content.

He couldn't really describe what he was feeling, really. At first, he had been panicking but now, he was feeling happy and safe just because he realized where he was and that he was finally free. His lips curled into a lazy smile as he let sleep envelope him once again, his last thought being My Hyunnie..

Seunghyun woke up not long after, unconsciously tightening his hold on the fragile boy that was resting in his arms. He opened his eyes and smiled softly, admiration radiating from his gaze as he took his time to look at the ghost's face that was now clean, hinted with the softest hint of a blush. His hair was a bit messy but still perfect for Seunghyun, a cute little blonde mop on the top of the boy's head. His plump, soft pink lips were slightly parted as he inhaled and exhaled, his chest rising and falling peacefully at the same time. Sometimes, soft snores would escape the boy which would in turn make the taller teen laugh a little at his cuteness. 

All these little things seemed so mundane, so normal but somehow when it was Jiyong who was breathing in and out softly, when it was him who let out soft snores, when it was his hair that was tousled cutely, it was different. 

Frankly, Seunghyun couldn't help but think that something was wrong with him. He just couldn't look away from the peaceful ghost who was sleeping peacefully still, it was like he had to keep gazing at him as if that would protect him from all the evil that their world was filled with. Though, he had to admit that even if there was only good in the world, he wouldn't have been able to look away for a long time. He was drawn to Jiyong. Not only to his beauty but to his personality as well. 

The teenager sighed softly as the blonde in his arms stirred again and woke up slowly, his eyes fluttering open within a few moments as he let out a content sigh.

"Morning..."The ghost whispers, biting into his lower lip to restrain himself from saying Hyunnie. The first thing that came to his mind was that simple nickname... He knew that it was important to him and now only because of Seunghyun but he had no idea why and it made him a little sad. 

"Morning Ji!"Seunghyun smiled and without thinking, kissed the smaller boy's forehead gently. "Did you have a nice sleep?"He asked, his smile widening when he saw the younger nod.

"Yeah."The ghost mumbled after a few moments, as he started to sit up but was pulled right back into the stronger boy's arms, his hold tightening on him a little. 

"Let's just stay like this for some time still, okay?"The elder asked, smiling when Jiyong nodded dumbly, his cheek a deep red. Slowly, he snuggled closer to Seunghyun and smiled.

"Thanks for everything."He said softly, smiling up at the elder."For saving me and letting me stay here...and simply everything."He added, chewing on his bottom lip nervously.

"Cute."Seunghyun thought as he shook his head a little, a soft chuckle slipping out his slightly parted lips. "You can keep on saying that but my answer will always be you're welcome."He said as he ruffled the smaller boy's hair gently, smiling when he could see how Jiyong's blush deepened a little.

"Sorry."The small blonde said softly, a cute giggle escaping him."I can't help being thankful though..."he added, curling into Seunghyun's side, feeling happy.

AN: Sorry if the beginning was a bit confusing = Jiyong panicked cause he was too used to being alone and stuff xDI hope you were okay with this chap though xD

I hope to see you at the next chap x3

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You know... I have a half-finished chapter up. It's been hidden for like 2 week now xDD


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lucydod #1
Chapter 11: This is so good! I need to know how it ends! <3
Dragon63 #2
Chapter 11: oh my god authornim!!!~~
this fanfic is totally amazing, and im absolutely in love!!!! :D
it has a really interesting plot, and i love that ji is so vulnerable and in pain
please update again soon authornim!!!~~ can't waitttt :D :D :D :D
Shootz #3
Ok, so this was one of the first GTOP stories that I read, I really love it, and I hope that you can update it someday! I appreciate your efforts in writing this awesome story, I could wait for years just to read another chapter. Ok so that´s all, Sending you good vibes from here :)
Chapter 11: Oh, my love~
i read all the whole chapters to refresh my mind. and well, now, i want more and more chapters to be added. :)
Chapter 11: *chapter....
Chapter 11: Haha!i dont get it bcs i dont remember what happened in the previous chaptef
Chapter 11: Could seung's mother be the girl dream GD and Top were talking about?
Chapter 11: Thanks for the update haha I've been waiting for this since idk when lol this is good :)
Chapter 11: Why could I not think of it before!!!! So we finally know a little of theirs past!!!!