"Kwon Jiyong..."

The Ghost

AN: Hi guys ^^ I decided to update cause dunno xD I felt like it I guess? I wanted to update one of my JongKey fics but my head is empty o.o I've been working in this part before I started this story so it's easier to type this down xD

Jiyong could hear the shuffling sound of footsteps, gradually getting louder. His eyes widened when he realized that someone was in the storehouse, or very close to it. The idea of this someone setting him free made him smile. "You just have to come here and opened the wardrobe. And push the stuff blocking it away.."He thought, trying to establish a mental connection with the stranger. Only after minutes did he realize that it was ing pointless. Nothing happened. "As if I thought it'd use.."He muttered to himself, pouting for a moment before finally a useful idea ran through his head.

Well, he hadn't been able to interact with people for a long time, so no one could really blame him. And really, whenever he pounded on the door or screamed before, the people outside would just run away. So why couldn't he try connecting to a human? Okay, as he thought about it, the idea was completely ridiculous. Maybe he had gone mad over the time he had spent there, locked into that ing wardrobe. Why on Earth was that wardrobe even there? And what the had Jiyong down to be there?

This questions were once again invading his thoughts as he listened for a few moments, making sure that his potential savior was truly there, and he wasn't just imagining them. Weirdly, an image of a tall, quite muscled teen flashed up in front of his eyes when he thought of the stranger. He couldn't see their face, but he knew that he had seen them before. Jiyong shrugged it off, seriously considering the fact that he was going mental.

The small boy brought his small fist into the door, making a banging sound. He heard the stranger stop, and he almost smirked to himself. "I'm almost free! They are going to help me for sure"He thought, repeating the process as he opened his mouth to yell for help. "Help!" He wanted to shout, but only a shaky whisper left his dry lips. He wondered how he could barely speak or scream when he was dead, so technically, he couldn't be hurt, tired or sick anymore. Or could he? He shrugged it off, pounding on the other until he finally heard a deep, strangely familiar voice. "Is someone there?"Asked the voice, and Jiyong could hear his footsteps as he walked closer to where Jiyong was locked in. Jiyong gulped, feeling a rush of excitement, happiness, and something else rush run through his veins. This someone was really going to help him. Well, as long as he could hear him.

"In here!"He whispered, his voice sounding much weaker and a lot more strained than he wanted it to. Could the stranger even hear him? Maybe he just heard some animal or something. Jiyong was well aware of the fact that rats and mice lived there, obviously glad to find a place what was untouched by humans. Well, most of them at least.

He heard the items in front of the wardrobe being pushed away, and some even crashing into the wall as they were probably thrown onto it. He couldn't help but let out a relieved sigh, his hands trembling slightly from anticipation as he put them on the rotting double doors, pushing them with all the strength he had. 

He pushed, but nothing happened. The doors were stuck. His eyes widened, a stray tear running down his inhumanly pale cheek. There was someone to help him, yet he couldn't leave his cage. Why was life so cruel? What had he done?

All the excitement from before had left him, leaving him breathing shakily as he once again tried to push the door open. He felt someone, most possibly his savior pull it from outside, and moments later, the door opened.

Jiyong was blinded by the sharp light of the room, making him squeeze his eyes shut. He even brought his hand in front of it. Well, he hadn't seen sunshine for a long time.

He heard the other person clear his throat, and slowly opened his eyes. Said brown orbs widened when he realized that the teen he had seen when he thought of his savior was actually the male that was standing in front of him. "So I can see through objects now..."He thoughts, slowly stepping out of the wardrobe.

The other teen, namely Choi Seunghyun was staring at the figure in front of him with slight disgust. And not because the boy himself was ugly, oh no. Quite the contrary, the boy himself was beautiful. But his clothes, his hair... His uniform, that seemed very, very old and didn't resemble Seunghyun's at all was drenched in blood. Near his chest and legs, it was cut open, and the teen could see the boy's bloody skin. His wounds had seemed to be more or less healed, but all of them had scarred.

His luscious blonde hair too had a slight red tint to it, because of the blood it had been matted with. Seunghyun felt bile rose in his throat, even though the injuries didn't even seem that bad.

The boy himself had inhumanly pale skin, whiter than the wall, well, it wasn't hard to be so since the wall in the storehouse was a yellowish color, though he could barely see it since almost every centimeter of it was covered, either by his torn clothes, or his blood. His eyes were beautiful, enchanting, and familiar. Seunghyun shivered as he realized that he had seen them before, but he couldn't remember where.

The worst thing was, that even if he was staring back at Seunghyun, with slightly parted lips and blinking eyes, he looked dead. And for some reason, it made the male's heart clench painfully.

The small boy's legs gave out suddenly, and he let out a tiny yelp as he started falling towards the ground at an almost impossible speed. But before he could have crashed into the cold titled floor, Seunghyun caught him, wrapping his arms around the small boy's sickly thin frame.

"Who are you?"He asked as he let go of the boy done once he made sure that he could stand. The seemingly younger male wavered a little, but quickly grabbed onto Seunghyun's shoulder to steady himself.

"Kwon Jiyong. My name is Kwon Jiyong..."

AN: So, that's it? How was it? Sorry if the start was too funny or I dunno, I didn't want to make it like that, but I had no other ideas xD I do hope that you enjoyed reading this xD If so (or if not), please leave a comment or something. I like getting feedback xD

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You know... I have a half-finished chapter up. It's been hidden for like 2 week now xDD


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lucydod #1
Chapter 11: This is so good! I need to know how it ends! <3
Dragon63 #2
Chapter 11: oh my god authornim!!!~~
this fanfic is totally amazing, and im absolutely in love!!!! :D
it has a really interesting plot, and i love that ji is so vulnerable and in pain
please update again soon authornim!!!~~ can't waitttt :D :D :D :D
Shootz #3
Ok, so this was one of the first GTOP stories that I read, I really love it, and I hope that you can update it someday! I appreciate your efforts in writing this awesome story, I could wait for years just to read another chapter. Ok so that´s all, Sending you good vibes from here :)
Chapter 11: Oh, my love~
i read all the whole chapters to refresh my mind. and well, now, i want more and more chapters to be added. :)
Chapter 11: *chapter....
Chapter 11: Haha!i dont get it bcs i dont remember what happened in the previous chaptef
Chapter 11: Could seung's mother be the girl dream GD and Top were talking about?
Chapter 11: Thanks for the update haha I've been waiting for this since idk when lol this is good :)
Chapter 11: Why could I not think of it before!!!! So we finally know a little of theirs past!!!!