The Sleeping Ghost

The Ghost

AN: Such a late update. Sorry I guys. Umm... Whatever, I still hope that you'll enjoy this chap - and that you'll leave comments and such xD I'm still curious about your theories 'bout Jiyong's past, by the way. BUT I decided to give you a hint which is : Inuyasha.

I think some people will be able to link the story and the plot of the anime / manga :P 

Seunghyun smiled softly as he carried Jiyong into his room, chuckling as the small ghost stirred a little in his sleep, mumbling some incoherent sentences. "Cute."The taller thought as he laid the boy on the bed. Somehow, he had the urge to lie down next to the tiny boy and hold him close.

His heart pounding wildly, Seunghyun realized that once again he was having those thoughts about the fragile boy. He couldn't decide whether he should act upon them or try to push them away. It was obvious that Jiyong nodded plenty of love and care but the other wasn't sure if he would appreciate the type of love he wanted to shower him with. He had no idea why he thought about loving the ghost he had just met, but it was true. He felt much closer to him than anyone before, and all the signs, the need he felt to touch the boy or to just see him, the protectiveness, the way he noticed even the faintest scars on the smaller's cheek and wanted to slowly torture whoever had hurt him only showed that he was in love, or if he wasn't yet, he liked Jiyong very much. He had no idea if Jiyong would ever like him that way though.

And, truth to be told, Seunghyun was scared. This was too fast. He had saved a boy merely hours ago and now he adored him more than anything. He wanted to know everything about the adorable teen from his past to what his favorite colors were... and how he had got that bracelet. Heck, he had got jealous of a ing bracelet. Whenever his girlfriends  He felt a little pathetic because of that, but he still couldn't fight his emotions. It seemed as if with Jiyong, everything was a little different. Starting with the fact that he wasn't alive. 

As he thought about the bracelet, Seunghyun couldn't help but be curious about who had given it to the small boy again. It was obvious that even after his memories had faded away, the boy treasured the small object. Because of this, the elder teen felt a little jealous towards whoever had been so important whose impact had stayed in the boy's mind so much that he cared for the tattered jewelry so much. Silently and gently, the taller boy lifted the tiny ghost's wrist and took a good look at the bracelet. It was nothing special to him, but deep down he still felt like he had seen it before he had met Jiyong. He just had no idea where. 

Jiyong whimpered in his sleep, a deep frown on his forehead as he trashed around a little, the small charm rattling a little as the young ghost tried to pull his wrist out of Seunghyun's grasp. This little action, both made the other teen worried and directed his attention to the heart-shaped charm. He looked at it closely while the still whimpering blonde's wrist. He lifted the charms and inspected it, smiling when he noticed the tiny 'J' on them. Maybe it still had been given to the boy by his family. It was actually pretty possible.

The next, soft cry had shattered Seunghyun's curiosity and made him regret how he hadn't turned his attention to Jiyong's face when he had heard the first whimpers. The small blonde was crying, tears rolling down his pale cheeks one by one. "Don't leave me."He whispered suddenly, voice soft and pleading."Please, don't."

"Hey, I'm here."The other male whispered as he scooted a little closer to the fragile ghost, brushing some stray curly strands out of his eyes before caressing his cheeks, gently trying to brush his tears away. "I'm here, Yongie."He whispered soothingly, his other hand slipping from the ghost's wrist to his hand, slowly intertwining their fingers. A familiar warmth surged through him as he repeated the words and the nickname, smiling a little when a tiny content smile tugged at the ends of the pale blonde's lips as if he knew that he was there with him. A few tears still escaped his eyes though but only to be wiped away by the boy that had saved him. 

Once the ghost was completely calm, Seunghyun slowly lay down next to him, deciding to give in to his urges and at least hold the boy that had suffered so much close. He wrapped his arms around the tiny waist of the ghost, wincing inwardly as he once again had to realize how thin, how breakable Jiyong really was. Still, as the small blonde snuggled close to him, a content sigh leaving his lips, he couldn't help but smile. 

For a while, he continued to watch the sleeping boy. He was amazed by how much Jiyong mumbled as he was still asleep, his pink lips only parting slightly as barely audible sounds left them. Sometimes, he would say coherent sentences that seemed so out of context that Seunghyun had to laugh a little. Once, the small boy stirred a little, alarming the other who was still holding him close, only to giggle a bit, whispering something like "I want it, I really do." which wouldn't have been that funny if the next moment he didn't complain about now wanting it. 

"He's truly unique."Seunghyun thought as he gently caressed the slumbering boy's hair, threading his fingers through the soft, adorable curls. Even if his hair hadn't been dried properly by a hair-dryer, it was perfectly soft. 

A few minutes later, the tiny blonde turned again, pressing his nose into Seunghyun's chest contently, his tiny fingers gripping the other's T-shirt. "My"he whispered. The last part, a name had been too slurred for the other to understand. Again, a spark of jealousy awoke in the taller boy's heart but he tried to push it back, knowing well that whoever this person was, he or she were already long dead which somehow filled him with a weird sense of satisfaction. 

"I'm seriously crazy."He grumbled before tightening his grip on the smaller boy's waist, pulling him impossibly closer and burying his nose in the younger's soft hair, slowly drifting off to sleep.

AN: I deeply apologize for this chapter. I was more than halfway through when I realized that I shouldn't have started it. Thing is that I've had a very strong headache since yesterday night and only take a painkiller for it this afternoon but I think it ed me up. If not, I just can't write. *shrugs* So yeah, I hope that you won't unsub cause of this xD

Whatever, bye <3

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You know... I have a half-finished chapter up. It's been hidden for like 2 week now xDD


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lucydod #1
Chapter 11: This is so good! I need to know how it ends! <3
Dragon63 #2
Chapter 11: oh my god authornim!!!~~
this fanfic is totally amazing, and im absolutely in love!!!! :D
it has a really interesting plot, and i love that ji is so vulnerable and in pain
please update again soon authornim!!!~~ can't waitttt :D :D :D :D
Shootz #3
Ok, so this was one of the first GTOP stories that I read, I really love it, and I hope that you can update it someday! I appreciate your efforts in writing this awesome story, I could wait for years just to read another chapter. Ok so that´s all, Sending you good vibes from here :)
Chapter 11: Oh, my love~
i read all the whole chapters to refresh my mind. and well, now, i want more and more chapters to be added. :)
Chapter 11: *chapter....
Chapter 11: Haha!i dont get it bcs i dont remember what happened in the previous chaptef
Chapter 11: Could seung's mother be the girl dream GD and Top were talking about?
Chapter 11: Thanks for the update haha I've been waiting for this since idk when lol this is good :)
Chapter 11: Why could I not think of it before!!!! So we finally know a little of theirs past!!!!