Chap 6

Follow Your Heart

After the wedding party, Gikwang and you are sitting inside the car with a silent. You are looking outside the clear sky. The driver breaks your silent moment while the car stop infront of your house. You are walk entering your house follow by gikwang behind you.

"Welcome!" your father greet you well then hug you

"yah welcome to my home" you glare at gikwang, once you find your father face you see he frown his face

"our home" your father continue and straighten his arm gesturing to hug gikwang

"Thank you !" gikwang bow clumsy

"we had prepare your room. go up! up to take a rest. i knew you really tired for to day" your father your back.

So both of you walk upstair to your room, with your servant help you with the long dress. Both of you amaze after find the room. Your father realy work hard for this.

Planning Wedding Party Pakistani Bridal Room Decoration

"Yuki you blok my way" gikwang break the moment.

"yaa, you tread on my tail!" you yell at him as he tread your dress that's make you can't move. Gikwang look at his shoes and find he tread your dress.

"sorry" he his neck while you hish to him.

"okay the thing is.. " you throe your flower bucket to anywhere and walk to side of bed "i'm on bed and you on the couch"

"What?" gikwang surprises

"yup. why?" you put your hand on your waist

"well.." he sing this word and walk to the couch.

"I need to shower right now" you see at gikwang while he try to take off his tuxedo and lay on couch

" go ahead" he sigh while close his eyes

"i don't like anyone around my room while i shower. moreover a guy"

"Where i should go?"

"you can go to garden behind" you pull gikwang from the couch and out of the room, swing your door close. You hurry walk entering bathroom while gikwang go anywhere he like for the moment.


Gikwang prov..


I walk downstair and try to find a yard behind the house as yuki said just now. After a minute i glare to every room, finally i find a way to yard. i walk out from the building.


I suprised while someone greet me "Anyeong, may i help you?" i find someone with a round hat and scissor on his hand, i think he is the gardener. "anyeong" so i reply him "i just need to get some fresh air" i smile at him

"anyway congratulation for your wedding"

"thank you ahjusshi"

"sorry to make you surprised, i'm the gardener here" he introduce me

"I see from your dresscode" then both of us laughing "how long you've been work with this family"

"its almost 7 years." i flip my hands on my chest

"I need your help?"

"my pleasure" so both of us sit at the bench.

I am a new person here, i'm hjust a stranger who will live in this familiy for long time enough i think. so, i need to know about this familiy and i found the right person. I'm not waste my time, i ask about the man of familiy. He told me the story, the way he treath his daughter. he very love his daughter but the way he treath is only curb. This thing happen more after his wife died. as their servant observation, his wife died cause of distressfull. So she drunk a lot of alcohol beverage even when the doctor said she is dying she keep drink that thing.

The gardener told me that Yuki is a tractable but sometimes she need to live like a normal girl. She always follow what her father want, because she think she never hava a choice and chance to live like normal girl. she always dream to have an elder sibling. he told me that she also has a fisrt love when she is in 7 years old. Yuki the one who told him, she likes to sit at the bench around back garden and watch the clear sky. Her first love is korean, she met when the first time she visit her mother familiy.

When i heard 'Love' word i look at my mobile phone's wallpaper there are hyosung and i . i permit to the ahjushi to make a call so he seems leave me alone. My finger are browsing to find Hyosung's number, just wondering what is she doing right now.

"yoboseyo" i hear the sweet voice on the line

"ah, yoboseyo" i reply

"How have you been?" i continue my word

"i'm just doing a practise for our performance next week. what about you?" i knew that she reply my question with his gummy smile

"i'm thinking about someone overthere" i

"yaa, is it okay i talk like this with married guy?" she lower his tone

"hear me this is not the real married life, we just pretending okay"

"I miss you, when we should meet?" i continue

"me too. i free for tomorrow"

"alright then, meet you soon" but suddenly Yuki surprise me when she tap my back and make me a bit jump.

"Whos that?" hyosung raise her tone, but Yuki grab my phone and put on her ear


You prov..

i grab his phone. i think i need to talk with her about this matter, i won't stole his boyfriend. i'm just borrow him for a while, and it's not for my self only but everyone.

"yoboseyo!" i greet her

"Hyosung ssi?" i continue my word

"yes i am"

"i'm Yuki. I would like to say sory to you" i bring the phone far away to gikwang as he need me to give the phone to him.

"hmm" she just humming

"I believe gikwang ssi had told you about our plan. I understand what you feling right now, so I will let you to still be dating with him"

"ah you shouldn't do that to me yuki ssi" i see gikwang try to hear our conversation from far and walk closer

"it's okay, i knew your love story"

"ah it must be him"

"haha, don't be shy. i'm the one who ask him to tell" we chuklle

"good luck for you then, i hope you find your love soon"

"thank you hyosung ssi" i smile

"just call me hyosung unnie then"

"he seems impatient to talk to you, i give back to the right peron then. see you soon unnie" I give back the phone to gikwang.

He put his phon on his ear and start the conversation. her face seems smile brightly while he talk to her. Hyosung unnie right, i have to find my love. "Soon, you have to meet me with her. understand!" i while he still talk with hyosung unnie on the phone.So, i live him alon at the yard.


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gihyoB2Secret #1
Chapter 6: i want it kikwang and hyosung, just give me another boys.. i dont want kikwang and hyosung apart.. jebaaal!
9pmluv #2
Chapter 5: Poor hyosung.. Well author i never mind to give kikwang back to hyosung...they're just so cute together. Since reader act as yuki, just pair me with someone else..i don't want to be third wheel in kisung life...ahakzz..what an emotional reader i am..
gihyoB2Secret #3
Chapter 4: aaaaa make it kisung please~~~
and let yuki with jinyeong later... okaaay and then i will read this with happy heart.. hehehehe just tellin you...