chap 5

Follow Your Heart

After the whole day you and Jina looking for the wedding dress finnaly Jinna got the briliiant idea. She remember yuo still have your mother wedding dress. She hurry back tohome and ask to elder servant to make sure that the wedding dress still pretty enough to use. After two hour you were waiting at the wedding dress shop, Jinna come back and enter the sop with a box in her hand. you just wondering what is inside the box. She open the box and take the thing out. That's your mother wedding dress.

"tta daaa!"

"unnie, where you get that dress?"

"the important thing is, we need to make over this dress." the Miss designer just nod and staring to the dress

"okay tomorrow early morning i'll send it to your home"

"thanks, you're the best" jinna hug her then both of you back to home. Jinna and other team need to prepare other thing while you have to rest for tomorrow wedding ceremony and party.

you lay your body on your bed when suddenly your phone ring. Amber send you a text to congrats you.


Congrats, my lil' Yuki will getting marry tomorrow. I'm so excited!!

sender: Amber


replay to Amber

thanks ^^, i can't breath you know when i'm thinking about tomorrow


you can do it dear. hwaiting! anyway sorry for today, i couln't meet you.

But i'm sure tomorrow i'll come to your wedding. ^^

sender: Amber

less then a minut amber text me again

don't try to reply my text, go to sleep! good night....

sender: Amber


Amber ask you to sleep, not only Amber but everyone ask you to take a rest so tomorrow you'll show them a fresh look. but your eyes disobey your instrustion, they keep open wide. So you think about what will happen tomorrow. you plan to text someone while you looking for any number your finger stuck on gikwang number. Suddenly your phone is ringing and shows gikwang's number.

"hallo?" you answer after pressed the green button

"hi, did i disturbing you in the middle of sleep?"

"nah, i'm still awake"

"i'm just want to make sure that you must be can't sleep, so do i" he explain

"well, tomorrow is our wedding." you continue

"yeah, the wedding" so you clear the troath

"after this you also can dating with her, i won't to disturb your relationship"

"you don't need to do that thing Yuki-ssi"

"Why,? don't you thing i'll be jelous on you" both of you laughing on a phone line.

The two of you keep talking untill the middle of the night. you ask him to tell the story behind of his relationship. In the middle of conversation you fall asleep, gikwang realize it once he ask you a question but you won't answer so he think you might be fall asleep.


The next day is your wedding event. Jinna and head of servent try to wake you up but failed due to you keep awake untill midnight. Your father enter you room to see his daughter wears the wedding dress, but he find you still sleeping. You wake up once your father is your hair. you find every one are looking at you and remember that oday is the event.

"ah, sorry i'm late" you jump from bed and run to the bathroom for a shower.

"go! go!" your fathersmile while jinna pats your


you walk out from bathroom and look at amze when jinna show you the make over wedding dress. "woah, unnie are you sure?" Jina just nod and give you the bright smile ever. You try to wear that dress and look at your self at the mirror.


the make up stylist start to make you up with a natural looks and continue with the hair stylist to make your hair look perfect. you can see your father smile from mirror then walk out waiting you came down and ready. After the team do their best to you, Jinna unnie hande you a bucket of flower and you to downstair meet your father. your father inside the car. You enter the car and find your father sitting beside you. he hold your hand along the road to the wedding place.


as someone open the door and you walk out from the car. you are noticing that you arrived at the place with a simple decoration of garden party. your father offer his hand so, you hang on him as both of you walk entering the place follow the red carpet. Your eyes glaring in everyone who look at you and your father steps.



at the end of the sight you find Gikwang with black tuxedo waiting for you. He smile on you while you approach him. then you continue the wedding ceremony and a solemn pledge. After that you face each other and Gikwang walk closer to you. your face were close eachother so he close his eyes, and you do the same...

you prov..

Gikwang grab my hand and walk closer to me, our face are inch and make me feel his breath. suddenly he close his eyes and his thick lips touch mine. so i close my eyes and do the same. Oh my god he's my fist kiss. i hear everyone cheering on us the both of us release the kiss. I don't know what happen to me but today i feel so happy, feels like live in a dreamland. when i was a kid i always dream this kind of wedding. My parents always ttold me the storry about cinderella, Snow white, Sleeping Beauty and other princesses story. Today i feel like i am the main character from that princess story.

My prince waiting for me at the edge of the red carpets while my father hand me to him, instead of this only pretending but i enjoy the day. I remember that gikwang wihpered something before our first kis

i flashed to the moment, is he just said to forget everything for today? what is the meaning?


Gikwang Prov..

I find my self nervous infront of mirorr, and my dongsaeng dongwoon tap my shoulder to cheer me up.

"good luck hyung" he smile

"thanks!" i flash a smile to him and see the other momber behind, there is Doojoon hyung, hyunseung hyung, junhyunh hyung, and yoseob.

"i never wonder your the first to get marry. I'll sing the special song in this wedding" yoseob say it loudly

"thanks for coming"

"hey hurry, in ten minutes your bride will arrive" doojoon hung pat my shoulder. so i mirorr my self for the last befor i go to the place.


i stand at the edge of red carpet waiting for my bride come. in my mind keep thingking if my bride is Hyosung. " come on don't ruin this wedding gikwang" i wishpering and close my ayes. I hear the music playing as i open my eyes and find a figure with a nice wedding dress and a bucket of flower on her hand. her face look nervous like me while she hold her father arm.

They walk closer and i amaze with her beautiful for a while.Her father let her walk to me so i give her my best smile and i greet her hand. Now we stand in front for a solemn pledge. Now is the time we first kiss. I grab her hand and near my face to her. I'm wishpering to her before i close my eyes " please forget everything for today" so i land a kiss on her soft lips, i knew he kiss me back. We stop after people cheering for us. I smile at her and i knew she feels shy on me.


I knew both of us enjoy the wedding day. Yoseob hyung prove his word and sing a special song on my wedding party, and for today i forget about hyosung.

What would we do next?



please comment and subscrube after you read my FF. Thank you^^

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gihyoB2Secret #1
Chapter 6: i want it kikwang and hyosung, just give me another boys.. i dont want kikwang and hyosung apart.. jebaaal!
9pmluv #2
Chapter 5: Poor hyosung.. Well author i never mind to give kikwang back to hyosung...they're just so cute together. Since reader act as yuki, just pair me with someone else..i don't want to be third wheel in kisung life...ahakzz..what an emotional reader i am..
gihyoB2Secret #3
Chapter 4: aaaaa make it kisung please~~~
and let yuki with jinyeong later... okaaay and then i will read this with happy heart.. hehehehe just tellin you...